Silence says nothing Chapter one: The funeral
Hey this is a new story I'm doing for twilight. I hope you enjoy reading it.
The coffin was surrounded by flowers. People still lingered, talking to each other. The truth is no one really cared much about my dad. He was their police chief and now they're going to have to waste time and money to find a new one, that's what I heard Mrs. Stanly say anyway. My name is Isabella Marie Swan and two weeks ago my father was shot dead by my mum's boyfriend. He was protecting me from them. My mum, Renee, was a free spirit and had a new boyfriend every other month. She always used to tell me that I was an accident, one she regretted. I stared blankly at my father's coffin.
"Miss Swann" my social worker said softly. I looked up at the middle aged women. She was short, had ginger hair and the kindest smile I had ever seen.
"Yes?" I asked turning my eyes back to my dad's grave.
"It's time to go" I nodded. I placed my hand on my dad's coffin; a tear slipping from my eyes.
"Bye Daddy" I cried. Sarah pulled me up and wrapped her arm around me. We walked out of the cemetery and to her car.
I came to Forks three weeks ago. Living in Arizona with Renee was getting unbearable, so I packed up in the middle of the night, got on a plane and called my dad. I told him everything.
"Bella, I've found someone to adopt you'' Sarah said gently as she drove down my street. I whipped my head round so fast it hurt.
"What are you talking about?" I demanded "I'm seventeen in two months time and eighteen in a year I don't need anyone to adopt me" I shouted. I ran out the car and into the house. I slammed the door, slid down onto the floor and cried.
Esme P.O.V
"I understand Sarah" I sighed as I held the phone to my ear.
"She's very upset; she's going to need time and patience. She's got a past that she won't even talk about. I know from her father that her mother wasn't a very nice woman'' I frowned. Who treated their children like that? I looked over towards Carlisle who was looking at me intently.
"All my other children came from unpleasant families Mrs. Tenna, my husband and I can handle her'' we said our goodbye's then I put down the phone.
"Was that Sarah?" Carlisle asked as he sipped his drink. I nodded and sat on the chair beside him.
"Yes, she told Bella about us adopting her today; she didn't take it well'' he sighed and grabbed my hand.
"She just lost her father in extreme circumstances; she's going to be in pain for a while'' he whispered. We hadn't told our other children about Bella yet "she is going to take this lightly Esme, we're strangers to her'' he was right.
"I know it's just so hard to see them like this, I mean they're children they shouldn't have to deal with stuff like this'' he smiled sadly. The front door opened and shots met our ears.
"You don't care about me Emmett you never did" Rose, our eldest daughter, screamed. I rolled my eyes and Carlisle just laughed. Rose and Emmett were always fighting.
"Aren't you being a bit dramatic Rosie" Emmett whined. I could imagine him begging on his knees.
"Are you calling me dramatic Emmett?" I heard a groan coming from my son. I got up and walked into the living room. Rose was halfway up the stairs, Emmett standing at the bottom, whilst Jasper and Alice sat on one of the coaches talking quietly, ignoring the fighting couple.
"That's not what I meant'' he defended himself. Rose scoffed and continued up the stairs, Emmett chasing after her. I turned to my other two children.
"What was that about?" I asked sitting opposite them. Alice cracked up laughing.
"We were at the movies and Em was talking to this girl from school she had her arms draped all over him. Rose saw what was happening, went over and punched the girl then stormed out before the movie even began'' she laughed "I could tell that Em was repulsed by the girl, Lauren her name is'' I winced.
"Am I going to get a call from her mother?" Alice continued to laugh but nodded her head great just what I need right now.
"Where's Edward?" She stopped laughing. I noticed Jasper shift uncomfortably.
"He saw Chief Swann's daughter at the mall, she was wandering round crying. He took her home. I heard her saying that she needed to pick a few things up but heard a comment that Jessica Stanly said about her dad'' I smiled a little. She would get on well with Edward. Edward was the first of my children. His mother and father were killed when he was five; the poor boy witnessed it all. If anyone knew what Bella was going through then it would be him. Rose and Jasper came next, they were twins, and they were both eight when we adopted them. Rose was being abused by her uncle and Jasper by his father. It made me sick to think that parents or relatives would do that to their children. Next came Emmett, his parents were killed in a hunting accident when he was ten. And finally Alice, she had to have the worst past out of them all. She was six when her father and step mother locked her up in an asylum in Mississippi. When the authorities found out what was going on in that place they shut it down and got the patients out of there. Carlisle was one of the doctors treating them when he found Alice; she was the youngest patient and had been in that terrible place for eight years. When she came here she wouldn't talk to anyone but Jasper for an entire year, that was three years ago. The poor child still had nightmares. I came to from my musings when Edward walked through the door. He had a sad look on his face. This was defiantly the time to tell them.
"Rose, Emmett, your father and I need to talk to you" I shouted up the stairs. Carlisle came through from the kitchen and nodded his head in my direction. Rose and Em came down and we all sat down at the table. I took a deep breath and stood up.
"We have something to tell you" they looked at me gravely. They could tell this was a delicate topic.
So what do you think? Good or bad?
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