I Don't Own Glee or the characters

Chapter 1

Finn point of view:

We have all summer together. Nice cool breeze to set the perfect mood. Of course I am neglecting the fact that The New Directions just lost nationals two weeks ago, but other than that, life is good. No, perfect. Some of the guys are still a little upset, and I stay clear of Santana now a days, but everyone has begun to take Kurt's approach on the situation and are just happy that we even made it to nationals at all. Quinn even seems to have put the lost along with other things behind her. Not that I really focus and Quinn much anymore, but knowing that she seems to be okay with everything really puts my mind at ease. So now this summer I can just focus on Rachel and me. Summer before senior year, its going to be big.

Mr. Schue is having a small glee party today to close out the year. Its at the new house he bought across town. All glee club members and their families are invited. Mom and Burt are going to go with Kurt and I am going to meet them there after I pick up Rachel since her dads are out of town and can't make the party.

I pull up in her driveway and she is already outside waiting for me. She is wearing a dark green sundress with her hair pinned in a bun, leaving some strands to frame her face. I jump out and open the passenger door for her. She slides in with a thank you. As I walk back to the driver side, I straighten my collar, suddenly feeling as though I am underdressed. Even after I am in my seatbelt, I still try to finger comb my hair while looking at the rear view mirror. I think Rachel noticed my uncomfortable state because she then gently grabs my hand and says,

"You look very handsome today." She than put my collar back the way it was before. "Hey look, we're kind of matching."

For the first time I look down at my shirt and notice that my single strip across my polo is almost the exact same shade of green as Rachel's dress.

I give a soft smile. "Wow, I didn't even notice that until now… wait, you didn't sneak in my room and coordinate our clothes intentionally did you?"

She stared at me for a second. "Okay, I am just going to ignore what you just said."

"Ha, sorry, old habit. I always thought you did those kinds of things last year. You know when you were psycho…and kind of obsessed with me…."

There was a really odd silence after that. Oh gosh, maybe I shouldn't have said that. Maybe she hates me now. Maybe she wants to dump me now. This is a terrible start to my great summer! There is worry and shock all over my face. Next thing I know, Rachel's hand is on my cheek.

"A lot has changed in the year, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess so. You are not as crazy, we have both moved on from other people, I know New York isn't really a big apple, and my dancing has gotten better."

I hear a soft giggle but before I can say anything, she kisses me. Oh yeah, this was going to be a good summer.

It seems that we were the last to arrive at Mr. Schue's party. The BBQ/ pool party was well underway. We walked in holding hands, which got a boo from Santana who was holding a little doll which looked a lot like Rachel. I don't know, maybe she was going to give it to her as a gift or something. My attention was turned away by Kurt jumping out of the pool and coming toward us.

"Finally you guys are here! We started to think you decided to stay in and do the dirty, hahaha."

Rachel's eyes went wide and her face red.

"It was a joke Rachel." Kurt reassured her. "Now come on, lets go get your swimsuit on." With that, Rachel was tugged away. I was already wearing my swimming trunks. Mr. Schue then came up to me.

"Hey Finn listen. I know everyone might be blaming you and Rachel for the lost, but I don't want you to believe that. I am sure there are many factors that contributed to our lost… of course, I can't think of any right now, but they are there. My point is, its summer, and the past is the past."

"Yeah, that's like what Timon always says, you gotta put the past behind you. I love that movie. Thanks Mr. Schue."

"Um, no problem, just enjoy your summer and work on your dance moves a little so we can get a jump on next year."

I gave him a wide smile before I felt a pair of small arms wrap around my waist. Rachel is giggling into my back. I turn around in her arms and give her a kiss on top of her head. Once we come a part I see that she is wearing a yellow and white stripe two piece with big white sunglasses. With the wind blowing her hair around, she looks hot.

"Hey, you want to get in the pool with the others?"

"Yeah, let you just go put my shirt somewhere."

I smile at her again and give her a kiss before walking inside to take my shirt and shoes off. I walk back outside and Rachel is at the edge of the pool dipping her toe in. Without hesitation I run, pick her up, and jump in the pool. As I come up from the water, all I hear is a loud "FINN" and laughter coming from everyone else. At first I think Rachel is really mad at me, but then I hear her join in with the others. I swim over to the circle everyone has created and take a spot next to Mike. Rachel comes and stands in front of me, facing the others, allowing me to drape my arms around her shoulder and waist. Everything is perfect right now; I am just chilling here with my girlfriend and close friends having fun. Puck starts to talk about starting a game of chicken. We used to play chicken all the time with Quinn and Santana. That's when I noticed.

"Hey, why isn't Quinn here?" I asked. I felt Rachel stiffen in my arms a little before relaxing a few seconds later. Could you blame here? I mean, here I am wondering where my ex girlfriend is.

Mercedes was the first to answer, "She should be on her way, I talked to her about a hour ago."

Just then the gate open and Quinn walked in… with Sam. I don't think it bothers me; I am just surprised to see him with her. I mean, are they back together now that Quinn and I broke up? The only reason they broke up was because of me.

"Hey everyone, sorry I'm late. Sam asked me to pick him up at the last minute."

"Yeah, sorry. Homeless people can't really afford cars…"

"So are you homeless or carless? I'm confused." Everyone stared at Brittany. There was an awkward silence. Finally, Artie who was chilling on the pool steps by Mercedes spoke up.

"Why don't you guys jump in the pool? We, or should I say they, are about to play chicken."

"Yeah, that sounds fun, just let us go change. Finn, did you bring that extra pair of trunks for me?" Sam asked.

"Yeah dude, they're right next to my shirt and shoes on the chair inside."

With that, Quinn and Sam left to change.

By the time they came back, Puck had written all of the guys who were playing names in a hat. The girls would pick from the hat and that guy would be there chicken partner.

"Alright Rachel, you first."

Rachel pulled a name from the hat, as she opened the paper the smile on her face fell. She looked at Puck confused.

"I picked… Artie?"

-awkward silence-

"Um, sorry, that must have been a mistake." Puck took the paper out of her hands and through it in the grass outside the pool. "Pick again"

Once again, Rachel reached her hand into the hat and pulled out a name.

"I picked Finn!" I smiled at this, almost wider than Rachel.

"What? No! too easy and no fun!" Puck said, taking the paper and putting it back in the hat. Rachel looked at me, but I just gave her a look saying to go along with it.

"Alright, third time is the charm," Rachel said, reaching back into the hat. "Mike! Does that satisfy you, Noah?"

"Very much so. Okay, babe, you're next." Lauren reaches her hand into the hat.

"Looks like I got you Puckerman", Lauren says winking at her man.

"No No," Rachel says shaking her head, "Too easy and no fun!"

"My game, my rules." Rachel mouth drops open. Everyone laughs, even Finn has to use his hand to cover his smile.

"Okay Fabray, you next." Puck says swimming over to Quinn who is still out of the pool wearing a long cover up over her suit. She leans down to pick one of the folded papers in the hat. As she stood up and read it to herself, no one could really tell her expression.

"Um.. Finn…" there was another awkward silence after she read the name. "Maybe I should pick again, … I don't think Rachel really wants another girl on her boyfriend's shoulders."

"Sorry, the hat has spoken. NEXT! Tina!" Puck made his way around with the hat.

Rachel looked at me. I just shrugged my shoulders and whispered that its fine. I then turned to Quinn and smile. She still has a blank expression on her face.

Everyone now had a chicken partner and the first fight has Puck and Lauren Vs. Brittney and Blaine, who had just arrived. I knew that our fight was next and went to let Quinn know. She was sitting at one of the tables outside of the pool talking to Mercedes's mom. I waited for Mrs. Jones to rejoin the other adults, then took the seat next to Quinn.

"Hey, why haven't you gotten in the pool yet? Our round is next."

"Oh, I just haven't felt like getting wet yet I guess…So who are we going up against?"

"Um, I think Santana and Kurt. There's a duo I never thought I would see. Haha, the magic of the hat, right?"

For the first time, Quinn looked directly at me. " Yeah, about that, maybe we should just through in the flag on this one."

"What? Why?"

"… I think you know why." I just stared at her. "I mean, come on, Santana can be vicious. Look, she is already yelling at poor Kurt and.."

"Quinn," I cut her off and place a hand on her knee, "you've been on my shoulders more than anybody else to play chicken. Its fine."

Quinn stares at me, mouth still slighting open from talking. Then she silently nods her head. We look back at the pool and some how Puck is now the one on Lauren's shoulders. Blaine is having some trouble keeping Brittany balanced because she keeps rocking back and forth shouting "I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT IS GOING ON!" suddenly Lauren swipes Blaine's leg and they fall back into the water.

As Blaine comes up he yells, "CHEATER!"

"My game, My rules. Finn, you up boy!" Puck yells before he kisses his girlfriend.

"You ready for this?" I ask Quinn while standing and holding out a hand. She nods and takes my hand to stand but then lets go to remove her cover up. As she slides it down her legs, for the first time, I see the suit that she is wearing. It is a dark gray sparkly two place that ties at the back of her neck. If someone had told me that Quinn had quit the squad and was now doing no active sport, I would not have believed them because her abs looked great, or maybe it was how the sun was hitting them. She looked great. I think I started to stare.

"Finn… Finn!" I finally look back up to her face. "Are you ready?" She looked a little concerned.

"Um, yeah, lets do this."