A/N: Its hard to imagine that this story has come to an end. I want to thank everyone that stayed with me even through my hiatus. I hope everyone has enjoyed reading this story as much as I have enjoyed writing it.
"Benson" Olivia said as she answered her phone half asleep.
"Hey baby girl sorry to wake you but we are going to need you at Mercy."
"I'll be there as quick as I can." Olivia said as she hung the phone up and rolled over to face Alex.
"They need you?" Alex asked as she sat up and swung her feet over the side of the bed.
"Yeah they do baby. It must be bad."
"Go hope in the shower and I will get the coffee going." Alex said as she wrapped her robe around her and headed for the bedroom door.
Olivia smiled as she watched her wife head out the door. So much had changed since she retired over eight years ago. Elliot had followed in her footsteps about six months after her and put in his papers for retirement. The deciding factor for him was when he had to take the life of a young girl his daughter's age. She had came into the precinct and shot and killed the man who had not only raped her mother but had her killed to. In the process the ATF agent who was dirty was shot and Sister Peg was killed. It took almost a year for him to have any type of contact with anybody at the 1-6, herself included. When he finally came back around he explained that he had lost so much that he needed time for just himself and his family before he found the barrel of his gun. Everyone more than understood that feeling at one time or another they had all felt like the best way to handle anything was to swallow their piece.
Cragen was given an option either retire or be let go. This was after a case of where he woke up in bed with a dead woman covered in her blood. He had no memory of what had happened much less how he wound up in the motel with the victim. The squad worked day and night for almost a month to help clear Cragen. Olivia had even stepped back in to help clear him. Alex had appointed herself as his counsel making sure he had the best representation there could be. In the end even though he was cleared of all charges the department said there had been too much bad publicity. Cragen didn't argue with putting his papers in. He decided that it was time to move on with his life.
Munch had stepped in as the commander of the squad considering he had the rank and was senior officer. That lasted for maybe a year until he had a massive heart attack and was declared medically unfit for duty. After that he took his retirement from Philadelphia and New York and finally opened the bar he always ranted about. It had become the new cop hang out once it started going. That suited Munch because he was able to stay in the loop and even assisted some of the newer detectives with their cases. At any given moment you could find any member of the team there bartending or waitressing what he needed help with. Even Cragen who was a recovering alcoholic would assist.
Fin was the only one who stayed with SVU after everyone took their leave. He always said that there was no way could leave the squad to a bunch of rookies to mess up what they had worked so hard for. He had diligently trained four new detectives and so far they were working out great. Just last month he had been promoted to Captain of the 1-6 and led the team with the same dedication that Cragen had always showed them.
Fin being promoted to Captain led her to where she was now. She had joined Alex's non-profit Joyful Heart Foundation as a trained rape crisis's counselor specializing in children. There was one week a month that she was on call unless the case was too bad and then Fin would call her directly. She had joined JHF about two years after retirement when Fin and Rollins had a case dealing with the back log of DNA test kits on rape cases. It shook her to the core that there was so many women like her mother waiting to receive justice. With the help of Alex and her political connections she was able to campain for new bills to stop the back log. So far she had been successful in fifteen states and many more were in the process of passing the bill.
While working hard at getting the bills passed she realized how much she missed working with the victims and making a difference on the front line. She didn't want to go back to working full time as a detective but still wanted to help victims. That was when Alex hatched the plan to add a counselor section to the JHF that specialized in sexual abuse only. Olivia was overjoyed and signed up for the needed classes she needed. Once she had taken the class and received her certification. Alex decided that with Olivia's background and training it would be best to have her as the head counselor and the one who chose who worked in that division. Also with that making her the head counselor they were still able to travel and see their children.
Maddie had made it up the ranks in the Army and was currently station in Germany. Jonathan had received a full ride to Annapolis upon graduation and had graduated from there with honors. Andrew enlisted in the Marines upon graduation and had recently attended Officer Candidate School and graduated. Since all the children enlisted in different branches Olivia often joked they should have had a fourth child so they would have one in all the branches. Alex would always roll her eyes then get a devious smile reminding her it wasn't too late to have that fourth child.
"Hey stud roll out of the bed and get going." Alex said as she reappeared with a cup of coffee.
Olivia darted from the bed and quickly pinned Alex against the wall and stared into the crystal blue eyes that stole her heart so long ago. Her hair was now all gray and she had put on a few pounds throughout the years but that didn't stop the desire she felt for her every time she looked at her.
Alex wrapped her arms around Olivia's neck and melted into her arms. They were a true testament that you can survive anything with love. They had separated, lost a child, endured a contracted hit on her from a drug lord, and more close calls with death than either of them would ever admit for Olivia. Yet here they stood just as strong as they ever were. All of it began so many years ago in a café owned by her parents.