House of Facebook

By: MW

I am obsessed with facebook at the moment so I am going to make on of FF

Hope you like it (:

Also this is after the prom.


Nina: I just danced with Fabian 3

Patricia: Took you long enough.

Amber: Congrats!

Victor: It is 10, get to sleep.

Patricia: When did you get a FB?

Victor: I just got one.

Patricia: I am not going to be your friend.

Nina: PATRICIA! I friend him :D

Amber: Yeah, try to get on his good side

Patricia: It is weird to be friends with Victor. Then he knows what I write…

Victor: I've seen your wall.

Patricia: Hey look at the time, I am so tired.

Amber Millington likes this.

Victor wants to be friends with Patricia Williamson

Nina: Hey Fabes

Fabian: Hey Nines :D

Nina: So… now what?

Fabian: Umm, where did you put the cup?

Nina: Victor has a facebook

Victor likes this

Fabian: Did you friend him?

Nina: I had to!

Victor: Off to bed now.

Nina: c u tom. Fabes :D


Fabian Rutter changed his status to: In a relationship with Nina Martin

Everyone on facebook likes this.

Amber: Awww

Alfie: Way to go :D

Patricia: Give me the money, Clarke.

Jerome: Later, Trixie (:

Alfie: Jerome likes Patricia

Patricia: No he doesn't.

Mara: He likes me : /

Amber: Since when did you have a FB?

Mara: Since always

Mick: I have to :D

Fabian: How did this conversation go from my relationship, to Patrome, to accounts?

Nina Martin and 2 others likes this

Jerome: Wat is Patrome?

Amber: Patricia and Jerome.

Patricia: Thank you Fabian for saying what it means.

Fabian: Np :D


Mara: Hey Mick :D

Mick: Hey Babes

Mara: Do u think Jerome rlly likes Patricia?

Mick: I don't kno, I will go and check his diary :D


Jerome messaged Patricia

Jerome: hey

Patricia: Hey (:

Jerome: You ready for out date?

Patricia: Yep (: Can't wait.


(A/N Outside of FB)

Mick, snuck into Jerome's room after he left for the date. He grabbed his diary, and flipped it open.

I am going on my 2nd date with Patricia. I am taking her to a bowling alley.

Mick pulled out his phone and snapped a picture, and it uploaded on facebook.


Patricia and Jerome were bowling when their phones beeped. Patricia looked at the picture that Mick wrote under: Jerome is out with Patricia this very moment.

"Hey Jerome… look at this." Patricia showed him it.

"Oh I am going to get him." He growled.



Patricia Williamson likes this

Mick: Of course she would like it.

Patricia: I am gonna get u.

Jerome Clarke likes this.

Mick: Hey look at the time, it is almost ten. Bye!


Hope you likes it, Review!