Talk to Me

by Kye

Part 5: Xel is Cut Off

She knew exactly what to do. The only worry she had was that Xel wouldn't show.

"Xel! We have to talk." She listened intently, but heard nothing. "Please? I know you're here. I...just need to see you." The priest appeared silently, only visable if you were looking for him.

"Hai?" He sounded entirely hopeless, thought Lina remorsefully. "Is this about why I must be lying, Lina-chan?" She didn't speak. Taking a deep breath, she turned towards him.

"Xel." she leaned closer. "Shut up." And kissed him. His eyes widened and he gasped when she let go.

"L-lina-chan--" he stammered. "You..."

"Thank you, Xelloss. No one's ever told me they loved me before."

"What about-"

"I was talking to myself, Xel."

"Oh..." He looked embarrased.

They were quiet again, a less uncomfortable silence than the ones they'd been having lately. Finally, he spoke up.


"Yes I like it. You."

"Why?" She let out a short laugh. He sounded like her.

"Because...I dunno, Xel, do I have to have a reason? You're smart. And funny, and powerful, and not bad looking by any means. And you know me well, and I can usually guess what to expect from you. And you're a good kisser."

"That's why you'll accept it, not why you care."

"Why do I care? That's the mystery." He raised an eyebrow. "Don't look at me like that, Xel! It doesn't matter why if it's true and real."

"All right, then let me put this one to you: what are we going to do? I mean, you and someone like me?"

"You know, I was thinking that, only the opposite. Anyway, Zel seems okay with it."

"Zel-kun knows?"

"I needed advice." She smiled apologetically.

"You asked advice from someone who hates me?"

"He doesn't hate you as much as you think. And Gourry won't take it too hard, I think. He's got his heart with Sylphiel, whatever he thinks."

"So you don't think it will hurt him?"

"Not as much as Amelia. She'll flip." Xelloss grinned.

"I want to see that." Lina smiled in kind.

"You're evil, namagomi."

"Well, yes."

"But you know..."


"I wouldn't have it any other way."


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