It was just another sunny day in San Diego. Drake and Josh were asleep and completely unaware of their little sister Megan and her brand new attempt at a cruel joke, only this time she wasn't alone.

"Hurry up you boobs!" Megan yelled at Craig and Eric, the nerdy minions she picked for today's mission.

Craig whined loudly and Eric elbowed him in the gut. "Do you WANT her to make our lives a living hell too or what?" Eric whispered to his friend.

"No… but why do we have to help her now? Our science project is due in a few days and her parents will probably get ang-"

"Shhh!" Megan hissed. "I heard that and for your information mom and Walter are off at some weather men conference or something for the whole weekend, so it's now or never." She looked around and got a grin on her face. "Now you boobs stay right here, I'll go get the rope."

As she walked away, she left the boys in the living room dazed and confused. Craig sighed deeply. "I can't believe you dragged me into this"

"Aww, Craig be a man won't you? You know how that little girl can be a little devil. Besides, we'll get that project done in no time and you know it."

Eric walked towards his friend and put his arm around him. "Just chill." He said.
Craig blushed a little and pulled away from his friends' hold.

"I-I know it's just… well we need the extra time! We always end up getting distracted by one thing or…" He stopped in mid sentence. Eric was walking towards his friend, slowly, taunting. "Another, right?" he finished his friends' sentence.

"Yeah… What you said" Craig said slowly. His mind was fogging up. He was remembering the night Eric first did this. His slow, sexy walk, what he used to show Craig what was on his mind. One word: Sex.

"E-Eric we can't… Not here" Craig said, a little short of breath.

"No problem Craig. We can always… wait a while.." he said this but didn't mean it, and that was very clear to Craig. Eric removed his classes and approached his friend slowly until he was inches away from his face.

Craig was blushing wildly as Eric inched himself closer and closer. Their lips met for a second and Craig could feel a familiar tightening in his pants. He wanted this so badly and just as he reached Eric's waist to pull him closer, they heard Megan yell at them from the stairs.

"Hey nerds!" they heard her say "Hurry up and bring the stuff!"

The boys sighed deeply and pulled apart reluctantly. "Come on." Eric said. They lifted the box of cables and wires Megan had given them earlier and walked towards the stairs.

Whatever it was that Megan had planned, Drake and Josh were in for it big.