4 Years Later
Garrison College for the Performing Arts Graduation Gala, Austin Texas
Carly, Freddie and I all stood around, mingling with our new friends that we had made over the years at Garrison. I had starred in quite a few musicals in my time here, ranging from comedies to dramas and Shakespeare. It was an amazing experience, and I made tons of new friends, and learned so much. Now I had a degree in Musical Theater.
Carly got her degree in music and is going to become a singing teacher back at Ridgeway. She had had many solos the past four years and had become the new star of Garrison's singing program.
Freddie was still an un-deniable tech nerd. He had improved Garrison's lighting and sound systems dramatically and now had a degree in Film. And yes, we were still dating. How could I even bear to break up with him? The one person who I had thought as the worst person possible in my life, ended up being the best.
Just then, Freddie found a chair and stood up on it, clinking his wine glass with his fork.
"Excuse me! Excuse me! I have an announcement." He said from the chair.
What the heck?
"Freddie, stop it." I said with a slight laugh. "What the heck are you doing?"
"Shh." He said as everyone finally turned to him. "Okay, I have a very important announcement to make."
Everyone continued to hold attention.
"There's someone in this room that I can't live without." He started. "Someone that I used to hate… but now love with all my heart, and has for the past five years."
I blinked a few times. He had to have been talking about me.
"I'm talking about my girlfriend, Sam Puckett." He re-stated. "And… Sam, I need to tell you something."
He stepped down from his chair and then cleared a spot and got down on one knee.
"Samantha Puckett, I love you more than I've loved anyone else in my entire life… I… I can't live without you, and so…" he paused and pulled out a small box from his suit pocket. "Samantha Puckett, will you marry me?"
Tears welled up in my eyes as I stared down at the not boy, but now incredible man before me. I nodded emphatically.
"Yes." I said hoarsely. "Yes."
He stood up and wrapped me in a giant hug.
"I know you can't be Mrs. Sam-This-Pie." He said in my ear. "But I hope Mrs. Benson is okay too."
"Mrs. Benson is the best thing in the world." I replied. "Best thing in the world."
Three Months Later
Seattle Protestant Church, Seattle Washington
"Carly, can I seriously do this?" I asked my maid of honor.
"Sam, you want this. You can do it." she re-assured me. "I know you can."
She squeezed my hand for another re-assurance and then stepped back in front of me and began to walk down the aisle.
It was a small wedding, but it was all I needed. I shook out my free hand again and then hooked it through Spencer's arm.
"Ready to go, kid?" he asked.
"Yeah." I said. "And thanks for giving me away, Spence. You're the closest thing to a parent I have."
"Anytime, kid." He said. "Anytime"
And then my song began to play. We stepped out and everyone stood and stared at me. I swallowed hard and then focused my attention on Freddie, the man I was marrying. The man I loved with all my heart.
We walked down the aisle and Spencer handed me over to Freddie, who took my hand and gave it a squeeze as we walked up to the preacher who began the service.
"Dearly beloved, we gather here today to celebrate the unity of Freddie and Sam in holy matrimony…"
He went on, and we did our traditional vows, slipping the rings on each other's fingers. Carly sang, which nearly brought me to tears, and then finally, it was the time I had been waiting for.
"Freddie, you may now kiss your bride."
He smiled and then put his hands by my waist and I put mine on his shoulders and we kissed as he dramatically dipped me back and then back up. What can I say? We are performing arts graduates.
"And now I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Benson." The preacher announced.
I smiled at my new husband and then at my best friend. I looked out into the crowd and saw Melanie, who understood completely with my choice of not having her in the wedding, even though I loved her to death. She smiled at me and then blew me a kiss.
And even though Mom wasn't there… because she had still stayed stubborn all these years…
I was truly the happiest I had ever been.
~The End~