Chapter 11

At the same time…

Lex continued pacing back and forth in the hallway outside of the operating room until the door finally opened. "How is my sister?" he asks in a terse tone as the doctor removes his surgical gloves.

"She has a couple of broken ribs," he replied. "We had to remove her spleen, but there doesn't appear to be any other internal injuries."

Lex breathes a sigh of relief. "So how long will she have to stay in the hospital?"

"A few days," the doctor tells him.

"Can I see her?"

"She's in the recovery room right now, so she'll be out of it for a while."

"How long will she be in there?" Lex asks next.

"She'll be moved once a room is found for her," The doctor replies as he pulls out something from his pants pocket. "Looks like I'm being paged," the doctor remarks. "Duty calls."

"Thank you for everything," Lex says while putting out his hand.

"You're quite welcome," the doctor replies with a warm smile as he shakes Lex's outstretched hand before turning around and heading down the hospital corridor.

Lex sits down on a chair and pulls out his iPhone and starts typing out a message to Clark. Tess will be okay. Will give details later, pressing 'send' before getting up and walking down the corridor towards the waiting room.

Zod is standing on the rooftop of the Daily Planet watching with restrained glee as the firefighters continued trying to put out the flames. His ears perk up when he heard an anguished scream.

Kal-El, a grin slowly spreading across his face.

Clark was oblivious to the sound of his ringing phone as he laid Lois back down on the floor, finally calming down and beginning to administer CPR.

Please Lois, don't die on me now, he prays as he pushes down on the center of her chest and begins to pump hard and fast while controlling his super-strength. He stops for a second when he hears a cracking sound but continues on. When she doesn't respond, he stops the pushing to tilt her head back and lift her chin. He pinches her nose and covers her mouth with his and blows a couple times.

Come on, Lois, doing it over and over again. Finally he stops and sits back on his legs when he sees her chest begin to rise and fall.

I knew you could do it, wiping his eyes on his sleeve. He gazes at her scratched-up face for a brief moment before picking her up into his arms and super-speeding away.

"So is that it?" Officer Neil asks Oliver.

"That's everything," he replies.

"Alright," closing his notebook. "If you remember anything else-"

"I know your number," Oliver interrupts. They take a moment to shake hands before Neil excuses himself and walks away.

"Oliver!" Chloe yells out as she runs over to him. "Have you heard from Clark or Lois yet?" she asks him.

"No, and I'm really worried," he tells her. All of a sudden there was an unusually strong gust of wind that blew past them. They grabbed onto each other to keep from being swept off their feet. "What the hell was that?!" Oliver exclaimed.

Chloe pauses for a second before answering him. "I think it might have been Clark," she replied.

"You do?" he asks while turning his head. "What?" he asks, concerned by the expression on her face.

"Do you think he might have found Lois and was rushing her to the hospital?" she asks.

He cocks his head and looks curiously at her. "That would certainly explain why he didn't stop to talk to us."

"That's what I was just thinking," her eyes prickling with tears. "Come on," grabbing hold of his hand and pulling him along with her through the throng of people that were gathered nearby.

Clark rushes into the emergency room with a still unconscious Lois in his arms. "I need a doctor right now!" he yells out in a frantic voice.

A doctor and nurse rush over to him as an orderly quickly rolls over a gurney. Clark immediately lays Lois on it. "I found her in some rubble-"

"The building that just exploded?" One of the doctors interrupting him as they started wheeling Lois down the hallway.

"Yes," Clark replies as he runs along with them.

"Are you aware of any injuries she might have?" is the next question.

"She may have a couple of cracked ribs," he replied. "I had to administer CPR because she wasn't breathing when I found her. I don't know for how long."

The doctor nods his head as they arrive at one of the examining rooms. "Is there anything else you can think of?"

"I don't know," Clark shakes his head 'no' as Lois is wheeled into the room.

"You can't come in," one of the nurses puts her hand out in front of him.

"No, I have to be with her," he insists.

"I'm sorry, but rules are rules," she replies in a sad tone. "You have to wait in the waiting room," pointing in the direction that they just came from. "We'll keep you informed, Mr…"

"Kent. Clark Kent," he replies with a disappointed expression on his face. "Please take good care of her."

"We will," she replies in a soft tone. "Is she your wife? Girlfriend?"

He bites his lower lip while trying to keep his emotions under control.

"She's my everything."

Back in Topeka

"Have you heard from Clark at all?" Jonathan asks as he comes back into the living room and closes the door behind him.

"No, and I'm really getting worried," Martha replies as she continues watching the latest updates on the explosion.

"No news is good news, right?" sitting down next to her on the couch and wrapping his arm around her.

"I hope so," resting her head on his shoulder.

Kara comes into the room. "No word yet from Clark?" she asks as she sits down on one of the armchairs next to the couch.

"No," both Martha and Jonathan shaking their heads sadly.

"What if I head back to Metropolis and-"

"No," Jonathan replies in a firm tone. "How would we explain you being here then suddenly being there?"

"It was just a thought," shrugging her shoulders.

"We know and we appreciate it. Right now we're just going to have to sit tight until we hear something," Jonathan tells her before changing the direction of the conversation. "Now that Watchtower has been destroyed, what's going to happen next?" he wonders out loud.

"The building may have been destroyed, but what Zod doesn't know is that the Watchtower space station is finally operational," Kara smiles back at him.

"Oh?" sounding a little surprised.

"I thought it would take another couple months," Martha remarks with an arch of her brow.

"Nope," she replied. "Chloe just called me and said it was finally up and running just before the explosion," she says.

"Thank goodness for small miracles," Jonathan says as he turns the volume up on the television so he could hear the reporter.

"This is Alex Harmon once again," he starts to say. "We've just received word that billionaire and CEO of Queen Industries, Oliver Queen, was not in the building at the time of the explosion. However, we have just received word from a reliable source that Daily Planet reporter Lois Lane was seen entering the building just before the explosion and…"

Martha grabs the remote and shuts it off. "I can't listen to anymore," choking back sobs as Jonathan wraps his arms around her. "Don't worry," he whispers into her ear as he gently rocks her back and forth. "Clark will find her and she'll be okay," pressing his lips against her cheek.

Clark walks wearily to the waiting room and looks for a place to sit. His eyebrows arch when he spots Lex sitting on one of the chairs staring at his phone. "Lex?"

He looks up. "Clark?" looking curiously at him as he sits down on the empty seat next to him. "What are you doing here?"

"Lois was in the building at the time of the explosion," he replies with a deep sigh, his elbows on his thighs as he rests his chin on his hands, his fingers clutched tightly together. "How's Tess?" he asks without turning his head.

"She's going to be okay," he replies, then goes on to give Clark the details. "How's Lois?"

"I don't know," shaking his head sadly. "They're examining her right now."

"I'm sure she'll be alright," resting his hand on Clark's shoulder.

Just then a nurse comes over to him. "Mr. Kent?"

He looks up. "Yes?"

"Hello, my name is Jenny and I'm a nurse here at Met Gen."

"How is Lois?" Clark asks.

"Doctor Palmer is still examining her," she replies. "The reason I'm here is that we need to fill out some paperwork for her. By any chance do you have her health insurance information with you?"

He shakes his head. "I don't have it, but I might be able to get it for you."

"Where are you going?" Lex asks as Clark stands up.

"Back to where I found her," Clark replies. "There's a chance that her purse may still be there in the rubble," he calls out over his shoulder as he exits the building.

The nurse turns to Lex. "He left before I could even get her last name."

"Her name is Lois Lane," he replies.

"Lois Lane," she mutters while writing it down. "Do you know if she's ever been treated here before?"

He chuckles and rolls his eyes at the same time. "She should have a room here named after her," he quips.

She looks at him curiously but doesn't comment on what he just said. "Have you any idea what she was treated for?" she asks next.

"She was following up on a lead for a story and got into an altercation and was knocked out," he replied.

"So she had a concussion," she remarks as she writes it down.

"That's correct," he replies. "Did you know that the word 'concussion' comes from the Latin concutere which means to shake violently, or the word concussus, which means the action of striking together?"

"You don't say," she remarked as she discretely glanced at her watch. "I need to get back to work. When Mr. Kent returns with Miss Lane's information, send him over there," pointing to the nurses' station. "That's where I'll be."

"I will," he replies as she turns and walks away.

She walks behind the desk as another nurse walks over to her. "So who was that guy you were just talking to?" she asks as Jenny sits down.

"I don't know and I really don't care," Jenny replies as she starts inputting data into the computer.

"Really?" turning her head to take another look at Lex. "He's cute. Being bald suites him."

"You think he's cute?" Jenny looks over at him.

"Well I wouldn't kick him out of my bed for eating crackers if you know what I mean," flashing her a wink. "I would love to rub baby oil all over his bald head and-"

"Isn't he a little young for you?" she quips. "Besides, he could be married or gay for all you know."

"Age doesn't matter these days," Jenny replied with a sigh as she rested her elbows on the counter while still gazing at him.

"Well just in case he's neither gay nor married, you should know that he's a talker," Jenny remarks as she returns her attention to the screen in front of her.

Jackie looks over at her. "What do you mean?"

Jenny leaned back in her chair and turned her head. "Let me put it to you this way. When we first started here over thirty years ago, there was this one doctor who was always going off on a tangent about everything under the sun. Do you remember him?"

She thinks about it for a long moment. "Are you're talking about Doctor Mallard?"

"That's the one," Jenny replies.

Jackie couldn't help but laugh. "Didn't you once have a date with him?"

"I sure did, and it was the longest night of my life," she groaned inwardly at the memory. "Good thing he left soon after that."

"Where did he go anyway?" Jackie asked.

"The last I heard he was working as a coroner in D.C." she replied as she returned her attention back to the screen.

"Sounds like the perfect job for him," Jackie laughed again as she walked away.

Clark returned to the building and checked the rubble near where he found her, but her purse was nowhere to be found. He did another sweep of the building looking for survivors, but all he could find were a few people that were beyond saving. He fought back the tears as best he could as he quickly brought them out one by one.

If only I had figured out the watch clue sooner, he berated himself as he super-sped into a deserted nearby alley and leaned wearily against the building. If only I hadn't hesitated, maybe I could have gotten to Lois sooner. If only-

He gives himself a mental shake. Snap out of it, super-speeding back to the hospital.

Lex looks up with surprise when he sees Chloe and Oliver dash into the waiting area and head towards the nurse's station. "They don't have any news about Lois yet," he calls out to them.

They turn around and head over to where Lex was sitting. "How did you know that Lois was here?" he asks.

"I had a gut feeling," Chloe responds as they sit down next to him. "Where is Clark?" she asks as she pulls out her iPhone and checks her messages.

"The nurse said she needed Lois' health insurance information. Clark went back to where he found Lois in the hopes of finding her purse in the rubble."

"He's not gonna find it there," Chloe shakes her head. "She left it in Watchtower. That's why she went back inside in the first place," she replies as she pulls out her wallet.

"What's that?" Oliver asks as she pulls out a card.

"An extra copy of Lois' insurance card," she answers back. He looks at her curiously. "I'm one of her emergency contacts so she gave me one just in case."

"Who's the other one?" Oliver asks.

"Me," says Clark as he walks over to the three of them. "I forgot about it until just now," holding up the same card. "Has there been any word yet?"

"No," all three of them shaking their heads.

"Mr. Kent?"

They all look over at the doctor that's walking in their direction. "That's me," Clark answers as he walks over to him.

"I wanted to let you know that Miss Lane is awake and is in room 626 if you want to see her."

"Of course I do," he replies. "Thank you," turning around and practically running down the hallway towards the elevator.

The doctor turns to Lex. "Mr. Luthor, we've found a room for your sister. I hope you don't mind if it's a semi-private room."

"Depends on who's in the room with her," Lex quips.

"We put her in the same room as Miss Lane," the doctor tells him.

"That's fine," says Lex. "Is she still out of it?" he asks.

"She's still groggy from the surgery," Dr. Palmer replies.

Lex was about to answer when his phone rings. "Ugh," rolling his eyes when he sees the name on the caller id. "It's DiNozzo again," turning to Oliver and Chloe. "It has to do with the explosion. I'll let you know what I find out," turning again to the doctor. "Duty calls," he remarks. "When my sister wakes up, will you tell her that I'll come see her as soon as I can?"

"Of course, Mr. Luthor," he replies as Lex walk away. Jenny comes over to him and whispers in his ear. "I have to go," he tells Chloe and Oliver.

Chloe calls out after them as they start to walk away. "I have Lois' insurance information," holding out the card.

Jenny takes it from her. "Thank you," she replies with a warm smile. "I'll make a copy then give it right back to you."

"I'll come with you," Chloe says.

"I'll come with you too," Oliver calls out, catching up to the two of them as they head for the nurses' station.

Clark slowly opens the door to Lois' hospital room. "Lois?" he asks in a soft tone as he quietly closes it behind him.

Her eyes open and she lifts her head to look up at him. "Smallville?" her voice sounding tired.

"How are you feeling?" he asks as he drags a chair over to her bedside and sits down.

"Like a building fell on me," she replies with a sigh, her head plopping back down on the pillow.

He reaches over for her hand. "I was so worried when I found you not breathing. It was the scariest moment in my life, and you know I've had lots of them," his fingers wrapping around her hand.

"I must be indestructible like you," she replies with a grin.

He can't help chuckling. "You're probably right," his other hand reaching out to stroke her hair. "I don't know how I'd be able to go on with my life if you weren't around to nag me," ducking his head to avoid her slap.

"I'm sure you'd manage somehow," she replies with a snort.

"No and I don't ever want to find out," taking a long pause before speaking again. "There's something I want to tell you."

"That sounds serious," looking at him curiously.

"That's because it is," his eyes fixed on hers. "When you left earlier this evening, you didn't give me a chance to reply to what you said about not wanting to be a one-night stand. Well, I'm replying right now," leaning forward until his lips were only a few inches away from hers. "You would never, ever be a one-night stand for me," his voice quivering slightly. "I love you too much for that."

She stares up at him in shock. "You love me?" her eyes widening.

"Yes," nodding his head. "I realized it tonight before the explosion occurred," in answer to her unspoken question. "I don't want you to feel pressured into saying it back. Only when you feel ready, okay?"

She continues to gaze at him for a long moment before she says, "Don't give me those puppy dog looks. You know how much they drive me crazy."

He smiles back at her. "Don't you think I know that?" flashing her a wink.

"What am I gonna do with you," rolling her eyes.

"Anything you want, Lois," he replies in a mischievous tone.

"Anything?" arching one of her brows.

"Anything," still smiling as he lowers his lips to hers. "When you're feeling better, that is," he whispers between kisses.

After a few minutes of kissing, they both pull away to catch their breaths. "So…uh…Smallville…can you do something for me?"

"Sure. What is it?" he asks.

"It's gonna sound silly, but can you put these socks on my feet?" picking up the pair that was on the nightstand and holding them out to him.

"Sure," taking them from her before lifting the bottom of the blanket off her feet, furrowing his brows in puzzlement when he looks down.

She notices the look on his face. "Clark? What's wrong?"

"You already have a pair of socks on," he replies, still staring at her feet.

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do," he insists.

"Well I don't feel them," she counters. "Are you sure?"

"I don't need x-ray vision to see them," Clark scowls as he looks up at her again. "I want you to wiggle your toes."

She looks at him with confusion. "Why?"

"Will you please not question me for once and just do it?" he asks with a trace of impatience in his voice.

"Alright," rolling her eyes again.

Clark looks down again at her feet. "This is not the time to be stubborn, Lois," looking up at her once more.

"I'm not," she insists. "I'm really trying," shaking her head frantically with a scared look on her face.

He gets a sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach at her ashen face. "Are you saying…" his voice trailing off as she speaks the words he was afraid to say out loud.

"I can't move my toes."