Title: Traffic Jam

Rating: NC-17

Pairings: Blaine/Kurt

Spoilers: Kurt never transferred back to McKinley, which is why they are where they are, but not really too important plot-wise.

Warnings: soft watersports, frottage, swearing, desperation, un-beta'd.

Word Count: about 3400

Summary: Blaine and Kurt get stuck in a traffic jam on their way from Dalton to Kurt's house. Desperate times lead to fun times. It's all in the warnings. If it squicks, then don't read. No one's gonna force you to. Also, reviews are appreciated.

A/N - I don't own Glee or anything related to it. I wish i did.

"Look's like we're not going anywhere for awhile." Blaine sighed, turning the key in the ignition and cutting the engine. He leaned back in the driver's seat. "I can't even see the front end of this line up."

"Hurray." Kurt cheered, rolling his eyes. "So much for our plans."

It was Friday afternoon, school was finally out, and they were leaving Dalton Academy behind for the weekend. Finn was spending his weekend at Puck's, and their parents were both working late. They were finally going to get a rare bit of privacy in the Hummel-Hudson house to snuggle up and get a bit hands-on with each other before anyone else came home to spoil it.

Too bad every vehicle in Ohio seemed to be stuck in the traffic jam with them.

They left school, stopping by the Lima Bean for coffee and to gossip with some of Kurt's friends from New Directions on their way home. They weren't in a big hurry. His family wasn't supposed to be home for hours yet. They had plenty of time. It wasn't a long drive from there to Kurt's house. At least, it wasn't supposed to be. They hadn't taken rush hour traffic and a seven car pile up blocking all lanes of traffic into account.

Kurt was currently laying with his head back, his legs crossed at the knee, with his eyes closed in the front passenger seat, his tie and blazer long since tossed into the backseat with Blaine's on top of their weekend bags. He looked like he wanted to fall asleep, but was fighting it. Every so often he would shift in his seat and recross his legs.

Blaine had been watching him out the corner of his eye for the past twenty-five minutes or so that they had been stranded there. When Kurt did it again, Blaine spoke up. "Are you okay?" he asked. "You seem kind of jumpy."

Kurt opened his eyes and rolled his head to look at Blaine. "I'm fine. I'm getting tired of sitting in one place is all. I don't like it." He put his head back and closed his eyes again.

"Me too. I wish this traffic would move." Blaine hated being still, so much so that it was almost painful for him, like ants crawling under his skin. "I could turn on the radio if you want."

"No thanks. We're still in the radio dead zone here. You won't be able to get anything but static and some redneck gospel station." Kurt replied. He would know, he's driven this route between Dalton and home almost every weekend since he transferred there.

Blaine didn't say anything else until awhile later, when he noticed Kurt's foot tapping. Even with his head tipped back and his eyes closed, Kurt seemed like he was trying to concentrate on something. He had gone from occasionally shifting in his seat to constant movement.

"Are you sure you're alright? You're never this fidgety." Blaine said. He was honestly concerned for his boyfriend, but watching him squirm was putting ideas in his head, ideas that were turning him on. He shifted in his seat, trying to hide the fact that he was half hard.

"I'm fine, just kind of hating myself for letting you talk me in to ordering the Venti and getting extra shots right now." Kurt replied.

"I said you should make them decaf." Blaine defended.

"I did." Kurt said. "Caffeine isn't the problem." he muttered under his breath. "Dammit why won't this traffic move?" he burst out, clearly frustrated.

"Calm down, it's just a jam. It will clear up when it clears up. Takes time. Try to relax."

"Not an option for me at this point." Kurt said, blushing to the tips of his ears. "I kinda really gotta pee."

"Oh." was all Blaine could say to that. Any coherent thoughts he may have had were gone as the blood rushed from his brain headed south, making him fully hard. He hadn't told Kurt, or anybody else for that matter, that he had a bit of a desperation kink. Some of his favorite fantasies flashed in his mind, each one more scandalous than the last, all of them involving his boyfriend.

He never told anyone that some nights, when his parents were away and he had the house to himself, he would drink glass after glass of water or soda, filling himself up and just keeping it in, reveling in the sensation of his bladder expanding and throbbing between his hips, making his stomach swell and his pants tight. Sometimes he would do it just for fun, literally running to the bathroom just in time when the pressure got to be too much.

Other times, when he was particularly horny, he would watch some of his favorite porn at his desktop computer, wearing his tightest pair of blue jeans, drinking and holding his bladder until it gave out. The relief was amazing, and he loved the feeling of the warm, wet denim clinging to his skin.

He always had to jerk off afterwards, getting hard almost instantly, rubbing his erection through the soaked fabric, incredibly turned on. It never took him more than a dozen strokes before he would come, hard and loud, adding to the mess in his darkened jeans. He would throw his clothes in the washer, along with the towels he used to protect the floor and his chair, washing away all evidence before anyone got home.

He shifted in his seat, but there was no way to hide the fact that he was rock hard and tenting the front of his pants.

"Blaine? Can you hear me? Hello? Earth to Anderson? Come in Blaine Warbler!" Kurt was waving a hand in front of him, trying to get his attention.

"What? Sorry, I guess I zoned out there for a minute." Blaine said, shaking his head, trying to clear the wonderfully dirty images from his head.

"Quite a few minutes, actually." He sounded irritated. "I was trying to ask you if you knew of any rest stops close by. I don't, and I really need to go." Kurt had his legs crossed tightly now, and his knees were bouncing so hard they were practically shaking the car.

"No. There isn't anywhere around here. You're just going to have to hold it, I guess." Blaine answered. "It's not like I can drive out of traffic here anyways. I'm sorry, but we're pretty much stuck for now."

Kurt crossed his legs tighter and moaned. "I'm trying to hold it, but if this traffic doesn't move, and I mean very soon, I just don't know."

"I could turn on the radio." Blaine offered again.

"Yeah. Just what I need. Bobby-Sue Bible-Lover croaking out an off-key round of "Shall We Gather At The River." Kurt groaned, looking out at the lines of cars in front of them. "Seriously, people. Get the hell off of the road and out of the way!"

Blaine slid his seat as far back as it would go. "We obviously aren't going anywhere for awhile. Why don't you come over here? I'll help take your mind off it."

"Somehow I doubt that." Kurt said, unbuckling the seat belt and sliding over, eager for distraction. He straddled Blaine's lap, facing him. "You do realize that this is just going to make it harder, right?"

'Yeah, but for which one of us?' Blaine thought to himself. "You're still thinking about it. Stop thinking so much and kiss me already." he demanded.

Kurt moved in, kissing him hard. He was wriggling in Blaine's lap as they made out, kissing and sucking and nibbling down each others' neck. It wasn't long before Blaine felt Kurt move a hand in between their bodies to hold himself. Blaine could feel Kurt trembling as he moved. Blaine was starting to squirm now a bit as well. Kurt was basically grinding down on Blaine's cock, moaning and working him up without really meaning to. There was no way that Kurt could miss how hard he was, but he didn't say anything about it. He had never been so grateful for the dark tint on his car's windows.

Kurt let out a loud moan and tensed, his knees squeezing tight around Blaine's hips. "Please tell me you see cars starting to move." he ground out through clenched teeth.

Blaine looked up. The road ahead was one giant parking lot. A few people had gotten out of their cars and were standing around, smoking cigarettes and talking in little groups with each other or passing around cell phones, looking for a signal. "No, sorry. Still not moving."

He heard Kurt whimper at that. Blaine moved his hand in between their bodies, sliding under the hand where Kurt was gripping himself. He squeezed as Kurt pulled his hand away. He stroked him slowly, knowing there was no way Kurt was going to get hard. Not when he had to go so badly. He was just trying to help Kurt hang on a bit longer.

"Ohmygod it hurts...I can't remember the last time I've had to go so bad." He leaned forward and rested his head on Blaine's shoulder. He reached down and took Blaine's hand off of himself, resuming his earlier tight grip. He was writhing on Blaine's lap, unaware that his actions were bringing his boyfriend closer to the edge.

"You squirming on my cock like that feels awesome." Blaine whispered in his ear, lust coiling tightly in his body. "You look so sexy grinding down like that. You've got this. You can hold it. I know you can." Blaine tried to encourage him to hang on, even though he knew the boy was absolutely bursting. He couldn't stop the grin that spread across his face.

"Shit!" Kurt hissed, tensing up even more and trying to move off of his lap. "I'm seriously about to lose it here Blaine. This isn't funny anymore. Let me up." Blaine tightened his grip on Kurt's hips.

"I let you up so you can go where, exactly? You can get out of the car and try to find a bush or something, but there really aren't any, and there are a lot of people out there right now. You would end up getting arrested. Public urination is illegal, you'll end up in jail." Blaine struggled to explain, grasping at straws, trying like hell to keep Kurt exactly where he was. He felt bad for Kurt, and a little guilty for enjoying it, but he was so, so hard, ridiculously turned on. He wanted to keep Kurt close and writhing on his lap like he wanted air to breathe. "Stay here with me. You can do this. Besides, no one can see you here." He moved in for another deep kiss, his tongue sliding over Kurt's.

Kurt was pressing down hard into Blaine's lap. Blaine was rutting back up, trying for more friction on his cock, when he heard Kurt gasp.

"Ohgodpleaseno..." he moaned, flushing deep red across his face, stilling his movements. Blaine slid one hand up Kurt's back, pulling him in tight, the other sliding lightly across the front of Kurt's gray trousers, feeling them dampen slightly under his fingers. His eyes flickered down. He could clearly see a small damp patch forming, dark and shiny against the lighter fabric.

Blaine moved his hand from Kurt's pants and pushed the heel down hard on his erection, biting back a moan. He could feel the tension rising in his groin, knowing he was getting close, not wanting to come yet.

"Ohmygod Blaine I'm so sorry! I couldn't help it." Kurt was panicking, trying to pull away from him. "You have to let me up, I'm going to wet myself! I'm already starting to leak."

'Join the club.' thought Blaine, feeling his throbbing and dripping in his underwear. He rubbed Kurt's back, shushing him and holding him as close to his body as he could.

Kurt continued to squirm as Blaine placed his hand flat over the wet patch on Kurt's pants. He could feel the outline of the boy's cock under the fabric and stroked it lightly. He could feel it twitch as it released another, longer spurt under his palm. He could feel Kurt whine and shiver, trying to control himself, squeezing himself tightly, slowly losing the battle but still fighting. Every muscle in his body was tense and hard. Blaine felt another burst under his palm, feeling the force behind it. Blaine could hear it hissing into his pants over the sounds of Kurt's quiet sobs and hitching breath as he failed to stop it.

Kurt finally managed to stop after a few seconds, leaning forward against Blaine. He could feel Kurt moaning, his face buried in Blaine's shoulder. "Let me go. Please, just let me go. It hurts so bad Blaine. Just let me get up before I explode. Please." he whined, but made no effort to actually get up. Blaine didn't think he even could anymore.

Blaine turned his head, his lips brushing Kurt's ear softly as he shushed him. "Let go." he whispered.

"I can't. I can't do that. I just can't. I don't want to. God, it's so embarrassing. Please let me up." Kurt whimpered, shaking his head, his face burning in shame as he felt himself leaking again.

Blaine could feel the wetness slowly seeping into his lap, his body on the edge of orgasm. "Let go, Kurt." he repeated. "It's okay. You don't have to fight it. Just relax."

"I'm sorry. I told you to let me up. I'm so sorry Blaine." Kurt whimpered as his body finally lost control, going rigid in his lap. Blaine could feel hot wet warmth spreading over his lap, flooding over his aching member, swirling around his balls and soaking into the seat below, and he was done for. He pulled Kurt up by the back of his neck and kissed him hard, moaning into his mouth as he came, thrusting up into his boyfriend, stars exploding before his eyes as everything around him went white. He barely registered Kurt melting against him, returning his kiss, tears streaming down his face.

He pulled back from his boyfriend as the world slowly came back in to focus, panting hard as his nerves were hit with pleasurable aftershocks. He opened his eyes and could feel that Kurt was crying, trying to bury his face back into Blaine's shoulder, continuing to drench them both.

"Hey. Look at me." Blaine whispered.

Kurt shook his head. "No." His voice was barely audible. "Just break up with me now and get it over with. It's what you're going to do anyway. Just please don't tell anyone that it happened this way. I'm humiliated enough as it is. Let me keep the one last tiny shred of dignity I might someday gain back."

"Why would you think I'm going to break up with you?"

"How about the fact that I'm still pissing all over your lap right now?"

"I'm not breaking up with you, Kurt. Now or ever. I love you, you know that. As for your dignity, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. Accidents happen. Even to me. Funny story actually, ask Wes about it someday. It was his fault."

"I don't think I can stop." Kurt admitted quietly.

"Then don't."


"Don't stop." Blaine said. He might as well have been telling Kurt that grass was green and the sky was blue. "It's not healthy. And besides, it feels good."

They didn't say anything to each other for the next few minutes as Kurt finished emptying his aching bladder and Blaine held him close.

"Yeah. You're right. It does feel a lot better." Kurt sighed, sitting up and looking at Blaine. His eyes were still red, but Blaine was relieved to see he had stopped crying.

Blaine took a deep breath. "I meant for me." he confessed.

"What are you talking about? I just completely pissed myself in your lap. Your upholstery is ruined and you're soaked. How can that possibly feel good?" Kurt asked in disbelief.

"I just had my sexy as hell boyfriend squirming desperately in my lap for the past however long, grinding on my dick like his life depended on it, only to have him do something as sexy and vulnerable and fucking hot as wet himself on me while he did it. Screw the upholstery, it can be cleaned. I don't care. I honestly don't think I've come that hard since our first time together. It didn't feel good, it felt fucking incredible. And fuck all if the thought of it isn't making me hard again."

"So you liked it? You aren't just trying to make me feel better for wetting myself like a little kid? You aren't mad?"

Blaine rolled his hips up, pressing growing hardness into Kurt. "What do you think?"

Kurt ground back down against Blaine. "Is the traffic moving yet?"

Blaine looked out the windshield. "Nope. Now shut up and kiss me." He moved his hands back to Kurt's hips, guiding him as they rocked against each other, tongues battling for dominance.

Kurt broke the kiss, the need for oxygen being a pesky interruption. "Holy fuck that's good." he breathed.

"You like?" Blaine panted.

"Mmmhmm." Kurt admitted shyly, before diving in for another kiss.

They ground against other, thrusting faster as each kiss became deeper, each moan more desperate than the last.

"I-I'm so close...fuck!" Kurt gasped, grinding down against Blaine, his orgasm washing over him, fast and hard. It was all too much for Blaine, and he came a second time in his pants, thrusting lightly against Kurt, riding out their orgasms together.

They said nothing as they came down and caught their breath. Blaine glanced up over Kurt's shoulder and noticed people getting back into their cars. Apparently whatever was causing the traffic jam had been dealt with and traffic was going to be moving again.

"Kurt, as much as I love getting to hold you after, you have to move. It looks like traffic is going to move." Blaine sighed, tapping Kurt lightly on the ass to get his attention.

"You sure you can't drive with me on your lap?" Kurt asked, nuzzling back down into Blaine's shoulder.

"Not if we want to still be alive when we get there. C'mon babe. Up."

"Your other seat is gonna get ruined too. Just so you know." Kurt laughed as he slid back over to the passenger seat. "I'm a mess."

"Trust me. I could care less about my car right now." He started the car and slowly inched forward with the rest of the traffic, eventually gaining speed enough to call it driving.

They pulled into Kurt's driveway only about fifteen minutes later. As they pulled in, Kurt looked over at his boyfriend. "So what were you referring to earlier when you said Wes made you have an accident?"

Blaine smiled. "Shower first, and when we're in some clean dry clothes, I'll tell you."

"Can I at least get a hint?" Kurt coaxed, pouting like a small child denied his candy.

"When Wes says don't touch his gavel, it's a really bad idea to take it when he isn't looking and hide it. Turns out Jeff can be a bit of a tattle-tail if you threaten his chance at a solo. Now, seriously, shower time. Preferably before your family comes home. I really don't want to have to explain what happened today to anyone."

Kurt snatched the bags from the backseat and was inside before Blaine even finished his sentence. Blaine couldn't help but laugh as he followed.