A/N: Short I know but I wrote this at like midnight last night. I would like to thank Alethea melanie-Rose who got me thinking of these one-shots of how I think Annabeth is during H.o.O. Yes Annabeth is a little OCC but when your going through what she's going through. You wouldn't be your self either. I except flames. No haters means their's no lovers. Flame on! (haha fantastic 4)

Disclaimer: I don't own PJO. In less then a week i'll own a copy of S.o.N!

Why does everybody have to leave? Why does every person I love leave?

First Thalia, She was the closes mother figure I had when I was younger. She was their when I felt alone. But she left me.

She was turned to a tree when I was seven. SEVEN! Yes she came back, but left me once again and joined the Hunters. She may be alive, but I never get to see her, unless the world is in danger.

Then Luke; My first crush; the guy I love as a brother. He and I were the rest of the family of three after what happen to Thalia. After his quest, he was never same. He was still their but he was different. Also like Thalia, he left but the difference? He can never come back.

Sadly, Percy is in the list. I would give anything for Percy wouldn't be in the list but the Fates are cruel that way. The love of my life; my other half; my boyfriend; my best friend… my seaweed brain.

When Thalia left, I cried.

When Luke left, I cried.

When Percy left, half of me died.

He didn't really leave. More like kidnapped but it still hurt. Especially when you know where he is and that you want to go get him but you can't. All that hurt, stings! What really killed me is that he doesn't remember.

He doesn't remember our first kiss; our first dance at Westover Hall; our second kiss. Or our third! How on our first date, instead of the movies or a fancy restraint, like any normal couple. He took me to a romantic dinner for two, under the stars on the pier of the lake on camp half-blood.

How nervous he was, until I took his hand and gave him a reassuring squeeze. How after dinner you want in the water to have the second best under water kiss.

He won't remember. Even if I did see him, he would have no memory. He would be here physically but the Percy I know, the Percy I LOVE would be gone. Just like right now.

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