Chapter 4:

It has been a week since our fight with the Purple Dragons and I'm mostly healed. I have been doing more meditating and mind training than physical training to help me overcome my fear as much as I can. My family is helping me more than ever, most of all with my training. I've learned something new from each of them…even Mikey.

I am in my defensive stance and waiting for someone to attack me. I turn around and block a punch, and then I duck to avoid a flying kick. I roll out of the middle of my attackers, someone is running up behind me and I quickly flip him. Mikey groans in annoyance that he got knocked over so quickly. My attackers surround me, but I keep my mind clear and focused I block every attack and my brothers all end up on the floor. But Master Splinter is still on his feet; I'm not really expecting to beat him. None of us are able to beat him unless he goes easy on us, and whenever we spar him he usually does, but it's still hard to beat him even then.

Master Splinter and I fight; I can tell he's giving me some slack. But somehow this is easier than ever.

"C'mon Sensei you can do better than that," I say

Master Splinter chuckles, "very well my son," the fight is more challenging now. His moves become quicker and more forceful, but I block every attack, and then suddenly I do a sweep kick and knock Master Splinter on his back. I stop in complete surprise; I don't exactly know what to do. I can feel my brothers staring at me probably with their mouths hanging open. Master Splinter gets up.

"Well don Donatello," he says, he sounds very pleased, "the road was long but you have finally overcome your fear and now you are ready,"

"Thank you Sensei," I bow.

"I don't know 'bout you guys but I'm starving" said Mikey. I smile.

"When are you not starving?" says Leo.

"Training has concluded for tonight my sons," says Master Splinter. My brothers go off to fulfill whatever activity they had in mind, but I stay where I am. I suddenly feel like I'm in a new world, ever since I've gotten use to being blind I've been able to get around fine. But now I feel like I can see, it's like my mind has grown so strong that it's telling me everything around me.

"Is everything alright, Donatello?" asks Splinter, as he walks closer to me.

I nod, "I'm fine,"

"Tell me what is on your mind,"

"I'm just amazed, I feel like my vision has come back. I guess that doesn't make much sense,"

I can feel Master Splinter smiling.

"It makes perfect sense to me," I smile back and then he puts his hand on my shoulder, "are you afraid?"

"No, but I am anxious,"

"Then you are most defiantly ready. Hun is looking for you I can feel it. You will face him soon. But we do not have to worry about that right now. I wish to see that new invention you have been working on,"

"Sure thing Sensei." We walk to my lab.

That evening at the dinner table everything seemed to be as normal as ever. We were all talking and laughing and just enjoying everything. After dinner we had our evening training, and when training was over Master Splinter went to bed, I went to my computer, Leo read his book, Raph and Mikey were watching TV. I feel a sense of urgency, I feel like I've been cooped up in here for months and I need to get out. But I know that Hun will find me if I do. But I also need to get this over with, I can't go on much longer with this fear, I need to finally conquer it. But I don't want to put my family in danger. The only thing I can do is sneak out when they're all sleeping.

I do some work in my lab for a while, and then I hear someone approaching my lab.

"Hey Don," says Raph, "ya goin' ta bed?"

"Yeah, in a minute," I say in a inattentive tone. Raph moves closer to me.

"Bro, I know what ya thinkin'. Ya gonna go topside ta fight Hun,"

I lift my head, "how did you know?"

"I can always tell when one of ya guys are gonna do somethin' I would do. Look Don, as much as I want ta fight with ya, this is somthin' ya gotta do alone. I know we're a family and team and all that, but some things ya gotta do on your own."

"You're right," I say I stand up, "but I don't want…"

"Don't worry 'bout that. They're all in there rooms, but I'll still help ya get out quietly,"

I grab my bow staff, "thanks Raph,"

"No problem bro. Now go kick his ass,"

I leave the lair as quietly as I can, and then I start running. I climb out of the nearest manhole cover and climb to the rooftops and I keep on running. I want to make sure I'm a good distance away from the lair. Then I stop, and wait. It'll be easier for Hun to find me. I hear a swishing sound from my left. I know that sound all too well. The Foot has found me. I pull out my bow staff and ready myself for an attack. Then I feel a presence all around me. I duck and roll dodging a bunch of ninja stars. And I block a swing from a katana. Fighting is so much easier now, even easier when I had my sight. The attacks keep coming gradually getting harder, but then they suddenly stop, and I know why.

"We meet once again Donatello," says a familiar voice. I turn around, "you might as well give up now, how do you expect to beat me with no eyes?"

"Underestimating a blind turtle is the worse mistake you will make tonight," I say. I need to stay focused.

"Well, we'll see about that,"

Hun charges at me and I roll out of the way, I can feel the Foot soldiers standing in random places around us. I swing my bow staff as I roll and trip him, he stumbles but recovers quickly. I then leap in the air with my bow staff over my head and I bring it down on his face. He grunts and throws a punch, which I do block but he is so powerful that it causes me to loose my balance a little. A second punch hits me in the chest and knocks me on the ground but I get up and he keeps throwing kicks and punches. I see a weakness in him. He can't maneuver as well as I can I can dodge his attack easier than he can dodge mine. But I have to time everything just right.

I roll behind him and leap over him as I go over his head I slam my fingers into his eyes. He screams and I trip him again and slam my elbow into his face. He then swings his arm while the other is cover his face and I go flying a few yards away and then attacks from the Foot soldiers come again. Hun gets up and charges at me again. I leap in the air to attempt to have Hun run into his soldiers but he grabs my ankle and slams me into the concrete roof. I feel pain shoot through my body, he lift me up and sends me flying into a wall.

"All too easy," he says as he starts to beat me, the pain becomes more intense with every blow. He pins me down and I find it hard to breathe. I feel alone and scared, my family feels so far away.

"You know I was thinking of recapturing you, but I think killing you will be better, it'll save me a bunch of trouble that's for sure."

He grabs my chin, and is about to snap my neck. I thrust my knee into his groin and he screams and lets go of me. I get up and start issuing a whole new set of attacks I punch him kick him and I only wish my bow staff was still in my hand. As he is trying to get control of his senses my foot kicks a katana. This is my chance, I grab the sword and run at him, I suddenly feel something wet drip down my hands. I hear Hun grunting as he tries to get up. I kick him, forcing him on his back, and then I drive the katana threw his neck.

It's over. It's finally over. I drop the sword and go over to the wall and pick up my bow staff. And then I head home.

The next morning I go downstairs and I find my family already at the table. I can feel their eyes on me.

"Donnie, you're hurt," said Leo after a moment of silence.

"I'll be fine," I say.

"Is it over?" Mikey asks.

"Yes, Hun is dead," there's another silence. I sit down at the table, I grunt a little at the pain. Master Splinter breaks the silence.

"I am proud of you Donatello,"

"What?" For some strange reason I was half expecting him to say something about how murder is not the ninja way and all that, and I think he knows it.

"He was a danger to many people, not just us. He would have harmed many other innocent people in the future. Some people are too dangerous to be kept alive."

I don't say anything right away, I just sit and think. I have the same feeling I got when we defeated the Shredders, both Utrom and mystical. The feeling of peace, that the danger is finally over after so many trials.

"Thank you," I finally say, "thank you all for everything. I couldn't have done this without you,"

"You don't have to thank us, Don," says Leo, "we're family, we're suppose to look after and help each other."

"How do you feel my son?" asks Master Splinter.

"I feel fine…except for my injures," I laugh a little, "kinda feel like I've been getting hurt everyday now,"

"Physically that may be so," starts Master Splinter, "but your mind has healed, and that is what matters most,"

A/N: Finally finished. Hope you liked it!