Hi, this is my first fanfic so I really hope you like it;) and btw :I don't and will probably never own Teen Titans or the characters, but you can't stop me from dreaming now on with the story.

''Raven… Raven… my sweet little Raven, come to me.''It was a fading voice in Raven's mind… it was the one voice Raven could not beer to hear without feeling regret, shame and sorrow… it was his voice, her own father… the king of the world and Azartah; her home… he was the reason her friends hated her, he was the reason so many people have died, he was the reason she heard children scream 'mommy' and mothers scream the children's name while being tortured in her sleep, he was the reason for her nightmare that never would stop.

It was quiet while a young woman about 18 years walked down the long halls on her way to her father, the demon lord, the king of the human world and the master of Azarath. The girl was dressed in a red cape with a hood over her face so all you could see was the pale skin from her lower face, her steps was slow and graceful while she looked down at her feet trying to understand why her father wanted to see her. It is my birthday and one year since he took over the world maybe celebrate? The girl puzzled to herself over her father's non-common actions. Her feet stopped as she reach her destination, it was a huge door of dark brown reddish wood with some flames engraved on them. If she was human she would have had a problem with open the doors but she just used her magic as always, the black and with magic formed around the wooden doors and they slowly open, not because it was so difficult, but rather because she didn't want to face her father she never did it was like some kind of punishment to her, all the wrong turns she had done and all the time she was forced to help him, it all came back.. It was a constant reminder of all the horrible things she had been forced to do, to see and to hear. All the screams, all the blood, all the tears everything came back like a slow-motion video in her head.

She slowly stepped inside and she saw all her friends, or the persons who was her friends before. They hated her now and she knew that but at least they weren't dead like her father wanted.

''you called father?'' Raven said as she pulled down the hood and reviled her long purple hair, her voice was in no emotions and her face blank, like she didn't care about her friends standing there as slaves and her father was the reason.

''yes, Raven I called for you… as you know it is your birthday, I wanted to give you a little present.'' Raven just stood still waiting for him to continue but instead he waved his hand to some gross demons who let in more slaves… it was the bad guys from when they were happy, and living in a good world, the bad guys that they used to catch and put in jail was standing right in front of her.

''father what is the meaning of this?'' Raven's voice was low but clear and loud enough for her father to hear her.

''this my girl is your birthday present, you get to choose which one here you want for your personal servant you may choose as many as you want, but only the persons standing here non other.'' Her father moved for the servants-to-be so that they were in a line in front of her. On the line stood Gismo, Dr. Light, Mad Mod, jinx and at least Red X. to be honest she didn't like them , she would never let Mad Mod or Dr Light be her servant… that didn't seem right. And she couldn't stand Jinx, a little laughing witch… no don't think so… and Gismo… he wasn't tall enough to serve her… but she could neither say no, nor did she want any of them. Her eyes scanned her options but then she relished that her best candidate was Red X, I might even get pay back for all the times he called me sunshine… She though as her eyes stopped at the male, he was standing in the black suit with the usual scull mask. She smirked this may even be fun. And with that though, she decided.

'' I choose… Red X to be my present, father and only him, you may send the others back.'' She said with the normal no-emotion voice of hers. The demon servant unlooked a chain that was around X's foot and pushed the others out.

''good choice my daughter. Now for your second present… my dear daughter… you brought me to this world and help me taking over, I trust you enough for you to get the key to The Library Of Wisdom.'' Raven was stuck with words; he had given her the key to The Library Of Wisdom. It was the only library where you got the answers of all questions. Raven had only heard about it and read about it in one of her magic books about long lost treasures, it was said that no one was worthy it's wisdom, everyone wanted to use it for evil. to destroy or hurt someone. They wanted it to find each others weakness and because of that the god that made it had let it disappear from the surface of earth, many people had looked for it, even the demons or wizards didn't knew where it was it had just disappeared.

''thank you, father I'm truly happy that you trust me that much.'' Raven's voice had now some happiness in it and she was relieved that he trusted a daughter that could barely stand him.

''but, there is a condition, you get the key from me, but you have to find the door yourself.'' Raven wasn't really surprised; she knew something was too good to be truth. ''you can go now Raven take with you your servant, he don't know this place so you have to show him your place and stuff… happy 19 birthday my little half demon'' Raven turned to walk and waved for X to follow her.

When the door slammed again Raven took her hood on again and started on her way back down the halls. After a while of walking Red X stopped in his trace, which made Raven stop as well.

''Why did you choose me?'' he asked in his husky voice.

'' slaves don't ask meaningless questions'' Ravens voice was like steel, no pain, no happiness, not a single trace of emotions in it, it was like she had given up on all hope, all pain, all happiness, she sounded dead. X didn't really understand, but he wanted to solve the mysterious puzzle game she was. Raven started to walk again and so did X understanding that he wouldn't have any answers now, even how much he wanted to know, he had to wait until she was ready to give them.

Hehe I love to write a good cliffty hope you like this it was basically just an idea I couldn't get out of my head, so I decided to write it down, if you think it was good or at least want to know more than R&R :D

P.S if you spot any wrong spelled words let me know. i will try to get a new chappie every week but it is a lot of things going on with school and stuff, but i will try!

Big hug for reading this far ^^