Author's Note: First off, I know I listed Rossi as a second character in this story and labeled it "Romance". While Rossi will be the second major CM character involved in this story, this is not a Hotch/Rossi slash. My apologies if that is what you were looking for. Please stick around and read anyway!
That said, this is the one I've had in the back of my head for over two years. As my good friend and fanfic mentor Thn0715 says, "The plot bunny that won't go away". After the wonderful response to my very first fanfic, I am determined to make my second story the one I've wanted to tell. I've got to get this story out of my head and into a written form. I have to say though this is somewhat hard for me. I feel like this is my own private little story. It took a very long time of soul searching to decide if I was going to share it.
For those of you that so graciously read and reviewed my first attempt, you know I like to write this team away from the office. This story will be no different. Btw, thank you for the reviews and adding me to your favorite list. I'm very humbled by the response.
This story will introduce a number of new characters that are only the figment of my imagination. It begins in November in Season 4. It does not follow any specific episode but will follow the plot line of CM into Season 5. There will be multiple chapters as this is a large tale. However, please know that the story is fully written. My work schedule is the only thing that may prevent me from my goal of posting a chapter a day. It also may stray from CM canon, but not far.
Thn, this first chapter is dedicated to you babe! Please keep my feet to the fire! I wouldn't be doing this without your support. My love my friend!
As always, your reviews are greatly appreciated. With my deepest apologies to those that reviewed my first story, I have not yet figured out how to send you a personal note back. (When it comes to this stuff, I'm in the Stone Age!) Please know I've read them all and you simply overwhelmed me!
Rated T for all chapters: you know me. I can have a potty mouth!
Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds or any characters. I sure would love to own one!
Chapter 1 – The Compromise
Aaron Hotchner walked through the glass doors of the FBI's BAU and headed into the break area of the unit. A creature of habit, Hotch followed his usual morning routine and started a pot of coffee. One of the first into the office since he had no life of his own after he and Haley divorced, Hotch was more driven to set an example for his team. The Unit Chief is the first in and last out. But damn, he missed his mornings with Jack.
Entering his office, Hotch fired up his computer and pulled up his email. When he saw the priority email from Section Chief Erin Strauss, he immediately knew this wasn't going to be a good morning. Once he read the email, he pinched his nose and rubbed his forehead. He rose from his chair before reading the rest of his mail to get a cup of the coffee he started. He needed it to decide how to deal with the problem that Strauss had dumped into his lap.
After filling his cup and returning to his office, Hotch checked the rest of the postings on his computer. None of them required his immediate action, so he took the time to lean back in his chair and formulate a plan on how to approach this problem that would affect the team's senior profiler.
He knew David Rossi would be pissed. He knew Rossi as well as the person he looked at in the mirror every morning shaving. Dave Rossi was his mentor into this unit and had long become his best friend as well. But he knew Dave's plans that day and how much it meant to his colleague. This wasn't going to be easy.
Waiting for the rest of the team to filter into the office, most importantly Dave, Hotch took the time to review some of the stack of files JJ had left for him that were now neatly arranged on the left side of his desk. He stayed immersed in them until he heard the familiar knock on his office window as Dave announced his presence into the unit while walking by Hotch's office.
Hotch left his office to get another cup of coffee, fortitude you could call it, and re-entered. He took a deep breath and a long look out his window. He then went down the upper tier walkway of the bullpen towards Rossi's office. Having already made his mind up, Hotch followed his gut. "You face a problem head on," he thought to himself. Knocking on Dave's open door, he asked casually, "How was your night?"
Dave replied, "Pretty good. I went to the opera with an old friend." Hotch knew by the smirk on Dave's face he got some action last night, but wasn't in the mood to press the issue, since getting another speech from Rossi that he needed to get a life of his own would only make his morning more miserable.
"Got a cup of coffee?"
Rossi answered, "Some profiler you are Aaron. You know I just walked in." Dave's easy banter was always relaxing to Hotch but it didn't quell the knowledge that what he was about to tell Rossi would set his friend off.
"Good. I don't want you taking my head off full of caffeine." Dave raised an eyebrow as Hotch continued. "Dave, I got an email from Strauss this morning," Hotch plainly stated.
"And that's never a good thing in your world is it?" Dave asked. "What she'd demand now?"
Hotch took another sip of his coffee before he answered. "Your presence at the Academy this morning. Specifically, at eleven to give the indoctrination lecture for the new class."
Dave immediately balked as Hotch assumed. "Aaron, there are at least fifteen agents in this building alone that could give that lecture. And you know my schedule this morning. Tell Strauss to find someone else."
"I can't Dave. Seems this new class has a lot of prospects that the Bureau finds promising. They want the best to do the first lecture," Hotch said, hoping to appeal to Dave's ego.
"That's bullshit Aaron, and you know it. Besides, you know my commitment. I won't walk away from that."
"Dave, I'm sorry," Hotch said genuinely. "But I have to follow orders."
"Dammit Hotch," Dave countered. "I've missed the three other times I was supposed to be there because we had a case. You know I lecture in this class every year."
"I know it means a lot to you Dave and the professor is a close friend of yours. But Strauss made it pretty plain that 'no' was not an optional answer from you."
"And I pretty much promised Cait last night that I would be there," argued Dave. "We've had three cases in a row and I know we're on the bench for a while. She said she was going to email the class to make sure they knew I was coming."
"Can't you do it tomorrow," Hotch countered, trying to help his friend out.
"No," Dave replied. "Today is the last chance before she starts prepping the class for finals. This class decides who gets into the psychology Master's program. These kids are the best and brightest in that field at Georgetown Aaron. I use part of the lecture as a recruitment program for the Bureau and the BAU. Tell Strauss I'm already doing my part."
Hotch had to think fast on his feet. He couldn't go against Strauss' order and yet he didn't want to be a hard ass to his friend. "How about I do the lecture at Georgetown? I know I'm not the legendary David Rossi, but hey, they'd be getting the Unit Chief of the BAU."
Dave thought for a minute. "You'd be willing to do that?" he asked.
"If it keeps Strauss from chewing my ass and you growling at me the rest of the week, yes."
"OK, you've got a deal. But you can't back out at the last minute Aaron. As soon as you leave, I'm calling Cait and telling her the change of plans," Dave said.
"Fill me in on what to expect," Hotch replied.