A/N: Wow guys I am so sorry! I have been so busy lately. School's coming up and I still have a summer assignment I am in the process of finishing and now all my friends are getting back from vacation so they all wanna hang. I just have a lot of junk on my plate right now xD . Hopefully when school starts back up I will be able to update once a week, but I can't promise anything. Sucks I know :/ Anywho here's the new chapter! And warning I used my first curse word in this one… Don't worry it's not the F-bomb or anything like that xD. Anywho…read and reviews, lovies ! :D

Oh and sorry to all my reviewers of the previous chapter. I write both of my author's note after I finish writing the chapter and I just don't have time to get back to all of you right this minute unless I post-pone uploading this until tomorrow, but even then I don't know if I'll have time to. So thank you all that reviewed and I will make sure I get to each of your reviews first thing next chapter.




Shen tapped his feathers on the wooden table in annoyance. Shortly after the ship had reached the shore, half of the wolves had to conveniently to the nearby town to 'restock their supplies'. He scoffed at that. It was quite obvious where they were. Hell, Shen could've been blind and dumb and still known exactly what kind of town they were near. Even from his small quarters on his ship he could smell the stench of cheap liquor and hear the pounding of tasteless music. Whatever 'supplies' the wolves were looking for, it certainly wasn't for the ship.

Shen huffed and moved from the table to the small bed. It was clear that the storm would not let up for a while, so he figured he might as well make the most of the free time. He was just closing his eyes and sinking his eyes into the itchy pillow when a muffled bellow from below caused him to jump and fall face first out of the bed.

"That panda really has a death wish." He hissed swiftly charging towards the door and yanking it open. "Will somebody please shut up that blasted panda!" Shen waited a few moments and when the only reply was a clap of lightening he growled in impatience. "Well?" He screeched and it only took him a few more minutes of standing there before his eyes darkened. Everybody had left.

Giving a roar of pure rage, he dove into the rain darting as fast as he could to the door which led to Po.

Po, who had finally given into the whims of his growling stomach, yelled out again hoping that somebody would be merciful enough to give him something to eat. He quickly realized fate was not on his side when a dripping and furious Shen charging at him.

"What. Do. You. Want?" Shen seethed through gritted teeth.

Po hesitated, wondering how to put this so the peacock wouldn't chomp his head off. "Um… I was hungry?"

Shen stared at the panda for a good minute. Po blinked at him, and then blinked again. It appeared as though the peacock was frozen in place. Po looked from side to side nervously not quite sure what to make of this strange behavior. When Shen moved again, Po was sure he would lash out at him, but to his surprise, the peacock turned around and quietly fished into a large barrel on the far side of the room.

Po eyes widen as three bean buns were unceremoniously shoved into his mouth. He swallowed without complaint and returned his eyes to the retreating bird.

"You will be fed again in the morning, but if I hear so much as a peep from you until then," Shen stopped halfway up the steps and gave Po a vicious glare. "I will not hesitate to cut out that incessantly flapping tongue of yours."

With that cheerful statement, Shen disappeared out the door.

-Furious Five-

Rain that had once been drizzling lightly was now pounding viciously down on the faces of the Furious Five. They had been running for hours. Tigress was a good twenty yards ahead of the other four, and Crane knew this was as good a time as any to discuss things out rationally.

"I don't like this; we're going in blind." He said in a soft voice that even Tigress' sharp ears could not pick up from their distance.

"No kidding." Mantis huffed, squinting against the merciless downpour. "I'll be lucky if I'll be able to see a thing by the time this storm lets up."

Crane rolled his eyes at the insect. "That's not what I meant and you know it."


"Crane's right." Monkey chimed in. "We're up against at least a dozen ships equipped with cannons and with no plan at all. I know we're all angry at Shen for what he did, but blind rage will get us nowhere."

Crane gave Monkey a surprised look. Monkey usually wasn't one for profound words or words really for that matter, but he was absolutely right. If they were going to have a sliver of chance at defeating Shen then they would have to keep a cool head about this and treat it like any other mission. He winced as he watched a poor tree sapling get mauled over by the hurried she-tiger ahead of them. Unfortunately, he didn't have much hope for Tigress keeping her calm once they reached the ships.

Viper, who had been silent the duration of the journey, was now also thinking about what Monkey had just said, and wondering if not Tigress but she herself would be able to face the monstrous peacock without losing herself to her anger. A couple hours ago when she still prided herself for believing that all life was sacred and everyone can redeem themselves, she would've scoffed at the idea that she was capable of containing so much hatred for another living creature and was actually considering acting on that hate. But that was before she learned of a certain peacock's actions towards her beloved friend. She didn't want to hate Shen. People like Tai Lung gave into their hate and he might as well have been the poster boy for evil. She shuddered. She wouldn't let herself wouldn't let herself get that bent up in this hatred. She couldn't.

Crane gave Viper a sidelong glance. He could see she was having some internal struggle and opened his beak to speak, but snapped it shut when he realized he lacked to proper words to comfort her. Instead he cleared his throat and spoke to the entire trio. "So it's settled then. From now on we will not focus on anything besides the mission ahead agreed?"

Mantis gave a quick 'agreed' and Monkey let out and affirmative grunt. Viper however stayed silent and Crane eyed her wearily. "Viper…"

"Focus on the mission. Got it."

Sensing the tension in the air, Mantis quickly spoke. "Let's hurry and get that big fur ball back! I have a whole new batch of bean buns and wanna see if he can make it to forty-five."

Crane gave a tired chuckle and Monkey was about to let out an approving 'whoop', but soon found himself face first in stripped, matted fur.

Quickly picking himself up, he stuck out his tongue revealing that his mouth had indeed been open during the impact. "'Ey wot was t'at for, Ti'ress?" He asked, pulling tufts of hair off of his tongue.

Tigress' left ear twitched back towards the dark thicket of forest before she replied in a hushed voice. "We're being followed."

A/N: In case you couldn't catch on to my hints, Shen's ships landed at a *ahem* gentlemen's clubamplified to where it's the whole city xD. Not exactly the most kid-friendly topic, but don't worry I won't mention anything explicit and it does fit into the plot I have in mind. Anyways sorry if there are mistakes this chapter was a bit rushed ;P Anywho R&R!