
H.G. Wells had escaped and Claudia secretly goes after and follows her to Domino City, which leads her to Yugi Muto and Wells' connection behind the Millennium Items. But will she be able to keep the Warehouse a secret long enough to get Myka back and H.G. Wells put away before someone gets hurt?

Disclaimer: I do not own either any of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Series or Warehouse 13. I just think they go together perfectly as a crossover.

Deep in South Dakota, where barely anyone ventured into, stood a large structure known as Warehouse 13, for nearly a hundred the best agents within the U.S. have been selected to protect it and the mysterious artifacts that were hidden inside of it. Though no one would suspect Claudia Donovan to be one of those agents, with her youthful appearance, short red hair with a purple streak on the left side of her face, and clothes that made her look like a nerdy college student. Technically, Claudia was more of an apprentice than an agent, since through a bizarre series of events that led her to the Warehouse's existence to be brought on by the Head Agent Artie Nielsen, who was never happy by Claudia's antics.

While Claudia was always the one to brighten up the room, this time she seemed sad and off somewhere, like something was bothering her. Leena, a young women who ran the Bed and Breakfast where they all lived noticed this as she walked into Artie's office with some papers in her hand. "Hey, Claudia you can't keep sulking around like this, Myka's gone you're going to have to accept it sooner or later". It had already been one month since H.G. Wells (who was really a woman), betrayed them all, almost destroyed the world, and was locked somewhere that was even worst than the Bronze Sector. But what was worst, it caused the departure of Myka Berring, their friend who trusted Wells and brought her on again as an agent.

"I know. I know its been a month, but it feels like forever, I just want her back", Claudia said getting up from her chair and walking over to the glass wall that showed the view of the Warehouse.

"Well, if you're not too busy being sorry for something none of us could have prevented, I found these in Artie's room and was planning on giving them to him, but since he's not here, maybe you could go over them before he comes back", Leena knew that messing with Artie was something Claudia loved to do and thought that it might cheer her up a bit.

"What are they?", asked Claudia with a strike of curiosity.

"Okay, last night Artie was up late researching Artifacts and this one stuck out", she took out a file from the stack she had and laid it in front of Claudia, "It was open when I found it, but inside it mentions some kind of weird Ancient Egyptian Artifacts that were suspected to have resurfaced". Claudia opened the file and saw that one of the pages was paper clipped with pictures of tablets with what looked like monsters on them. Another page showed seven pictures of different Artifacts: a necklace, a scepter, a key, a set of scales, an eye, a circular pendant with five spikes on the edges, and another pendant in the shape of an upside down pyramid. All except for the key had what looked like some kind of eye on them. The next page showed a map of Japan with a red dot pointing towards a precise place.

"Okay, you got a bunch of Egyptian Artifacts in Japan. We've had stranger, so what's the big deal with these things?", right before Leena could tell her, Artie and Pete walked in causing Claudia to hide the file in place with the others Leena carried in with her.

"Claudia, don't think I didn't see that. Now before we begin with our usual assignments-." "There something you should know first". The entire group turned around to see Mrs. Fredric, the Keeper of the Warehouse and Artie's boss who had a knack for showing up silently. "H.G. Wells has escaped". The gang stood shocked upon hearing the news.

"What do you mean she has escaped?", shouted Artie with panic.

"So far, the details are sketchy, but what we do know is that she managed to elude surveillance and sneak out. We followed her to Seattle, Washington, but our trail stops there at the harbor. As far as we know she could be anywhere on the Eastern Hemisphere by now".

"Alright, nobody panic. She must know that we are tracking her, how far can she go?", Pete asked trying to find some reason to be calm.

"We are, but like I said Agent Lattimer, when we were finally able to locate her it was at a harbor and we found out she managed to sneak at the location where boats were going to different countries in Asia. We have no way of actually finding out what her precise destination is", upon hearing the news the entire group was scared and confused about what to do. If the Regents couldn't find H.G. Wells or know what she's up to, how could they?

"Well, do we at least know what she wants or what she's looking for?", asked Artie.

"If she is looking for an Artifact then we don't know it yet. However, we are having our allies and informants looking into anything that might catch her eye. If we receive any new information at all, you will be the first ones to know, and I recommend that you do some research of your own. Remember, H.G. Wells almost destroyed the entire world, with a very powerful Artifact, and there is a chance she may try it again. So be on your guard", she left leaving the whole team worried.