By Tarts Wardrobe

Disclaimer: I do no own Digimon, these characters or the whole Digimon universe. I only made this story for entertainment purposes.

Just as she was turning around the corner, her car stalled. Again. She let out a few choice swear words under her breath as she craned her neck to look behind her. "Thank God" she murmured. Normally, when this happened several cars would be behind her, honking their horns and waiting for her to start moving again. Today however she was pleased to see no angry drivers wagging their fists out their car windows at her. She started the engine up again and with little hesitation it began running.

The car was not much. Hell, it was a piece of crap, but it was hers. She had saved her money, taking extra shifts at the shop she worked in and even sold a few articles of clothing online. The previous owner was happy to get rid of it. When she bought it off him the interior stunk, there were stains on the upholstery (one splatter looked suspiciously like dried blood) and the C.D player had been taken out, but it was her car. She bought it all by herself without any help whatsoever.

She pulled into an empty parking space and turned the car off. She opened the car door (jiggling the handle first – it always got stuck) and stepped out. She locked the door, throwing her car keys into her large, pink purse and headed towards the double glass doors. This morning's ensemble was not something she would wear on a regular basis even with her recent shopping budget. She wore a pair of black, elastic yoga pants that clung to her slender legs and a crisp, white button down shirt. The sleeves that had been rolled up just below her elbows revealed her thin wrists.

As she pulled open the large, glass door the strong aroma of coffee met her nostrils. She breathed it all in, happily sighing and moved to the back of the long line up of customers. She had been standing for a few minutes before one of the baristas behind the counter called her name. He was holding the tall, white paper cup that she knew was filled with her beverage of choice. She walked over to him, smiling. He handed her the cup and a paper bag, which she presumed held a warmed up cinnamon roll. The breakfast of champions.

"Thank you, so much" Her voice was sugary and soft. She cradled the paper bag in her arm and reached over the counter to give him a one-armed hug. "I owe you!" She said, still smiling.

"Don't worry, I know" he winked playfully.

Taking a sip of her coffee, which was made exactly to her liking, she crossed through the coffee shop into the adjoining bookstore. She walked down the busy main aisle and into the back. She stopped in front of a heavy, metal door with a small keypad just below the handle. Holding her coffee in her hand and the paper bag under her arm, she punched in the correct digits and opened the door. She sat her coffee and cinnamon roll down on the lunch table and pulled her black uniform vest from a white plastic hanger. She rummaged through her purse and grabbed her cell phone, in cased in a pink, rubbery "skin" and slipped it into the inner vest pocket.

She looked up at the big clock that hung over the doorframe. She had ten minutes to spare. She sat herself down on one of the red fabric chairs at the table and began picking at her cinnamon roll. She pulled off little bits of icing soaked dough at a time. Eating carefully and slowly. She flipped through an issue of VOGUE magazine, which a co-worker must have brought from the magazine racks at the front of the shop.

She finished off the rest of the roll and licked the sweet, sticky mess from her fingers. She looked down at her vest and tossed her honey coloured hair over her shoulder, revealing a bright blue name tag. In bold, white letters it said BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS. Underneath that was a white stuck on label and written with black pen in loopy cursive writing was her name. Mimi.


She looked down at the small mountain of books and magazines a customer had left. Rolling her eyes, she hunched over and sorted through the merchandise. She tossed the magazines onto an empty chair. She felt less annoyed noticing that they were all thick wedding magazines and how easy they were to put away. She stacked the novels up, reading the back covers of those that looked interesting.

"Hey, Mimi" a voice came from behind her. She spun around and found one of her managers named Aimee smiling at her.

"Hey," Mimi returned the smile. "How are you?" she asked.

After a short conversation of what each other did over the weekend, Aimee left Mimi to continue shelving the customers mess and returned to the managers' office. Just as Mimi heard the heavy door shut, she felt her cell phone vibrate against her chest. She peered around to see if anyone was looking at her and pulled her phone out of the inside pocket. A little, red notification informed her of a new text. She dragged her thumb over the track pad and clicked the icon. An unknown number displayed in tiny black print. She clicked it and read the short message that followed.

Hey Mimi! Long time no talk.
Wanna hang out later?
Lemme know!
It's Matt btw.

She read the message over several more times, peering down at the screen. Her eyebrows were knit and her lips pursed in a confused pout. Yamato 'Matt' Ishida was the last person she would expect an invitation to hang out from, let alone a text message. Sure, they sometimes hung out when they were kids and yeah, they saw each other a few times at mutual friend's get-togethers throughout high school, but she would hardly consider him a friend. Without a response, she slipped the phone back into her pocket and got back to work. However, throughout her entire shift she kept trying to figure out why he had suddenly messaged her.


She slumped into the familiar drivers' seat of her car, her feet aching from walking around all day. She grabbed her phone from her purse and re-read Matt's message. She decided to respond. Her thumbs moved across the keypad quickly, her painted pink nails clicking against the keys. She read her response over before finally clicking SEND.

Hey, surprised to hear from you!
What do you have in mind?

She started her car several times before the engine began humming. The radio started up, quietly playing an old Nirvana song that Mimi knew from somewhere. Humming along, she carefully backed out of the parking space and began on her way home. From the corner of her eye she saw the little red light flashing on her phone, signalling a new message. With one hand on the wheel, she used her other hand and she grabbed the phone and looked at the screen.

We can grab something to eat?
Or you can come over and we can catch up?

Using one thumb she quickly texted a reply telling him it was his choice. She threw her phone back on the passenger seat and prayed her car would make it all the way home.

Tarts Wardrobe/ Woo thank you for reading the first chapter of NINETEEN my new Digimon fanfic! I know it's nothing too special yet but keep looking out for updates! I hope you enjoyed reading and do not hesitate to review!

Chapter Soundtrack/ About a Girl - Nirvana