A Grain of Salt, and a Pack of Cigarettes

Miaski's head dropped against the desk as he finished off his final report for M university. He let out a sigh and closed his eyes for just a moment, feeling the world swirl around him and after weeks of exhausting exams and projects. Of course he's peace didn't last as a door slammed down stairs and Usagi-san's voice rang through the apartment.

"I DON'T CARE WHAT THEY SAID THEY WANTED ME TO DO, IM NOT GOING!" Misaki lifted his head from the desk and rubbed his eye. Reluctantly he switched off the light and walked to the stairs. In the living room, Usagi tossed his suit's jacket on the floor and loosened his tie. A newly lit cigarette hanging in his mouth.

Misaki smiled. After finals and Usagi-san's new release and the two of them haven't really had time to send together. Misaki walked down into the kitchen and opened the fridge.

"Welcome back Usagi-san," he said sweetly as misaki pulled a carton of eggs and some cabbage from the shelves, placing them on the counter.

Usagi-san growled a response before grinding his cigarette into the ashtray. To Misaki's surprise he didn't seem as exhausted as he was annoyed. Misaki placed a pot of water on the stove, lit it, then went to bring a hot cup of tea to the older man on the couch. He placed the cup of the glass coffee table and began to walk away.

"Misaki," Usagi-san opened his eyes and sat up, "Is Takahiro still coming on Saturday? Will you have the house clean by then?"

Misaki looked around the room. Papers where scattered across the ground and dirty dishes where stacked in the sink. Even Suzuki-san hadn't had his ribbon changed in days. "Yeah" he said finally, "I'll get it done." Masaki turned back to the stove and finished up dinner. He smiled lightly to himself. It was rare for usagi to not do anything strange, especially after such a long time away.

As usual Misaki spoke to soon as he jumped from his skin in shock. Usagi-san jumped the younger man and although Misaki put up a bit of a struggle, he didn't really mind. It had been so long. Both men fell to the floor from misaki's struggles. Usgai continued to unbuttoned misaki's shirt as they kissed passionately.

"Stop it stupid Usagi! I've got the stove on!" Misaki used the same excuse he always did as he tried to push the old, and much stronger, man from him.

"Misaki," Usagi-san's low whispering voice rang in Misaki's ear, sending cills and shivers down his spin, "You're finals are over right? So is my work, we should go on a date soon. We haven't done that in a long time…" his voice trailed off.

The pot on the stove bubbled over and drops of steamy water landed on Usagi-san back. He jumped us muttering as he struggled to get the boiling liquid of his shirt as it continued to burn his back slights.

"I told you!" Misaki jumped up. Patting down his apron and re-buttoning his shirt as he turned off the stove "Look what you did! Now we have nothing to eat!" misaki looked over at Usagi, he was right this time. A small joy rose in him, only to be shot down by the grin on Usagi-san's tired face.

He-he planned this!

"Let's go out! Tomorrow's your day-off so there's no need to get up early." Usagi lit another cigarette and smiled with joy, "go change, let go, I know this nice little restaurant that's not to fancy. You'll like it."

Yes. Irritated Misaki stomped up the stair and changed his cloths, tossing his apron on his desk where, just minutes ago, he was going to catch up on sleep. He sighed. But inside he really couldn't wait to spend a little 'alone time' with Usagi. To see that all the yelling was about. And ever more interesting, why takahiro was coming over the day after tomorrow.

The sun started to set lower in the sky and both men headed out to the small restaurant that wasn't too fancy and had a great menu.

After dinner they started off to the red sports car that was parked in a garage a few blocks from the actual restaurant. It was late. Not many people where around and the dim light of the street, the eerie atmosphere made Misaki's skin crawl, ands usagi-san knew this.

They continued for another block or so, until they where almost positive no one was around them. No one was lurking in the black shadows around the edges of the street.

Usagi-san tilted misaki's chin up. He smiled then leaned forward and kissed the younger flustered man. It wasn't a sloppy kiss but a very loving one. Misaki's hand dropped to his side, limp in shock. His cheek burned red but not once did he want usagi-san to tare away. He thought back to the first night they kissed. When takahiro announced his marriage. It was very much like that. The street and the dark night. Everything except the snow.

When they finally broke apart, usagi hugged misaki briefly, "I missed you this week. Promise me that you'll never bet a busy job so we can see each over and spend time with each other every day."

You're one to talk. Misaki bite his tough to stop himself from whispering his comment. Not wanting to spoil Usagi-san's good mood for the rather long car ride home.

They walked off, hand in hand. Misaki smiled to himself but he was curious to make sure usagi didn't see. And this caution was successful as they walked the last few blocks to the red sports car that took them to their very comfortable home.

Although, a rock like feeling weighed Misaki down. He was feeling that he had become a bit dependent and he felt like this happiness wasn't going to last. But he would never say that.

The lights where flooding the streets with a dim yellow light as takahiro walked slowly back to the train. The long day at work dragged on and on and on and on. The cold air was refreshing and he just couldn't weight to go home and see his love wife and in a day or two his younger brother. Who he hadn't heard much of lately.

For a slight change in pace Takahiro decided to take a short cut through one of the back roads. Just to mix things up. He also enjoyed the solitude, knowing that no one would be watching as he dragged his feet, step by step, to the train.

Two figures where outlined in the light of the streetlamps. Takahiro sighed as he's secret wish to be alone was shattered, he was about to turn back to the brighter, busier street when something stuck out to him. The shorter of the two figures looked an awful lot like misaki. He stepped to the side, hiding slightly in the shadows and slightly in the light.

It WAS misaki! And usagi! Takahiro was about to call out and meet up with his brother and friend, when something strange happened. Usagi-san tilted misaki's head up. Then… kissed him.

He froze in his tracks. With no effort to refuse, misaki just accepted it. A sickening feeling came over takahiro. Where those two dating behind his back? A pang of betrayal stabbed takahiro's heart. And Usami was gay? And so was Misaki!

He just couldn't make sense of the scene placed in front of him. Were they always like this? Was Misaki okay with this? Was this safe or his younger brother? What were his own thoughts about it… no this wasn't okay!

He turned back and slowly began to walk away as questions swirled in his mind. Most importantly, takahiro had to go catch the train to see his loving wife and even more important, his brother soon.

This day was just going to keep going on and on and on and on.