Summary: Sasuke goes undercover to retrieve Naruto Namikaze. A young man who had been kidnapped by a criminal operation fifteen years ago. However, when he attempts the rescue, he finds himself knee deep in affairs that could get him killed. Someone in the ANBU is a traitor and had ordered Minato Namikaze killed and his son kidnapped. Now on the run with the twenty-three year old blonde, Sasuke must deal with matters of honor and duty and also...with matters of the heart. SasuNaru. AU.

Warning: Adult themes and content, may include non-consensual scenes, vulgarity, blood and death (not of main chars though).

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. You thought I did?

Chapter 1

"Now listen," Kakashi poked Sasuke hard in the chest, not wanting to repeat himself a second time, "You are not going to be wired. There will be no one watching you over your shoulder when you're in that place. Sasuke…no funny business. Just grab the kid and get out as fast as you can." Kakashi's eye twitched as the radio in his belt crackled, his silver hair hitting the roof of the van. "Oh, and try not to get caught. That's important too."

Sasuke refrained himself from rolling his eyes purely out of respect. If they weren't on the job, he'd have long since given his longtime friend and boss a piece of his mid. "Understood."

"Haruno," Kakashi turned his head, eyes glancing at the surveillance footage before meeting with jade green eyes, "Give Uchiha here the number for the off shore account the ANBU have created."

The pink haired agent nodded, hands already holding the file with Sasuke's alias. She cleared her throat before maneuvering towards the Uchiha inside the silver van, accidently knocking Shino and Kiba's heads together. The two men grunted but didn't take their eyes off the monitor.

"You will be entering as Byakuya Kuchiki, a very successful auditor working for Sandwin Industries."

Sasuke quirked an eyebrow, "I'm going in as a manga character?"

"Everyone inside is required to address each other by a famous anime character. Your 'real' name will be Sho Terakado. How's your anime knowledge base?" Kakashi folded his arms, his charcoal black eyes questioning.

Sasuke shrugged, "Not very broad, but I can manage."

"You will have to."

Sasuke grunted, keeping in mind that Kakashi was only being such an ass because...what he was about to do was extremely dangerous. Not only was he going to infiltrate a ring of dangerous criminals, but he was about to see what some business tycoons and government officials did in their spare time. Sadly he wouldn't be able to arrest any of them tonight, but he'd make sure to remember each and every face. None of them were going to get away from him, none of them.

"From what we've gathered, they keep the boy in hidden deep within the club. So you'll have to make sure you're invited to the after party. I doubt the head honcho will be there himself…but still it's worth a shot. As soon as you're in, make sure you don't lose sight of the boy."

"You ready, Uchiha?" Kiba said from his station at the surveillance feed. The brunette made a move to remove his head gear but was stopped by the Uchiha's lifted hand.

Sasuke grunted, wordlessly letting his fellow agents know he was good to go.

"Alright," Sakura handed him a leather wallet and an ANBU wired cell phone. "You call on that and we'll be able to trace your location in thirty seconds or less. A team can be by your side within five minutes.

Sasuke nodded and pocketed the phone and wallet. He then smirked at the gang before opening the back door of the van and jumping out, quickly making his way towards the club entrance.

"Good luck, Sasuke." Sakura watched as Sasuke stopped in front of a large security guard stationed at the front door. A minute later, the large men stepped aside granting Sasuke access. As the door swung closed, the four ANBU agents in the van exchanged looks of uncertainty. If anything went wrong tonight, they'd be down one agent…and one very close friend.

Sasuke entered the club through a metal detector, his fingers already itching for his gun. Inside he was instantly patted down by two bulky men with guns at the sides. Sadly Sasuke's own holster had been left in the van along with his precious pistol. Gritting his teeth, he frowned at the scantily dressed woman ushering him towards a large room filled with many more scantily clad women. One amber eyed beauty winked at him alluringly and Sasuke found himself thinking that if he'd come in here dressed as a government ANBU officer, the woman would be giving him an entirely different sort of look.

Excusing himself, Sasuke quickly sat himself at the bar stationed a few feet away, eyes already on the lookout for anyone who could get him invited to the after party. All he needed to do was find the man with the biggest entourage surrounding him. He needed an 'in' to the after party and the only way he was going to get that was if he sidled up to the top guys.

After five minutes of intense analysis, Sasuke smirked. A few feet away was a man surrounded by others, drinking heartily with a woman wrapped around his neck. Undoing the collar of his Armani suit, Sasuke approached the man. All the while trying to give off an air of an easy going individual.

As soon as he stepped into the ring, he was surrounded by four men. Each visibly capable of ripping off one of his limbs.

"Let him go," the man in the chair said as he removed the female from around his neck with a short wave of the hand. The woman pouted but stood from the silver haired man's lap and walked away. No doubt going to find some other bastard to paw at.

Sasuke nodded politely at the man before taking a seat beside him. Taking note that everyone around him had grown suddenly quiet. Good, he thought, Guess I found my ticket to the after party. Now just to make sure I actually get invited.

"What's your name?" The man asked, taking a sip of his drink.

"Byakuya Kuchiki."

A smile spread over the man's face before he threw his head back, laughing hysterically. Everyone around him began to laugh as well and Sasuke fought back the urge to shoot them all in the face. Mainly because he didn't have a gun on him…and the little dilemma he'd have of getting into the after party if he dumbly killed his ticket in.

"Ah," the man in the chair wiped a stray tear from his cheek, "He kind of does look like Byakuya now that I think about it. What do you guys think?"

The men around them nodded and voiced their agreement.

"What's your real name, boy?"

Boy? Who the fuck is this guy?

"Sho Terakado."

"I haven't seen you here before, Sho. It's alright if I call you Sho, right?"

Sasuke nodded, smiling at the man.

The guy in the chair stilled. Sasuke suddenly found himself wondering if he shouldn't have smiled. He didn't use that form of expression regularly…what if it came out as a grimace? He blinked, hoping that however it looked it didn't offend the man beside him.

"You've got yourself quite a smile there," the man said after a whole minute of staring into his face. "Do you happen to dip your fishing rod into the blue pool?"

Sasuke blinked again, not quite certain what the black eyed man meant. He decided to go with what he thought a neutral answer would be, "On occasion."

"Wonderful!" The man clapped him on the shoulder, "Then how would you like to join us for something much more enjoyable after. I'm sure our selections won't disappoint you."

Sasuke nodded, "I'd love too."

"It's settled then," the man called out a name and instantly two black suited men rushed to his side. "Please put down Sho Terakado for the after party," he instructed. Sasuke watched with growing amusement as the two big men jotted down everything the other was saying. Also, he couldn't believe how easy it had been to get invited to the after party. As the two men left, he smiled again at the sitting man.

"I hope you brought your checkbook," the man grinned, showing off perfect white teeth, "They're going to be auctioning off the Fox today. He hasn't been here for about two months now."

"The Fox?"

"Likes to bite," the man wiggled his eyebrows, "Get my friend Sho here a drink!"

Sasuke was instantly served a glass of fine scotch, which he sipped dutifully, "Pardon," he said to the silver haired man, "But I didn't catch your name."

"Ah," the man apologized, "Sorry about that. Seems it slipped my mind, just call me Mizuki."

Not recognizing the name, Sasuke smiled thinly at the man again and took another swallow.

For the next couple of hours Sasuke busied himself with memorizing faces and making small talk, waiting patiently for the 'after party' to begin. Close to midnight, his patience was rewarded. Mizuki approached him at a quarter to twelve, tapping him lightly on the shoulder.

"You ready?" he said with a gleam in his eye.

Sasuke nodded and followed behind the silver haired man as he and his entourage walked towards the back of the club. He was surprised when Mizuki led him down two flights of stairs that led to an underground elevator.

"Is the after party in a different building?" Sasuke asked as they rode the elevator down.

Mizuki turned and smiled at him, "Not really…it's actually not in a building." Sasuke waited for the man to continue, "It's an underground lot built to be untraceable. Works well for us." Mizuki shrugged, "So you're an auditor for Sandwin Industries, nice."

Sasuke nodded, so they had me checked out…interesting. It's lucky for me I had Shikamaru create a legitimate profile. "I don't recall telling you that."

"Sho," Mizuki gave him a sidelong glance, "We check every one of our customers, be he a participant in after party affairs or not. We wouldn't want anyone turning out to be agents working for the police now would we?"

"I see," Sasuke leaned against the elevator back.

"Don't worry," Mizuki smiled, "We take good care of our customers."

The elevator doors slid open to reveal a theater room with walls painted a golden yellow. Four rows of red chairs sat in front of a wooden stage that was currently half hidden by a flaming red curtain. Sasuke followed Mizuki as the man went to take a seat in the second row. Growing more weary by the minute, Sasuke took a seat by the silver haired man and looked around the room. Slowly it began to fill with up with men. Mainly the corporate men he had seen up at the club.

"It'll start in about five minutes," Mizuki said as a man on his left offered him a Cuban cigar. "If you buy one of them, there are rooms here you can use. Most of our guests find the accommodations more than adequate and there are cameras installed within each room to insure your safety." Mizuki continued after he signaled two workers at the stage. "Of course our cameras don't pick up any sound, so you don't have to worry about being too loud." He gave Sasuke a sly look, "You look like a man who could make our boys scream."

Sasuke swallowed as his brain registered what Mizuki had just said. Turning his head, he directed his gaze towards the stage.

As soon as the clocks stroke twelve, the curtain parted to reveal a long legged woman with fiery red hair. In one hand she held a cordless microphone in the other, a list.

"Welcome back, gentlemen!" She greeted, "Please log in to the tablets at your seats before we begin the bidding."

Sasuke watched as Mizuki pulled a computer tablet from underneath his chair. Following his lead, the Uchiha did the same. Tapping the screen with his finger, he found himself typing in his name and the serial number of his off shore account.

"Alright," the woman said after a minute, "Please remember that all payments are to be made before you enter the night rooms. And with that said," she smiled, "Let us begin with our first specimen!"

Sasuke watched as the two workers he had seen Mizuki signal to earlier, bring out a redheaded man. He was completely naked save for the red satin blindfold around his eyes and a red ribbon wrapped around his torso, creating a bow at his dick. His eyes scanned the room quickly once more, disgusted with what he saw. Almost every man in the room was sickly smiling up at the naked man. Some were even openly leering. His hand tightened into a fist by his side.

"First up we have Gaara. A real spitfire. Don't let that small mouth deceive you," the woman winked at the crowd, "He can take you all in whether it be down here," she slapped his ass, "Or up here." Gripping his chin, she pulled off the blindfold revealing cool green eyes. Gaara blinked twice before scowling at the crowd, his displeasure evident.

The bidding slowly started. With the price for Gaara steadily rising up. He was finally bought for the night by a cropped haired man in front for two hundred thousand dollars.

Sasuke watched as the two workers led the redhead off the stage and out of sight. His unease slowly began to grow.

Is this what they had done to Namikaze's son?

Turned him into a fuck toy?

The shrill of the woman's voice brought his attention back to the stage. He watched as another pair of workers brought out another boy. This one was also slim but sporting black hair.

Quietly he watched as the boy was bought by a man in the row behind him.

"Now," the woman spoke loudly, "We have one of our special's back! Boys, bring out the Fox!"

The Uchiha watched as almost every man slid forwards in their seat as two men brought out a blonde man with spiky hair. Sasuke felt something in his stomach drop as the red haired woman turned to the crowd.

"Our own wild fox, Naruto." She smiled smugly, "If you're up for a challenge, take him on. No doubt his looks speak for themselves." Like the boys before him, Naruto had a red satin blindfold blockading his vision and a red ribbon tied around his dick. The two workers held onto his arms with firm grips. Keeping the blonde from moving about freely.

Sasuke felt his anger rise as the woman continued to sell Namikaze's son to the crowd. He grit his teeth at the arrogant display of dishonor.

This is what the son of the greatest ANBU officer was reduced to?


As the bidding started he realized that unlike for the other two men before him, Naruto's price had shot up into the hundreds of thousands within the first two minutes. Already the bidders were bordering on a million dollars while Naruto just glared out at them with stormy blue eyes. No doubt hoping to discourage buyers. If anything, that gave the men more incentive to bid much to Sasuke's horror.

"1.2 million!"

"1.25 million!"

Raising his hand up in the air, Sasuke placed his bid, hoping to cease the mocking display. "1.5 million!"

"1.5 million! The man in the second row," the woman pointed excitedly. "Going once…twice…"

"Two million!" A man in back called.

Sasuke cursed. The ANBU wasn't going to be very happy with him. He raised his hand once more, "2.5 million!"

He heard the man in back curse and internally heaved a sigh of relief as the woman on stage waited for some other 'gentlemen' to offer a larger sum.

"Going once…twice…sold to the fellow in the second row!"

"Congratulations, Sho," Mizuki said beside him, "You get to bed the Fox."


"Don't worry about him biting you," Mizuki gripped Sasuke's arm as the Uchiha stood, "He was punished for that severely. He won't be biting anyone for quite a long time."

Sasuke nodded, restraining himself from the urge to grab the disgusting man by neck. With a curt bow he walked to the back of the room where a guard was waiting for him to make his payment. Pulling his leather wallet out of his pocket, Sauske paid at the counter and was given a card stamped with a lightning bolt. He stared at the card for a minute, wondering if the insignia stood for something. The guard beside him cleared his throat, letting Sasuke know wordlessly that he was getting impatient. Slipping the card into his pocket he turned to the guard and let him take him to his room. He followed the bulky security guard down a long passage, taking note of the many locked doors he passed, until they stopped at a heavily ornate oak one.

"If you need anything just use the speaker to page anyone of us. It is located right beside the entrance." The guard pushed open the door and let Sasuke inside. Onyx eyes immediately focused on the naked man lying on a large mattress covered with navy blue silk sheets within the room. As the door closed behind him, the blonde sat up, eyes glaring daggers at his owner.

Naruto stood to his feet and grabbed the ribbon circling his torso. With one stubborn pull, he untied the loose bow and sent the red ribbon fluttering down to the carpeted floor. His hands turning to fists by his side as he stared at the black haired man.

Unintentionally, Sasuke's gaze went down, focusing on the rather impressive looking package the blonde was sporting. He found his heart rate start to accelerate for some unknown reason as the blonde strode towards him.

"Let's just get this over with," he heard the blue eyed man say as he felt Naruto pull off his jacket.

"Wait, I'm –"

"Look," Naruto looked piercingly at him with raging blue eyes, "I don't give a fuck about you. I don't give a fuck about anything. Just let me do my damned job and I'll make sure you enjoy every moment of it."

And with that said, Naruto crashed his lips down on Sasuke's as his nimble fingers removed the raven's belt.


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