This is a heads-up to all of my wonderful readers. Lately I've been somewhat dissatisfied with some elements of The Legend of Senna, and combined with the imminent premiere of The Legend of Korra, I've made the decision to take down this fic and revise it. That doesn't mean I won't finish it! But I want to change things around, and I want to include canon from Legend of Korra, so Legend of Senna is on hold for the foreseeable future, possibly until after Legend of Korra has finished its run. To those of you who have been enjoying this story, I'm very sorry, and I hope that I can repay with an even better story in the future. I might possibly change the title because holy cats, was I unoriginal with this one. Thank you so much to everyone who's read this so far. Truly, you mean the world to me, and every review makes me happy. I hope you will be on the lookout for this story in the future; I will message those of you who have reviewed this so far when I do get around to reposting it.

Happy writing,
