Chapter 8

"KAT!" John practically screamed. He had watched as the controlled charges they were using to clear the rubble had set off a small avalanche, sending snow cascading down towards his sister. The snow had continued, stopping against the wall of the rescue hut, just where the other survivors were. Virgil leaned out of the door of the Plough when he heard John's cry.

"What happened?"

Scott ran round the corner, shovel in hand.

"I heard a yell! Is anyone hurt?"

"We set off a small avalanche with the charges! Kat got caught in it!" John could almost see the others pale behind their masks. "We've got to help her!" The other two nodded at him. Scott got in next to Virgil and John jumped on the back. The Plough started with a cough and set off down the slope.

"Alan! Where's Alan?" John looked around frantically for any sign of his red racing car hat. Nothing. He searched for any of his siblings. He spotted Virgil sitting with the medical crew, his left arm in a sling. John ran over.

"Virgil! What happened?" John asked.

"Johnny!" The young Tracy exclaimed, hugging his brother with his good arm. John hugged him back.

"Virgil, do you know where anyone else is?" Virgil shook his head. John nodded to the medics, took Virgil's hand and led him away, searching for anyone he knew. He finally spotted an auburn flash between the crowd of people. He walked over, pushing his way through the milling rescue workers. Gordon was sitting with a blanket round him, looking scared. His face lit up when he spotted John.

"Johnny!" He jumped up and practically leapt on John. "Where's Scotty?"

"I don't know where Scooter is. Why don't we go find him?" The little boy nodded and held John's other hand. John set off again, cutting through the milling people. He tried not to show it to his younger brothers, but he was secretly terrified that something had happened to Scott, Kat or Alan.

John leapt off the back of the Plough, stumbling as his feet hit the soft snow. He saw some of the workers already trying to clear the snow from around the area, but no sign of Kat. Scott and Virgil got down out of the cab and looked around. They came to the same conclusion as John.

"Come on. Let's start looking." Scott said quietly. The three of them set forwards, John desperately hoping Kat was unhurt. They'd already lost one family member in an avalanche, and he knew they couldn't cope with another.

Cold. It was everywhere, above, below, enclosing her in an icy grip. Then, feeling began to return. Her head hurt, throbbing. She felt sick. Her left shoulder began to slowly ache. Her right leg had spikes of pain running up and down it. Beyond that, nothing seemed too bad. Kat slowly opened her eyes. It was dark, but there was a small amount of light. She couldn't pinpoint where it was coming from. Kat closed her eyes again, feeling her head and stomach complain. When she felt well enough, she opened her eyes again and tried to focus. She felt something enclosing her head. What was that? The helmet, of course. Kat cursed her sluggish brain. She noticed a thin, spidery, white crack on the top left corner of the tinted visor. Jesus, just how hard did she hit her head? Kat tried to reach up and raise the visor so she could see better, but couldn't move her hand. She tried to move her other hands, but both seemed to be stuck. Kat began to panic, and tried to move at all. Sudden streaks of pain began charging through her right leg. She cried out, tears springing to her eyes. Great. A broken leg. Her brothers were not going to stop fussing over her when they found her. A thought occurred to her. What if they didn't find her? She had no idea how deep she was buried in the snow, and had no idea if the boys even knew she was caught in the avalanche. Panic began to well up in her chest, but she squashed it down. Of course they would find her. They always did. Her most imminent problem at the moment was the cold. He heated suit must have been damaged in the avalanche, because she was feeling the cold in full force. Kat didn't even know what way was up. Another wave of dizziness and sickness passed over her. She closed her eyes and took several deep breaths. She was stuck, buried in snow; unable to use her watch to tell the others she was OK.

This could probably top her 'Worst Moments of My Life So Far' list. Gordon had jokingly made that up after the two of them had been stranded in a complete downpour, sheltering in an old bus stop, neither of them having their phones on them. They had to use a telephone box, both of them cramming in to escape the rain, to call Scott and ask him to pick them up. There had been a lots of giggles as they both tried to snatch the phone off each other in the small box. Kat had finally managed to win by forcing Gordon to the floor and sitting on him. Kat smiled at the memory. Buried alive, one would think that you would stay awake and alert, but Kat wanted nothing more than to sleep, let the cold sooth her into a comforting dream. So she did, closing her eyes and sighing gently.


So there you have it! A new chapter for you to sink your teeth into. (As long as they don't damage it, I'm proud of this chapter.) I had a break over Christmas, but I have returned, bringing poor battered Kat with me. Part of me feels bad for beating my characters up, but another small part of me finds it rather fun. :)

Anyway, updates will come as ideas do, but said ideas may come faster if I have motivation! *cough*Review please*cough* .

See you guys (and girls) soon!

Au Revoir.

-Xx Nerdica xX