Hey! It was a while scince I updated but not a long while so yay, I had a serious case of writers block so I don't know if you will like this chapter but you may probly will

Got another story, but its complete crack, check it out =P


After Ed had been pulled off of Hohenheim, Ed was dusting himself off when Hohenheim yelled "You could have warned me before you beat me up!" He was rubbing his face.

"That felt good" said Ed stretching out his arm. Haruhi ran over to Hohenhiem to help him up Al did the same.

"Oh so this must be your father how good well shall we invite him in" said Ranka trying to be polite.

"I don't care what you do with him I'm going to bed" said Ed pushing past Ranka to get into the house, in the house, Winry was waiting.

"um... Ed the school sent a package" said Winry giving Ed the package, he opened it and inside was to his surprise their school uniform. Winry had already opened hers and she got a girls uniform.

"I'm not wearing this" said Ed looking away



"Well you smell" said Winry backing off

"I smell" said Ed angrily

"ya you smell, right Al- isn't here and he cant smell anything anyway" said Winry feeling a little embarrassed.

"hm" said Ed crossing his arms and grinning.

"JUST TAKE A SHOWER YOU IDIOT!" yelled Winry raising her wrench.

"OK, OK!" said Ed cowering by the might of Winrys wrench. Ed went to take a shower, when Haruhi and Al came back inside.

"Oh where is their father?" asked Ranka

"He had to go somewhere important" replied Haruhi

"to bad brother didn't get to say good-bye" said Al sadly, " by the way where is he"

"Oh, he's taking a shower, before he tries on his school uniform" replied Winry

Al looked over to see and empty box were the uniform was, the uniform was folded neatly with the dress shoes on top. A while past before Ed got out of the shower, he poked his head outside to see only Al, and Winry were there. Ed walked out in only shorts and had a towel hanging on his neck. Ed laid down to get a check up on his automail after that he put on the uniform, dress shoes and all, but needed help with the tie.

"crap, uh, there we go," Ed had presented a mangled mess instead of a tie, " can I just transmute the stupid thing"

"no, your not supposed to use alchemy remember"said Winry walking up to Ed fixing his tie, Ed had grown a little taller and was about the same height as Winry with out his antenna. "finished!"

"uh,thanks" said Ed with a smile, until he remembered 'he was in a monkey suit'. He looked at his arm and remembered, " Oh Winry, I need a cover for my automail,"

"oh well lets get it now" said Winry with a smile,as they headed out the door.

Ed put on his gloves and Winry wouldn't let him take off the uniform. They searched for hours and hours till they found a shop that maybe of some use, it was a costume shop with a young teenage boy at the register.

"How may we be of your accidence, would you be interested in our two for one costume sets special, they work only for minor parts and not the full costume, including make-up, wigs, covers, and clothes pieces"said the teen with no interest at all.

"you said covers right" asked Ed , the teen nodded, "ok can I get a full arm cover to the shoulder and a leg cover just past the knee"

"what are your sizes" asked the teen, Ed and Winry looked confused , "here follow me to the back room I'll get your measurements"

After a couple of minutes Ed got covers for his arm and leg, they paid for it with the little yen they had, and they left. They went home, and tried on the covers, they fit perfectly. Ed fell asleep in his covers with a t-shirt and shorts on.

Early the next morning Ed got up to Haruhi making some breakfast, at the table Haruhi put down all the food and sat down with everyone else ,and started to ask questions.

"Hey Al the whole time you been here I never seen you eat, I understand the armor 'cause of the burns, but arn't you hungry?" asked Haruhi.

"oh no! I, um , have a special diet, so I'm not that hungry right now" replied Al nervously

"speaking of burns Ed I thought that you had burns on your arm but apparently it was metal, now it's skin, whats going on, are there any other secrets?" asked Haruhi

"many, and really long, sad ones, I don't think you want to hear them" replied Ed

"Oh sure we do, its always good to share whats bothering you with people you can trust, and you can trust us" said Ranka

Ed, Al, and Winry, gave quick looks at each other and Ed began trying not to talk to much about alchemy. " When me and Al were young our dad left us a few years past and our mom died, we couldn't live without her so, we, well did something that your not supposed to do, and it caused me to lose my leg and Al to lose his-body, I gave my arm to get him back and I bonded his soul to this suit of armor, we've been searching for a way to get our bodies back, there is a stone called the philosophers stone, that may help us, so were searching for it. Now that I told you, you cant tell anyone what I just said ok" Haruhi and Ranka just nodded, but Haruhi spoke up.

"good story but what really happened?" asked Haruhi

"I just told" replied Ed getting annoyed

"So your telling me that your brother is a empty suit of armor, I just can't believe that I'm sorry."

"WELL WHY-" Ed was interrupted by Ranka shoving them so thay can 'get ready for school or you'll be late'.

Ed and Winry got dressed, Haruhi was already dressed and grabbing her bag. Al was waiting at the door for Ed and Winry, when they came out they looked at little raggedy from rushing, but it could easily be fixed. They ran out the door, Ed fixing his hair, and stretching. Winry fixing her stockings, and her dress.

At School

Everyone was surprised to see Ed in uniform, though he looked pissed, so no one confronted him, or even talked to him. Ed missed his red cloak and leather clothes he was more comfortable and used to them then he was to these. While in class or just in general he would fidget or wiggle to get more comfortable. The covers weren't helping either, it felt weird how the covers would stick to his skin, also he wasn't to used to them but he was happy that in gym he could wear a t-shirt and shorts.

During the Host Club

"Edo-chan your arm is it healed!" asked Honey excitedly.

"huh, what, oh ya sure its healed" replied Ed barley paying attention.

"yay! That means Al-chans better too," said Honey running over to Al

"NO! He's not better not yet!" yelled Ed chasing Honey.

"Why not?" asked Honey in his really cute voice.

"Um, because, bigger wounds take longer to heal" said Al

"you've been in that armor for over four years, it should be mostly healed by now, at least enough to were you're skin shouldn't be as sensitive" interrupted Kyoya not looking up from his black book. " but then again I have very little information on you, like it says you come from a little town called Reesmbool, but it's not on the maps, so were are you from"

"huh, let me see a map" asked Ed

Kyoya went to his laptop and pulled up a world map, " here, where are you from" asked Kyoya again, pointing at the map.

Ed,Al, and Winry quickly scanned over the map, 'he was right, there isn't a Reesmbool' thought Ed.

"Um well ya see-"

I'm so sorry! I just needed to do that ending in the middle of a sentence (goes on knees bowing) so sorry

I have a mission for you! reveiw on what you think is going to happen will Ed finish his sentence, or will something happen, guess (I already know the winners will be posted on the next chapter)