Hi! I'm Pockyvore, a new author, and it's a pleasure to meet you folks. Anyway, I was reading the news this morning (like the nerd I am) and had the most amazing idea for a fanfiction that would only work if I posted it today.

Anyway, I'm going to be taking one news story each day from a reliable news source (alas, the Onion would be fun, but whatever) and write a little Hetalia oneshot for it. This'll last for 30 days. I'll post it as soon as I can, but as I live in California, this may be a little later for you guys. Especially you Old World peeps. (Sorrypleasedon'tkillme)

Today's oneshot is based on "Italians Vote to Abandon Nuclear Energy" by Giada Zampano and Nathania Zevi seen in the Wall Street Journal on June 14th, 2011.

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia, the news, the WSJ, Silvio Berlusconi, or nuclear energy. Other than my microwave, but my parents bought that before I was born so...

Italy let out an indecisive "Veh~" and looked down at the ballot, squirming in his chair. His boss and Fratello were the only others in the room, but it was more tense than the entire audience of his grandpa's chariot races could ever hope to be.

He really wished he hadn't come here today. Not because he didn't know what his decision was going to be- that was obvious- but because it was brining up so many bad memories for him. He didn't like remembering the things he had seen. His friends and acquaintences alike had been hurt so much. He felt like he'd get rid of his breakfast all over the ballot. At least he hadn't eaten gelato.

He waited at Germany's shoulder while he kept calling, asking about his bruder. The Nordics had spoken with them earlier with talk of radiation, radiation everywhere, coming from the Soviet Union. Europe was in panic. I wonder if everyone's okay, he wondered. Maybe they'll take the wall down and I can see Prussia and Hungary again and bring them pasta! No matter what happens, pasta will make it better! That said, he hadn't been able to speak to either of them in years.

Germany was shouting into the receiver. "I DON'T CARE WHAT THE REGULATIONS ARE, I'M GOING TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED OR-" His voice was filled with venom, but he spoke the next words so calmly that Italy felt the chills. "If you bastards won't speak with us, fine. But remember that someday, you'll be facing all of Europe, and we'll make you tell the truth."

When he hung up for what would be the last time, Germany hid his face in his hands, but not before Italy could catch his utterly defeated expression. For once, he remained silent.

Years later, after a world meeting, Italy saw the pictures of Belarus and Ukraine, and screamed.

Just a few weeks ago, he was at Japan's house, visiting him and Fukushima. The little boy and his pet pig were still asleep, but Japan was reading in his hospital bed.

"Hi, Japan!" Italy called cheerfully, trying not to worry too much about the bandages covering his shoulder and upper torso. "Come stai?"

"I'm doing well enough, for an old man," Japan mused. "How are you today, Italy- kun? Where is Germany- san?"

"Oh, he had a meeting with his boss today. He and his fratello are talking about something. But I'm doing fine! I brought you some pasta, see?"

Japan smiled gratefully. "I am in your debt, Italy- kun. Please, come sit down."

He complied, taking a look at all of the flowers and get- well cards on his desk. He could see Fukushima and his piggy better from there. The boy looked pained, and the bandages covered much of what Italy could see. The pig wasn't any better off.

"Veh~ Japan, how is everything going with the power plant?"

He was stupid for saying it. Obviously it wasn't going well. Japan looked pained for a moment, but took a bite of the pasta and smiled faintly again. "Delicious. Thank you, Italy- kun."

"You're welcome, Japan!" He noticed one of the prefecures, Iwate, enter the room quietly with a glass of milk. "Hi, Iwate- chan! Could I have some too?"

Japan suddenly jerked from his position enough to grab Italy's hand, a spark of something in his eye that reminded him of Germany's feeling in 1986. "Don't drink that," he said firmly.

He was confused. "Japan, why can't I? What happened?"

"Italy- sama, I must regretfully inform you that our milk has some radiation in it at this time," Iwate murmured with a bow. "If you'd like, sir, Austria- sama has brought in a delicious cake that we'd be happy to share with you."

"No thank you," Italy replied.

"I see. Please call us if you need us." Iwate took one long, grief- stricken look at her brother before leaving the room.

Italy and Japan stared after her in another awkward silence before Italy's cell rang.

"It's my boss," he said. "I have to go. Veh..."

Japan smiled. "It was wonderful getting to see you, Italy- kun. I hope you come visit this old man soon. Please tell Germany- san I said hello."

On his way out of the house, Italy couldn't stop thinking about what must be under the bandages.

The next day, Germany called him first thing to let him know that he was planning to abandon nuclear energy.

Italy was shocked out of his reverie by a very unsubtle kick on the shin that made him bite down on his lip. His fratello was glaring at him impatiently, as if to say, If you know what you're doing, get it over with. His boss was looking sickened and distracted (probably dreading Fratello cussing him out and/or throwing feminine undergarments at him). And his ballot was still blank.

He lifted his pencil very slowly and filled in the bubble that read "I, Feliciano Vargas, accept the decision to overturn the referendums that allow nuclear energy to be used in this country."

So... what did you think? :D Sorry about the formatting; I'm an idiot so I'll need time to get the hang of it. Reviews would be great. Please keep criticism constructive, because I beat myself up about everything. I'm not kidding. ^_^;;

See you tomorrow!