Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ, or the bible. If I did, I would make improvements to both.
A/N: wow, I got five reviews for this. That's a lot for something that took me less than five
minutes to write. Next chapter!
Goku's Ark: Chapter Two
When the rain had stopped, Goku and his family went outside to see what they could see.
It was nothing but water as far as the ye could see.
"Oh, Goku, how will we know when the water goes down?" ChiChi asked.
Goku pointed one finger in the air as he got an idea.
"I know! We'll send Icarus out, and if he doesn't come back, we'll know that the water has
ChiChi jumped with joy. "Oh, Goku, that's a wonderful plan!"
So they called Icarus, and he flew off over the water, out of sight.
Vegeta sat on top of his gravity chamber, stroking his pet dove.
(A/N: Yes, now Vegeta has a pet dove.)
"Oh, my pretty little dove, you will help me find land, won't you?" he said. The dove nodded his
"Yeah! Go, and see if any land is still above water!"
The dove left Vegeta's arm, and began to fly away. But just as he was leaving, Icarus flew up,
caught the dove in his mouth, and ate it.
"Blast!" Vegeta yelled. "How will I ever know if it's safe to leave the gravity chamber!?"
But Icarus began to choke. The dove was caught in his throat! He fell into the water and
"Damn. Now the dragon's dead too. Oh well, serves him right."
"Hey, everyone!" Goku called to his family, "Icarus hasn't come back yet. That must mean
there's land! Come on!"
They all dived into the water. Unfortunately, they never got to find out if there was land or not,
because just then a huge sea monster loomed up and ate them all.
The water began to recede, and Vegeta was left alone on planet earth, with no one to keep him
company but Oolong and the dead fish, who had been left on Goku's ark.
The End!
=========================== O ============================
That's it for this one. Pointless and stupid, but I thought it was funny. Everyone review, even if
it's just to tell me I suck.
Ja ne
Rev. Vampyre