Hello, I am sorry for spamming some peoples' e-mails since I keep on creating new stories and such… But I just thought of this one day and I wanted to write it down. This is something I decided to do for fun so some parts might be random and so on. But still I hope you guys will enjoy this!
Summary: Sebastian Michaelis, the world's most famous super star is troubled by a scandal and to die it down it must include his most precious person, Ciel.
Warning: Maybe characters are Ooc… especially Sebastian I guess…
Disclaimer: I do not and never will own Kuroshitsuji.
Chapter 1: The Scandal
Sebastian Michaelis, the world's most famous super star sighed audibly as he waited. Usually he was a patient and calm man, but the scandals which were inflicted upon him was gnawing him from the insides. And this scandal was small compared to others but enough to anger his fans. He couldn't risk his fame for something he didn't even do.
But he did not like the idea, the idea to make the scandal vanish into thin air. After all, it included someone he thought the most precious.
Then there was a sudden knock on his dressing room door, causing him to look up.
"Yes?" he asked softly, suddenly feeling nauseous.
"Your manager has arrived" a staff from the television crew answered through the thin wood of the door.
Sebastian suddenly paled. He regretted this moment and there was nothing he can do about it. He had told him all of the consequences but he still agreed to this plan anyways. And now there was no turning back…
Sebastian slowly stood up from the plush sofa and patted his pale cheeks. Then reluctantly, he followed the staff to go meet his manager.
Ciel Phantomhive's eyebrows twitched in annoyance at the guard before him. He wore his business suit which was navy blue with matching shorts with a black ribbon tied around the neckline. He had a small briefcase in his right hand as his left hand was clutched at his sides.
And even though the high-heeled shoes did help him look a bit taller, he still looked like a child. After all, the boy was still sixteen but he looked young for his age. And the suit that was supposed to make him look professional actually made him seem younger.
"I told you sir, I am the manager of Sebastian Michaelis! Don't tell me you don't know Sebastian Michaelis!" Ciel growled at the guard, his beautiful midnight blue eyes glaring at the man.
"Of course I know Sebastian Michaelis… But boy… You, the manger of that Sebastian Michaelis? Nice try kid but you won't be seeing him with that trick."
"Do you think I am his fan!" Ciel shouted, his anger reaching new heights. "Why would I ever become his fan?" Then he fumbled with his briefcase to take out an ID that signified that he was indeed Sebastian Michaelis's manager.
"Sir, do you see now? This ID indeed shows that I am a manager so I demand you to let me pass!" Then he was about to cross the security gate but was immediately grabbed by the arm.
"I don't know kid…" the guard said uncertainly. "This ID doesn't seem fake but you are just a kid and…"
Then Ciel gave the guard a slight smirk as he asked, "So what? Should I list out all the sins Sebastian Michaelis had committed?"
"Because you see… I am getting quite tired of being his manager. He is just so…scandalous. And you stopping me here just made me fed up. If I am to quit then it will be your fault. And I am sure Sebastian will immediately blame you first… And remember those sins? He has many of those because he never…forgives."
The guard immediately released the boy, fear evident in his eyes. Even though the man was not so sure if the boy was Sebastian Michaelis's real manager, he couldn't risk the idea that maybe he really was. And he was sure that the boy wouldn't cause much trouble.
So without another word, Ciel was allowed to pass through the security gates. With a small sigh, he glanced at his watch to find out that he was still in time. He has been here several times with Sebastian, so swiftly he walked towards the elevators and towards the studio where his life will change drastically because of one single interview.
Sebastian couldn't help but smile as he walked into Ciel's dressing room. No matter what the situation was, he always found himself smiling whenever Ciel was around.
"Sebastian…" the boy whispered as he watched the darkly handsome man walk towards the sofa where he sat.
"So how was school Ciel?" Sebastian asked as he sat next to the boy on the sofa.
Ciel's brows furrowed and with a slight grimace he answered, "The only thing they talked about is your scandal."
"Well it can't be a scandal if I really didn't do it." Sebastian said as he brushed away Ciel's bangs from his right eye.
"Tch, I guess so… And is the guard at the security gates new?"
Sebastian cocked his head to one side and asked, "Maybe but why does that bother you?"
Then Ciel's face flushed in embarrassment and Sebastian couldn't help but chuckle at how adorable he looked. "He didn't believe me when I told him I was your manager…"
Sebastian laughed and he gave a quick kiss on the boy's forehead.
"But are you sure you want to do this? This one interview will change your whole life…"
Ciel looked up at Sebastian with a defiant look as he answered, "This scandal is small but your fans are angry. And this is the only way to cool it down fast enough."
Then a sharp knock on the door made them turn their heads towards the opening door.
"It is time."
"Welcome everyone to the Tonight's Show!" the interview said enthusiastically as the camera zoomed in on her. "For tonight's guests we have the famous super star Sebastian Michaelis and his manager, Ciel Phantomhive!"
Then quickly the cameras zoomed into the pair. They were both equally balanced with beauty making everyone feel like they belonged together.
"So Ciel, how old are you?"
"I am sixteen" Ciel answered with his practiced smile. Even though it was a mask, Ciel somehow was able to make his smiles sweet and angelic.
"Why so young!" the interviewer exclaimed with exaggeration. "But how did you become his manager?"
"We had interviews" Sebastian answered flashing the interviewer his famous smile. The interviewer blushed slightly, and suddenly felt conscious of Sebastian's handsome face. Sebastian wore a suit like Ciel but of course less formal and less childish. And like always, Sebastian was simply stunning.
"And Ciel was there within those interviewers…Now I will never allow anyone to handle my schedules other then my Ciel."
Ciel couldn't help but huff at Sebastian possessiveness over him but he still managed to plaster a smile on his face.
"I see…" the interviewer said and she gave a quick glance at her notes before she stated, "But there were some rumors that your manager was a woman."
"Well of course, it's a lie. I cannot imagine any other manager."
"I see, Ciel must be an excellent manager. Now this actually connects to the next question…There has been some scandals concerning that you have been living with a woman, what do you have to say to that?"
This was the moment both have been waiting for. Even though this scandal wasn't too big, the idea that Sebastian Michaelis has been living with a woman just angered his fans greatly and the truth should be told quickly.
"Well you see…" Sebastian started "it is simple impossible for me to live with a woman because…I am Ciel's guardian."
Ciel couldn't help but flutter his eyes shut. He tightened his fists and found himself trembling slightly.
His life will change from those simple words…