Disclaimer: Twilight and its characters are not mine…I wish it was but it's not. I mean no harm; I am just playing in Stephenie Meyer's world. I especially like to play with Jasper and Emmett.
I also want to thank my beta TheBonfireOfVanities. She makes sure that what I write makes sense and flows nicely. Thank you for all your hard work.
Chapter 16
After the night I laid in bed with Bella, softly singing her to sleep, the week seemed to fly by. It was now Friday afternoon, and I was finishing up the last lap of practice. Tonight Bella and I were going to go out with the gang and play some mini-golf.
As I slowed my run to a walk Emmett and Edward came up beside me. "Are we ready to go play some mini-golf, boys?" Emmett laughed.
"You know it," I smiled, chugging some water.
"Did you guys plan on getting close to your girls?" Edward asked, wrinkling his nose.
"Well of course," Emmett said.
"Then you need to hit the showers, you two stink," Edward laughed as he took off towards the showers.
Emmett and I looked at each other. "Do I stink, man?" Emmett asked.
I leaned in. "Dude, yea. Do I?"
He leaned in. "You reek, man."
"What in the world are you two doing?" Rose yelled from the bleachers, where the girls and Jake were watching us.
"Smelling each other to see if we should shower!" Emmett shouted up to them.
"SHOWER!" the girls and Jake yelled down to us. Laughing, we headed to the showers.
The three of us left the showers about thirty minutes later. Bella came up and wrapped her arms around my waist. " Mmmm, you definitely smell good."
Holding her to me, I said, "So I did a good job in the shower?"
"Yup, you did." She leaned up and kissed me softly.
"Stop making out over there, we need to go play some mini-golf," Alice said, standing in Jake's arms.
"Ok, ok, let's go." I hoisted Bella up over my shoulder and took off to my truck.
"Jasper, put me down," she yelled while smacking my ass.
I smacked her ass, laughing. I opened the door and set her on the seat. "I just wanted to get you here quicker," I said, stepping between her legs.
Smiling softly at me, she slipped her hands up my chest, over my shoulder and into my hair. "And why did you want to do that?" she whispered.
I stepped closer to her and wrapped my hands around her waist, pulling her closer to me. "So I could do this," I whispered as I leaned in and kissed her gently. I could feel her smiling into the kiss. She used her grip on my hair to pull me closer. I moaned into her mouth as her legs wrapped around my hips.
Then I felt someone slap my ass. Pulling away from Bella, I turned to find Emmett, Edward and Jake laughing. "What the Hell!" I yelled.
"We wanted your attention," Edward said between laughs.
"So you smack my ass?" I tried to step over to them, but Bella tightened her legs around me, holding me close.
"So, Jake and I are riding with Rose and Em, and that leaves Edward with you two," Alice said, shoving Jake toward Emmett's truck.
With a playful punch to Emmett and Edward's shoulders, we all moved to head out. Bella scooted into the middle of the truck to make room for Edward. "This could get interesting with Bella close to me while my brother is in the car."
"How was practice, Edward?" Bella asked as she rubbed her hand on my thigh.
"Not too bad. It is the last one before the big game, so it was mostly running and playing catch."
"I guess that makes sense." She smiled at him as her hand slipped to my inner thigh.
"Are you any good at mini-golf, Bella?" Edward asked.
She giggled. "Um, I wouldn't say that."
"You might not want to stand near her when she's hitting the ball," I laughed, squeezing her thigh.
"Oh and watch out for flying balls." She leaned over and kissed my shoulder.
"You two sound like you are talking from experience," Edward laughed.
"We are, our first date." Bella smiled up at me.
"But she did get a hole in one." I smiled proudly.
"Yup, on the longest hole, too."
"Good for you. And thanks for the advice."
"So, Edward, are you looking forward to 'male bonding time'?" Bella asked.
"Yea, it should be fun. Are you looking forward to prom dress shopping?"
"Yea, um, no not so much. I am not a fan of shopping," she said.
"And you are going with Alice?" Edward asked.
"Yup, I am hoping that having your mom and Rose there will help rein her in." Bella laid her head on my shoulder.
"Good luck with that, Bella. Good luck," Edward said, shaking his head.
"I know," she mumbled.
We all sung along with the radio for the rest of the trip. Before we knew it, we were pulling up to Aro's Fun Town. I helped Bella out of the truck after I had climbed out.
"Thank you," she said with a soft smile.
"You're welcome; I would hate to see you get hurt already." I smirked. She leaned up and kissed me gently on the corner of my mouth.
After we all had a club and a ball, we headed out to the green. Edward and I stood on the other side of Bella as she lined up her first shot, but poor Emmett caught her club in his shin.
"Damn, girl," Emmett moaned.
Bella turned around and with her hand over her mouth. "Oh, Em, I am sorry. I didn't mean to."
"It's alright, babe, I just think that I am going to go stand over there with boys." He came over with an exaggerated limp.
"Em, are you okay? I am so sorry," Bella said softly as she watched him.
"I am fine, Bella, really. Don't worry about it."
Looking a little crestfallen, she lined up her next shot and the ball slid into the hole.
"Great job, Bella!" Alice cheered.
"Thanks." Bella gave a small smiled as she came to stand in front of me.
I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and kissed her temple. "Don't let him get to you, love. He probably didn't even feel it." She didn't say anything, but she relaxed against me.
The rest of the night seemed to flow smoothly. Bella didn't hit anyone else with her club or ball. After we all made it through the course, we all walked over to the ice cream stand.
"So, Alice, why are you so excited to go prom dress shopping?" Bella asked as she sat between my legs on the picnic table bench.
"Jacob's school includes every class in their prom, since it's a smaller school," Alice said from her perch on Jacob's lap.
"That's awesome," she said while wrapping her hand around my leg. "What about you, Edward? Are you going to prom this year?"
"Not this year, but I am going to volunteer for chem-free rides this year."
"Edward, that's great," Bella said.
"Emmett and Jasper did it last year, it really is a great program," Rose said from her spot behind Emmett.
Emmett leaned back between Rose's legs. "They do it for graduation, too. I volunteered for that time," he said.
"I think that is awesome! They didn't have anything like this in Phoenix."
"We started this program after our parents passed away," Alice said with a smile.
"I think it's great, and I want to help at graduation," Bella volunteered.
"Just talk to Esme, she is in charge of it all," I said.
I looked down and just as Bella licked around her ice cream cone; I zoned out watching her eat her ice cream. She dragged her tongue up the side of her ice cream before wrapping her lips around the top.
Emmett nudged my arm as my own ice cream was melting all over my hand. "Dude, you ok there?" Emmett chuckled.
"Oh… um… yea," I mumbled. Bella looked up at me through her eyelashes as she wrapped her lips around her ice cream cone again.
"Are you sure, dude? Your ice cream is melting all over your hand," Jacob laughed.
I looked at my hand, and then tossed my ice cream in the trash. "Yea, I'm good. Just didn't want ice cream, I guess."
"Yea, right." Edward smirked.
As Bella finished her ice cream, she smirked up at me.
"Uh…" I started.
Bella grabbed my hand and licked some of the ice cream off. "Mmmm, it's Jasper flavored."
"Not again." Edward frowned before getting up and walking away while shaking his head.
"What's his problem?" Rose asked, smirking at Bella, who was still licking ice cream off my hand.
"Something about watching his brother flirt." Bella smiled as she wiped my hand off with a napkin.
"Poor guy, when is he going to get a girl?" Rose asked. "It might make him more easy-going with all the couples we have going on."
"No idea. He is just starting to come out of his shell, we shouldn't push it too much," Alice said.
Bella stood up and pulled me up with her. "It's getting cold, we should head home. That, and I have a feeling that I need to be well rested for shopping tomorrow."
"Damn straight you do!" Alice exclaimed.
I wrapped my arms around Bella's waist, with my chin resting on her shoulder. "I agree hiking tomorrow is going to come early. And I feel the need for a shower."
Emmett laughed as he pulled Rose towards their car.
"We are going to find Edward," Alice laughed as she pulled Jacob behind her.
"Why do you need a shower?" Bella smirked as she wiggled closer to me.
I slipped my hands to her hips and stopped her from wiggling. "My extremely hot and sexy girlfriend has been teasing me all night."
"You really should tell her stop that. It's not nice to tease."
We had reached the truck, and I turned her around and pressed her against the side of bed. "What if I don't want her to stop?" I asked as I nibbled on her ear, pulling her hips to me.
"Then you should tease her back," she whispered.
I lifted her leg up to my hip."What would you do?"
She pulled me closer to her and kissed my neck. "Touch me," she whispered.
"Aww, come on!" Edward yelled. "Can't you guys wait until I am not around to make out?"
I let Bella's leg slip from my hand and stepped away from her. "Sorry, man."
"Sorry, Edward. I will try to make sure that Jasper keeps his hands to himself from now on." Bella smiled.
"Ok, everyone, into the cars and let's head home," Alice laughed.
AN: I am sorry it has taken me so long to post. I am not going to make excuses, I am willing to admit that I was lazy and the characters weren't talking. But they are now, so hopefully chapters will come faster. Peace and Love!