The Bond of A Lifetime
A Vampire Knight fanfiction
Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Knight, or any of its characters ect. I do own my OC used in this story, Kassandra Blade :)
Chapter 1 - His Past Comes Back
The sun slowly rose from the horizon and begun to illuminate the walls of Cross Academy, signaling that the day was about to begin. There was maybe still two hours left until classes were in session so the halls were empty, except for the occasional students that would head into the cafeteria for an early breakfast. Two unfamiliar people walked through the school's grounds, earning some stares and whispers from the early bird students as they obviously stood out.
But to a certain part of the world they were everything but unfamiliar.
The older and taller one of the duo was none other than Toga Yagari, currently the number one vampire hunter. And the other, was his star pupil and his niece; Kassandra Blade. She currently held the title of being the number one female vampire hunter despite only being at the age of 16.
Even though Yagari was only her uncle, the Hunter duo shared some similarities in appearance; their jet black hair and their fair skin tone. Her hair however was pin-straight and currently was tied back in a high, slick ponytail as oppose to her uncle's messy tresses. Her body was partially hidden behind a black trench coat.
However, Kassandra had a body that was envied by many, and what she currently wore underneath only accentuated her assets. Her black fitted tank top hugged her torso perfectly, showing all her curves and her vampire huntress body. The black skinny jeans she wore also showed her strong legs before the fabric was neatly tucked inside her combat boots.
The Hunter duo walked in complete yet comfortable silence; the only sound being made was from their footsteps and from Kassandra who was absently chewing gum.
"Make sure you be nice to Headmaster Cross." Yagari's words cut through the silence like a knife through butter, firm and precise.
Kassandra sighed before biting down on the bubble she was blowing, effectively popping it. She turned her head to her uncle, observing him through her shades as they both continued to walk. She stayed quiet for a moment before turning her head back forward.
"I know." She simply responded.
It was then Yagari's turn to observe his niece, scanning her from head to toe. "Would it have killed you to dress not so…menacing?" The last word was drawled out by Yagari, emphasizing his point. For a 16 year old, Kassandra obviously had a dark wardrobe choice. Maybe it was her Hunter background, who knows.
He normally didn't care what she wore. But he sometimes didn't approve of it as it was not appropriate for the situation. Now was one of those times.
"Yes, it actually would oji-san." Kassandra rolled her eyes slightly from beneath her shades, thankful that her uncle couldn't see.
"It's not oji-san; its Sensei or Master; and you know that." Yagari corrected sternly, knowing his niece knew better. He was the one who had trained her after all. And he had trained her well. Very well, to the point that she held the reputation she had. And well enough to know how to speak respectfully.
"I'm sorry...Sensei." The last word was emphasized heavily by Kassandra in a desperate attempt to show her uncle she knew better and it was a simple mix up.
Their short conversation stopped as they continued to walk in silence until they reached the Headmaster's office. Yagari reached for the door knob, and just as he was about to turn it, he stopped and looked toward Kassandra. Without even saying anything, she knew what he was waiting for. She let out a loud sigh as she reluctantly removed her shades, exposing her cobalt orbs, and placed them in the pocket of her trench coat. Her uncle then proceeded to turn the knob and open the door.
Kaien Cross sat at his desk, furiously scribbling on some papers as he desperately tried to finish something. He didn't seem to hear or even notice the duo until Yagari closed the door, causing him to finally raise his head and peek above his glasses.
"Hello, Headmaster Cross." Kassandra took a step forward before bowing politely to the older man.
"Ahh, Kassandra it's so good to finally meet you!" Cross yelled as he quickly got up from his desk and ran over to hug the teen girl. Her eyes widened as she glanced towards her uncle. Yagari just closed his eyes and nodded, telling the girl to go along as he was always like this.
As the grip on Kassandra tightened from the Headmaster, she began to feel uncomfortable. "C-Can't breathe..." She lied, giving the excuse so she can easily be let go. She wasn't exactly a whole fan of physical contact with other people.
"Oh, I'm so sorry." The Headmaster apologized as he pulled away from the hug, keeping his hands on the girl's shoulders. Running his hands down her shoulders and arms, Kaien straightened Kassandra's clothes from the contact. "My, my, you sure do look like a vampire hunter. I guess your uncle has trained you well." An approving smile was shown on Kaien's face as he quietly observed the female Huntress.
"You have no idea." Kassandra's gaze shifted towards her uncle, who was apparently paying her no mind.
"So, have you guys seen Zero-kun yet?" Kaien asked as he returned to his spot behind his desk and pointed to the two seats in front of him, ushering the two Hunters to take a seat. Kassandra and Yagari shook their head as they quickly and quietly moved to take the spots in front of the Headmaster.
"No, not yet." Yagari pulled out a cigar from his pocket, lighting it as he spoke.
"There is no smoking on school grounds!" Headmaster Cross yelled as his eyes widened in disbelief that the male would do such a thing. But of course, the one-eyed vampire hunter simply ignored him.
"I wonder how he is doing." Kassandra thoughts immediately shifted as she began to think of that silver-haired vampire hunter, who was practically her best friend when they were younger.
"Well Kassandra, that's why we are here."
"Oh, that reminds me, Kassandra I just finished your paperwork! You are officially a student here at Cross Academy!" Kaien threw his hands up in the air, clearly proud of himself for doing her paperwork so quickly. However, Kassandra just sat there as her jaw clenched and she swallowed.
"E-Excuse me?!" She yelled, finally gaining the courage to respond to the situation.
"Oh, your uncle didn't tell you? Since he is going to be teaching here, he asked me if I can enroll you here, and I did!" Kaien then proceeded to clap happily.
"No, he didn't tell me actually." Kassandra's eyes drifted to her uncle once more, obviously waiting for an explanation.
"Do you really think that you were going to be here on vacation while I have to do work?" The one-eyed Hunter took another smoke from his cigar, looking over towards his niece.
"Not a vacation, just some rest." The statement came out mumbled, under Kassandra's breath. She was always busy and was hoping this would be a bit easier on her. Apparently not since that is the opposite of what her uncle thought.
"Anyway, here is your class schedule and uniform!" Cross bent over to the side and opened a nearby desk, grabbing some things and handing her the items. "I'm quite surprised about your grades, with all your duties and everything they haven't taken a toll on them. You are a straight 'A' well as the current best female vampire hunter."
"I didn't want to be a stupid vampire hunter." Kassandra commented as she took the items from Kaien's hands, her comment only causing Kaien to laugh. "Um, what is this?" Kassandra held up a white armband with the school emblem on it, balancing it on one finger as she examined the foreign object, glancing from it to Kaien.
"Oh, I want you to be a part of the Disciplinary Committee also!" He beamed, his eyes practically glowing. From the looks of it, he was was definitely excited about having a true Vampire Hunter, one with experience, on his Disciplinary Committee. It would would definitely be an asset to his program.
"Wait, so you expect me to protect those vampires? I'm a Vampire Hunter from crying out loud! No way! Absolutely not!" Kasey snapped, eyeing the arm band once more before dropping it in disgust.
"Kassandra, most of the vampire here are Nobles, and there is one Pureblood here." Kaien explained, trying to reason with her. His smile had fell, a frown written all over his face from her obvious reaction.
"And Zero is going to be there." Her uncle added.
"So? What does that matter?" Kasey looked over towards her uncle with a raised eyebrow, shrugging her shoulders as if no big deal.
"Remember how close you guys were when you both were young? I doubt that has changed."
I bet it has, it's been years since I've seen him.
"Aww, Kassandra has a crush on Zero-kun?" Cross folded his hands, placing his head on top as he watched the female Huntress intently. He was waiting for her response, obviously teasing her.
"NO!" The word came out abruptly, and loud at that. "I do not. Stop making stuff up!" Kassandra could feel the heat running to her cheeks, tainting them pink. She was just hoping it would disappear before once of them noticed.
"Okay, whatever you say Kasey." Her uncle waved his hand dismissingly. "I'll be right back, I'm going to get the luggage from the car." Kasey watched after her uncle as Yagari made his way towards the door, and once he left she turned back around to face the Headmaster.
"Kasey, go on and try your uniform!" Kaien said as got up from his desk and eagerly pushed her toward the bathroom in his office.
"I'm going!" She yelled, cringing away from the sudden contact.
Kassandra changed in the bathroom, looking at herself in the mirror before re-doing her ponytail. At least the uniform is black. She ran her hands over, smoothing out the uniform before walking back outside to present herself.
"Kasey, it suits you perfectly!" Kaien said enthusiastically as he admired the huntress, clasping his hands together.
"I guess it's alright. But I'm keeping my boots."
"That's fine, it matches with the uniform anyway."
Just then, the door busted open and a certain silver-haired vampire hunter walked through the door. Kasey abruptly turned around at the intrusion, cobalt clashing with lilac. She couldn't help but smile. Her smile however was sadistic.
"Kassandra?" Zero mumbled as his eyes widened. But quickly, he regained his composure and pulled out his Bloody Rose gun as his hunter instincts kicked in.
"Zero-kun, that is no way to treat a lady!" Cross yelled, but Zero ignored him and left his gun pointed towards Kasey. She let out a light-hearted laugh and then her hunter instincts kicked in as well. She charged at Zero, and twisted his hand, causing him to lessen his grip on the gun giving her a chance to take it away from him. She then used her feet to sweep them under his, and Zero fell to the floor with a loud thud. Kasey placed a foot onto his chest and then pointed his own gun towards him.
"Nice to see you to Zero; my, has it been a while."