Kaida-chan here~ This is my newest story (not really i've been working on it for months...) for you all. It's AU and i honestly don't know how i managed to type it all up ^^' really i dont.. there's like 14-16 chapters ^^' umm, im still working on the last chapter. but otherwise this should be updated every few days, or every week havent decided yet. Hope you enjoy it :D i loved thinking up ideas for it, even if writer's block almost made me quit near the end... I don't own Bleach... otherwise there'd be a heck alota hitsuhina...

Teacher's Pet

The Meeting

"Hello class, can I have your attention please? Today we will be handing out assignments. You will be assisting your assigned teacher as an intern. You will not choose, we will. Especially after last times fiasco, ladies..." Sensei reminded in a dark tone.

"Hai Sensei." The room responded.

"Alright these might be out of order but first person is, Kurosaki Karin you will be the student teacher of-

"Please let it be Toushirou, or nii-san!" (A/N: I'm anti-hitsukarin so if you are one, STOP READING. Of course I'm being nice. If I weren't in a good mood I'd have let you continue reading so then you can find out it's not hitsukarin.)


"WHAT? THAT FREAK OF NATURE? Maybe I'm the only one that can put up with him..."she screamed in her head. (A/N: idk why she ended up with him… Just a plot twist with only one appearance I guess)

"Kuchiki Rukia, you will be the student teacher of, Kurosaki-sensei."

"Hai. Greeaat...I get the strawberry..."thought Rukia sarcastically.

(A/N: as you can see bold means thoughts...)

"Orihime you're with Ulquiorra-sensei."

"Yoruichi-san good luck."


"You have Urahara-sensei."

"He's not that bad. Is he?"

"Err... Ahem. Next is Soi-fon, your teacher is Hisagi-sensei.




"Drunk again I see… Anyway you're with Ichimaru-sensei."

"Ise Nanao, you will be helping and keeping him under control Kyoraku Shunsui."

"Yes sir… No!"

*continues announcing teacher and teacher assistants*

"Ah. Hitsugaya sensei's assistant will be, please be quiet. Thank you. Hinamori Momo.


"Yes you, could you stop drawing for just a minute?"

"Hai sensei."

"You have Hitsugaya-sensei, you are not allowed to trade.

Whispers and groans went around room from Hitsugaya-followers about how lucky she was.

"Dismissed. Please go to your assigned teacher as soon as you pick up your assignment sheets. I will be giving them to you so no one can switch papers. Your teachers should be expecting you."

"Arigato sensei." The room chorused as they filed out.

"Hmmm...Where's the classroom again? Oh 257B, I think it should be right...here..."

"I think I see Hitsugaya-sensei!"

"I see his shadow!"*more fan girl screams and conversations*

"How am I going to get in...? Hey. That's big enough to hold me…" Hinamori thought noticing a vent.

"Ok class, today we will be reviewing the theorems and conjectures for solving all problems, by solving, I mean proving, WITH REAL AND APPROPRIATE ANSWERS. Please turn to page- "Oh crap! They've figured out how to get in here..."said a young white haired man as he started thinking of ways to get rid of the dreaded fan girls.

"CLANG! THUMP!" were the sounds that caused the paranoid man to freak out. Meanwhile the students watched as screws from the big AC vent on the ceiling fell to the floor closely followed by the vent. A loud thump was caused by a girl tossing a couple books on the floor. Then the girl fell through the space left by the now missing AC vent, flipping in the air so as not to land harshly, and landed like a ninja with her long brown hair settling on her back. She was a slightly pale girl with pretty chocolate brown eyes, although she looked kinda spaced out, like she was trying to remember something, the students noticed.

"Hn...That was surprisingly easier than I thought it would be..." the girl said while putting her hair back into its bun not realizing the wide-eyed stares. After she collected her things, she walked towards a table and put them there, then pulled out a piece of paper and headed towards the sensei. Hitsugaya Toushirou.

"Who the freak are you? You're one of them from outside!" Hitsugaya said while backing up slowly.

"No. I'm your teacher's assistant." She replied calmly and with a blank look still holding out her hand to give him the paper.


"Look at this sheet, and if you don't believe me check your email, that should be more than enough proof."

"…So you are... Alright could you start filing those papers on my desk." He directed.


"Class, meet Hinamori Momo. As you've just heard she is my teacher's assistant so treat her with respect. Unless she's one of those crazy chicks..."

"I'm not one of your fans. I didn't even know you existed until I was given this assignment." She said while filing papers with the same blank look on her face.

The class laughed while thinking "so she has a sense of humor" and "she has a soft voice, but everyone can hear it..."

"Anyway class, as I was saying earlier please turn to page 300 and do questions 1-20. Show your work. If you need help come up to my desk or ask Hinamori."

"Err... Sensei?"


"I have a question for Hinamori."

"Shoot." She said as she cut Hitsugaya off.

"Why did you come from the ceiling?"

"There were people outside blocking the door and didn't look like they were moving anytime soon. Then I saw the AC vent, so I went through the vent and fell through the ceiling. Are there anymore questions? Ah yes, you with the tattoos on your head- wait... Renji?"

"So you remember me."

"You know him?" Hitsugaya questioned.

"Yeah, he used to live in my neighborhood when I was young, our parents knew each other. But then I moved away so I never saw him again. 'Til now that is.

"I have a question, would you like to g-"

Hinamori cut off the boy who called out by giving him a glare. "Would you like to complete that question even though my answer is no?" she asked dangerously.

"No ma'am." a blonde boy said as he gulped.

"Good boy, next question?"

"Aren't they supposed to be working?" Hitsugaya argued.

"They can do it for homework, can't they? I mean its better that they know more so that way they don't constantly interrupt during the class asking me questions. Or be late to their next class because they're trying to ask me a question."


Everyone in the class was surprised at how quickly he had given in; Hitsugaya-sensei NEVER gives in.

"Well actually I was thinking, mumble, mumble ah here it is. Ok get out a quarter piece of paper, go ahead and share the other quarter pieces so as not to waste paper, and write down your questions. DO NOT write on the back. Don't sign your name. No phone numbers either." Momo said with a glare. "When you're done come up here and put the quarter sheet in the box. I'll answer as many as I can. Would you like to participate as well Hitsugaya-sensei?"


"Suit yourself"

"Man that was an awesome class period!"

"I know right?" Was all the people from Hitsugaya's class could talk about.

"What happened in Toushirou's class that was so great?" echoed along the hall.

"HTFC Assemble in 167A!" the PA sounded. And then, the hallways seemed empty of most girls. Apparently the Hitsugaya Toushirou Fan Club had called an urgent meeting. (A/N: I was kicked out for being too crazy. Now I just watch from a distance and foil all their dumb plans =^_^= *evil smile* kidding, otherwise there wouldn't even be a plot...)

Chapter 1- Complete.

So how'd you all like it? It was a bit short-lived, the first chapter i mean. not much excitement or anything. but thats what starts a good story. it builds up to it :D one itty bitty problem though... i... i'm not sure, if i should continue this. its up to the response i get. the more readers and reviewers the better. as of late my other story "the aftermath" its been a bit of a bomb... so i know this selfish and cruel, honestly i dont want to do it either, but if i could at least get 3 reviews... (3 its not that bad, originally it was gonna b 5 but i didn't want to kill the enthusiasm for the story) i'll post the 2nd chapter. obviously just reviewing and saying "its good" or "i liked it" not gonna count. i need critism but no extreme flames. i feel horrible doing this... *being depressed in a corner*