Sorry for the long wait, please enjoy. Disclaimer: I do not own either Warehouse 13 or Yu-Gi-Oh! If did then this would be real!
Yugi Moto
Yugi woke up with a struggle, all he remembered he was talking with Yami about Claudia, and then he just fell asleep all of a sudden. The sun was just about rising as he got up; he turned toward the Pharaoh to see him in a deep thought. "Hey, did something happen last night?", Yami looked at him with a sigh of relief.
"Yes, Claudia was here last night.", Yugi had a shocked look on his face, he knew something was suspicious about her yesterday, "But it wasn't what you are thinking of, there was another woman here, the one Claudia was looking for, last night she tried to kidnap you. It was thanks to Claudia that you're back here, but it appears that she and that woman knew about the Millennium Items".
"What? How much did she know?"
"It didn't get that far, but the woman was once in possession of one of them at one time. But what was stranger was they kept talking about a warehouse".
"Nothing seems to make any sense. So far it seems the target is the Millennium Items, but who was that woman and what does Claudia have to do with any of this?", Yugi kept trying how all the pieces fit together, but he had to admit, this was harder than the Millennium Puzzle.
"After what happened last night it looks like we will have to be on our guard more than usual".
Warehouse 13 Artie Nielson
Pete had just left for the airport, leaving Artie alone in the Warehouse, well Leena was there, but he asked her to get any additional information on the Items. He had to admit, Claudia bugged him a lot and going off on her own after H.G. Wells, did just that, but if she didn't they wouldn't have found the Millennium Items and they were considered legend to the Warehouse. What Artie couldn't help thinking was how that kid Claudia met was involved in all of this, sure he had the Item that no one who ever worked in the Warehouse could find or retrieve, but he also looked like the Pharaoh who was the last owner. Everything he found on the boy from the general public reveal he was just like everyone else until he beat the undefeated champion of the Duel Monsters game, and then he landed on Pegasus' radar and then beat him. And there was next to no information about the last few rounds of the Battle City Finals, other than who won and the cards played.
Artie groaned in frustration just as his Farnsworth buzzed, he hoped Claudia had found more information on what was going on. "Hey Artie, are we feeling a little less grumpy now?", she asked in a cheery voice that annoyed him very much.
"Very funny Claudia. So, what's your situation, find anything relevant yet".
"Not really, but H.G. Wells is right here in the city", he turned white as ghost when he heard that, so she is after those Items, but what does she know that two thousand years of Warehouse agents didn't.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, it gets worse. Last night she tried to kidnap Yugi and take the Puzzle, it looks like she thinks that he knows something about the Items".
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know, she said that 'he was involved in something bigger'", usually people were when they were in possession of these types of Artifacts, "There was one other thing Artie, but it sounds so weird even for me. In the kid's room I found these hippie glasses and when I put them on I saw, how do I describe this, another Yugi".
"Another one? Were these glasses pink tinted by anything chance?"
"Yeah, what are they?"
"Back in the '60's a nineteen year old hippie girl had a long night of partying got shocked during an electrical storm, but when she had the glasses on she claimed she could see spirits of the dead. They haven't been seen in over twenty years, she must have found them after she was unbronzed. But what do you mean you saw another Yugi, can you be a little bit more descriptive?"
"Um, through the glasses there was another boy, but older and serious like, like the Pharaoh on that picture you showed me. Could it be possible that the Puzzle holds the soul of the Pharaoh, is that even possible?", she did have a point, other than is bizarre similarity to the Pharaoh, he was the first to solve the Millennium Puzzle. He had heard about Artifacts of a similar nature, in where the only way to unlock the power of the Artifact was through a blood descendent or in a very rare case a reincarnation.
"Okay, call when Pete arrives in Domino City and if you find any more information on this kid and these Artifacts contact me at once"
"Alright Artie over and out", if H.G. Wells got to him one night she might try again, especially dealing with the situation surrounding these Artifacts. Artie rolled his chair right over to the phone and dialed, hoping the person at the other end would pick up.
Denver, Colorado Bering and Sons Bookstore Myka Bering
Deep in the back of her family bookshop Myka sat trying to make herself read a book, but she couldn't. Ever since she left the Warehouse and her friends she didn't feel like herself anymore; she couldn't tell her family and she didn't call her friends, Myka just didn't know what she should do. She though several times about rejoining the Warehouse, but what if the same situation with Helena happened again? Artie took a bullet for her that day and Pete was almost killed, not to mention the world almost entered a second Ice Age.
Myka had just closed her book when the phone rang, she got up and walked over to answer it. "Bering and Sons Bookshop", the person who was on the other line would affect the rest of her day. "Artie?"
While Myka will be appearing, Steve will not since this takes place between the second and third seasons of Warehouse 13.
PS: there might be a duel featuring the Warehouse characters, but I'm still working that out
Stay tuned!