Chapter 1: Alpha Male

Sirens whirred around the crime scene, a barren meadow. An FBI Forensics team swarmed the area, giving FBI Agent Booth plenty of people to push out of his way as he stomped towards where Dr. Temperance Brennan and Dr. Camille Saroyan crouched next to a set of mangled human remains.

"Female, Caucasian, late teens, maybe early twenties." Brennan was noting into her voice recorder. "Shows evidence of trauma to the head." She stood up, tucking the recorder into her pocket and nearly crashing into Booth.

"Bones, come here." He grabbed her arm and led her a few feet away from where Cam was examining the body.

"Let go of me, Booth, what is it?" She pushed him away from her. He leaned closer.

"I told you that I didn't want you doing field work anymore! It's not safe." His gaze pointed at her belly.

"Not safe? It's rarely dangerous at crime scenes, Booth, we've almost never been attacked at the actual location. Statistically, I'm nearly 100% safe here."

"I don't care about statistics, Bones, I care that—"

"Everything all right?" Cam walked up, looking curious.

Booth stepped away from Brennan. "Everything's…fine."

Brennan stormed off. Cam watched her leave. "Everything doesn't look fine, Seeley. What did you say?"

"Nothing, Camille. Everything's fine, okay? Just…just leave it alone." He was in a bad mood as went angrily towards his car and drove to the Jeffersonian.

"What's up with him?" Cam questioned Brennan as she walked back toward the remains.

"Stab wound to the ulna." Brennan was remarking to the voice recorder. She didn't answer Cam. Cam rolled her eyes.

Back at the Jeffersonian, Angela was sketching designs in her notebook for her baby's new bedroom. Michael was currently sleeping in a crib in the couple's room. Booth stormed in to the building. "Squints! Heads-up, we've got a body coming in soon."

"Oh, good, it's been a while!" Said Dr. Hodgins happily, coming out from behind his station.

"Yeah, I know. A good while." Booth muttered.

"Everything, okay, Booth?" Angela placed her small hand on his arm.

"What is up with everyone saying that? Everything is fine." He stopped at her hurt expression. "Sorry, Ange…just…a little worked up, you know?" He smiled and turned to go.

"I know about you and Brennan, you know."

He whipped back around. "What?" She'd told her about the pregnancy? He thought she hadn't told anyone…

"After Vincent died. She's my best friend, we don't keep secrets from each other."

"Um, right. But, that's all she told you?"

Angela smiled. "Why? Is there anything else?"

"No." Booth said curtly, shouldering past her and down the platform, pausing at the exit and then making his way through.

Angela looked after him, utterly confused. About five minutes later, Brennan walked through with the delivery people and the body, swiped her card, and joined Angela.

"Sweetie, what is up with Booth?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Brennan murmured, placing her card in her pocket and snapping some new gloves on.

"Okay, don't give me that. He's been rude to everyone all evening. What happened?"

"Nothing happened, Angela. It's just his alpha male tendencies taking over again."

"Mmmmhmmm." Angela said, smirking. "Trying to protect you, again?"

Brennan's head shot up. Had Booth told her about the pregnancy? "No, Angela, we've got a body here, let's just…focus on that."

Angela rolled her eyes and strolled towards her office, calling, "I'm in my office if anyone needs a facial reconstruction!"

"Should I start cleaning the bones?" Wendell asked.

"Yes." Brennan replied. Wendell went to get the cleaning equipment.

"Hodgins!" Brennan called. Hodgins turned around from his station.

"What's up, Dr. B?"

"Do you know where Booth went?"

"Um, he stormed out of here about ten minutes ago, so…"

"He's in his car." Interrupted Cam, making her way over to them. "Saw him get in but not start the car. It's in the lot."

"Thanks Cam." Brennan hung up her lab coat and ran out.

"What's up with the two of them?" Cam wondered aloud. "Booth was acting very strange at the crime scene."

Hodgins shrugged. "I dunno, they're always arguing, maybe it's a bigger fight?"

"Hmm…possible." Cam muttered. "Well, some particulates are on their way for identification, so get ready to sift through a couple bags of dirt."

"Please, please don't call it dirt." Hodgins begged. Cam laughed as she walked away.

Brennan ignored the pouring rain as she ran towards the standard-issue FBI car she knew to be Booth's. Knocking on the window, he leaned over and opened the door. She plopped inside, dripping water.

"Jeez, Bones, you're soaking wet."

She ignored his complaint. "Booth, I need you to stop worrying. This baby…well I can't even feel it yet, so how can it affect my work?"

"I feel like you're looking for an apology here, but Bones, I'm not going to apologize for the normal nature to be protective of a beautiful woman and her unborn child!"

"Anthropologically speaking, that nature has never been normal, it only relates to—"

"Look, I'm a guy, so let me say that yes, it is normal." He leaned forward and kissed her.

Breaking the kiss off after a few seconds, she smiled.

"Does this mean you'll quit field work for the time being?" He asked hopefully.

She smiled. "Not a chance."

A/N: Yes, very short, just a little taste though. This is an episode-fic, but I know WAY too little about science to write all the squint-talk, so that'll be kept to a minimum. But this is basically my dream of Season 7, Episode 1. Enjoy