Thank you gift to all my readers

Alternate Universe

I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho

Chapter One


Life was going great. I had nothing to complain about, all because of what I did not remember, did not affect me, and it was out of mind out of sight, only for so long. If only I can return to that time, when my thoughts did not revolved around the one that got away. I went through all my college years without a mere recollection, but having the friends that I do now, it resurfaced. Luckily it was now rather than then. My dates were great and I have a healthy social life, well as great as it can be whilst living with my parents and keeping up a certain appearance. That was just a temporary situation, for I am saving to buy a house rather than renting. Oh bless the day when I do move out, it is closer than anyone realises.

These have been the first time in years, since High school, that I've began thinking about my true love that was never to be found again. Let me make this clear, we did not know it was love back then, for we were young and ignorant, and on top of that, we were very much into experimentation, my first everything, yes I admit, everything. Even today, as I look back, I do not regret how I lost my virginity. I know lots who have, but to me, it was the only thing that tied me to my lost love. I did not know about that little experiment turning out to the love of my life. Well as they say, you never know what you have until it's gone, and you do suffer and feel very much foolish, finally realising when it is far too late.

It affects me more now considering where I am in my life. Even after countless of dates, that's just what it was, just dates, I am still not wedded or engaged. After college, I met some friends that proved to be lifelong friends and we clicked automatically. They pulled out the socialite in me. It wasn't until we had a triple date that I began reminiscing of my past love. It was I, and a young lady, very much pleasant and decent, a true lady. I'm sorry I can't recall her name. Such is life when what you thought didn't matter does and what you think does is not as trifle as important as what was once forgotten but bound to make your life a bundled of what if questioning and self derision.

Let me continue, shall we. It was I, and my date, my friends Yusuke and Keiko, who as they shared, has been dating since Sarayashiki Junior High. I was surprised they remained singled with each other for so long. The other couple was a dear friend, Kazuma, but we all call him by his family name, Kuwabara. He went on vacation one summer and met such a decorum and very beautiful mysterious young lady. Eventually he shed light on her identity when we met her. The lovely Yukina, as he puts it. I smile fondly at the thought of him with his love. He is such a warrior of love. Well, it was his mysterious, soigné lady that brought back memories.

It was a lovely cool late summer evening, when we were all out in a park side restaurant, when we saw her. She was a vision of loveliness and her mannerism was very much a positive aspect of her personality, but none of that compared to how beautiful her eyes were. I tried not to stare into those deep red passionate looking eyes. It would have given away a different meaning if I stared at her all night. It didn't click in my head where I saw those eyes before. It bothered me for the entire date, thinking back as to why those eyes looked familiar. Then there it was, flash in my mind where I was in my bed, mum was away for the weekend, with this figure over me, forcefully thrusting inside me, and oh how much I loved it. Myself being thoroughly flush in euphoria as all I saw were those fervent red eyes staring back at me with that same look Yukina was giving Kuwabara. I didn't know then what that look was, and no one can blame me considering the situation I was in. I was delightfully too busy loving how my body was making me feel due to divine momentum, force and friction that were being applied to me. Gosh, you've got to love Science for that, and I paid the price for science the next day. My hips and thighs were in pain as if I ran a marathon. It was then I knew why some of the girls complained discreetly amongst themselves. We never knew what they were talking about; therefore we dismissed it as a girl thing.

It was then it came in a flash, a flash that made me flush in remembrance. Yukina-san possessed eyes, the same as my lost love. If only I could see those eyes again, I would know what they were showing me back then. Now I fear that I will not get the chance, to finally say how I felt. I was never told, but I was too blind to see what was in front of me. Maybe it was the fact that we were too immature to say words that might have led us down the wrong path, even if the feelings were true. Maybe all of this happened for a good reason. This was my thought to make myself feel better so I would not spiral into depression or loathe my life when seeing everyone else around me moving on.

And here we are, present day as I am celebrating the first anniversary of Keiko and Yusuke. They were married and soon after Yukina and Kuwabara wedded, as did our newest friend, Koenma and Botan. I mean even Kuwabara's sister; Shizuru was married to a charming fellow named Sakyou, and where I was, single. I was always part of the wedding party, never being married. I even made a joke that I don't even mind being a bride. They saw the humour in it as did I, but I knew if ever my lost love comes back into my life, I would be anything he wants me to be. I do hope you knew it was a guy I was referring to, if not, then shame on you for your slow cognition and the lack of meagre skills to decipher my words. Oh, here I go again, insulting. He loved insulting people and I must say, he was rather good at it, that among other things, that I hope I was the only one to experience firsthand. Selfish I know, but sometimes you have to be when you know the true value of your treasure.

"Hey Kurama, come on the dance floor." I heard Yusuke calling, or rather yelling over the music, breaking me out of my thoughts. That sweet lad, he's always trying to get me out and about, doing things. I humour his trivial pursuits, as always, and stood up ready to walk toward him on the dance floor. I danced with him and anyone else who desired a partner, but I grew wiry as the evening turned to dusk, so I retired back to my table. No one missed me because there were so many people attending the celebration. The temple was almost too small to host such a grand event. It was the way I like it, so I can get away without attracting any attention. I will just sit here and drink myself to a happy place.


Thank You All.