Chapter Thirteen: Can't Go Back
Teagan's POV
Hearing the twenty-one gun salute made me cry harder than ever; watching them throw dirt on my baby brother's coffin felt like someone was slowly ripping my heart out. And now sitting here on this couch listening say that they know what my family and I are going through, while Finn holds my hand muttering soothing things, as Rory and Logan usher and kick people out of the house.
I felt as if this was some immense joke.
"Finn," I spoke quietly.
"Yes, love?"
"If I hear 'I know exactly what you're going through' one more time I'm going to snap."
"I know love."
"And Finn,"
"Yes, love?"
"Please don't let go of my hand."
"Didn't plan on it love."
Finn's POV
After Logan had called me telling me that Matthew was dead what Teagan had said about waiting to talk until tomorrow, completely flew out of my head.
I was the first to get to the apartment. She flew into my arms and sobbed. I held her tight and tried to say soothing things, eventually I gave up and just held her.
When the Rory and Logan arrived followed shortly by Steph and Colin. Once they arrived I though I was going to end up pushed aside, and just be moral support from across the room. So, when i went to get up
"Don't let go, Finn." Teagan begged.
"Never, love."
Teagan's POV
Two weeks Later.
Dear Teagan,
If you're reading this, well you know why you're reading this. I've written these types of letters to you before and hopefully you won't get this one either. But in case you do you should know not to blame Tristan ever, okay?
But let's get to the major point here. I don't like Robert and I know you're trying so hard to fall in love with him, but the more you try to fall in love with that guy, you fall more in love with another guy.
Finn, is in love with you sis', deep down you know this and deep down you know you're in love with him too. And I wholeheartedly approve. I like Finn.
Like I told Finn the reason I know you two belong together is because I know everything about him and I know absolutely nothing about Robert. Don't make yourself fall in love with someone when your soul mate is standing right beside you. Do you remember how mom always told us that
Well there he is.
I love you big sis' you were the best substitute mom a kid could ask for and I want you to be happy. So don't let stubborness, pride, hurt, or fear stand in the way of love, happiness, and your dreams.
And don't worry about me as your reading this I'm probably in standing beside mom, helping look after you guys. 'Saying can you belive the mess your daughter has gotten herself into.'
It's okay to grieve, but don't grieve forever.
Here's the last thing I want to tell you go, go and find your prince charming.
Love you,
your baby brother Matthew.
P.S. I love you big sis' I'm sorry we didn't get to say goodbye.
I read this later so many times over and over again finally gaining the courage.
Finn's POV
The last words I leave you Finn are don't let that ass Robert stand in your way. That and go answer your door.
What does he mean go answer my door? I thought getting up.
"Teagan, love what are you doing here?" I asked astonished that she was standing outside.
"I finally understand Finn," She said looking at me. "I never truly liked Robert I tried, but I didn't the whole reason I was with Robert was because of some deal with Rory and Steph. And in all reality Finn I like you, I like you alot and I know you like me too."
"Love, I don't like you like that anymore." I said gently.
"Oh," She said looking crestfallen. "I'm sorry I came then." She started to walk away.
"No, love wait." I said stepping out into the hallway, placing my hand on her arm and turning her around. "I don't like you anymore because I'm totally and completely in love with you."
"Really, Finn?"
"Really, love."
"Well in that case," She said leaning up to kiss me.
"Hey sorry to interrupt!" Colin yelled from the apartment. "But I'm kind of watching a movie and you're interrupting."
"Shut up! Colin!" We both said laughing.