A/N: Sequel to My World in Darkness.

Chapter 1:

My mind is focused. My body healed, my world is darkness. I listen and feel for movement around me. Something runs past me on my right, I swing my bo staff but hit nothing but air. The swing of Master Splinter's walking stick knocks me to the ground.

"Concentrate my son," he says. I get up and we continue this practice that seems to be going nowhere. But I have to stay focused. I have to learn to be able to have my guard up at every moment. I have to learn to sense the precise location of an object, or a person. I know Hun is looking for me. I have to be ready. I have to be more than ready.

Without thinking my arms fly up holding my bo staff horizontally above my head, I feel Master Splinter's walking stick hit my bo staff. I did it! I blocked an attack. Now all I have to do is learn to block a lot of them.

"Well done, Donatello," said Master Splinter, "Training has concluded for now. We will continue this after evening training," I bow to him. I can feel him bow back.

"Thank you Sensei," I say. Master Splinter and I walk out of the dojo. It's been months now since my rescue, almost eight, I'm pretty use to being blind, although I still need help with some things. But my nightmares haven't gone away yet. I wonder if they'll ever go away.

I walk over to my lab and sit down at my computer and place my headphones on my head. I created a program that makes the computer say everything I type and every solution I get if I'm doing complex problems. I use the headphones so I don't bug my family. Every once in a while I'll ask for help with something, and it's usually Leo who helps me since he follows directions better than the two clowns of the family, and technology can confuse Master Splinter easily.

I start typing. My typing skills haven't been affected by my blindness. Typing is so natural for me, but I do make mistakes. A wave of sadness fills my mind. My thoughts go back to that day; to the pain that I thought was going to kill me. I think of the fear of knowing that I could have died.

"Donnie? Are you ok?" I snap out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm fine Leo," I respond. I take my headphones off. "I just keep thinking about it, that's all,"

Leo sit beside me and places a hand on my shoulder, "It's gonna take a while before you can control your memories. But even when you can control them the memories never completely go away. You have to be strong if your mind is going to heal."

"I know. I'm trying to be strong but it seems like the harder I try the worse I get,"

"I know, just don't try too hard. That can lead to obsession and that's the last thing you need right now,"

I sigh, "I'm scared Leo. What if Hun finds me?"

"He won't. C'mon with all the security systems you put up there's no way he could find you. Besides Master Splinter won't take any risks, he's gonna keep training you until your ready to face him again,"

I hear someone running enthusiastically to my lab.

"Hey dudes!" says Mikey, "Don I know you're feeling a little down so I made cheesecake to cheer you up!" I smiled. That did just cheer me up.

"Mikey you're awesome," I say, as I get up. I feel my way towards the door with some trouble, Leo takes my hand and we walk to the kitchen. I'm so glad Mikey can cook. Raph and I can do pasta and other basic stuff, and Leo can't cook to save his life. Master Splinter and Mikey are the only two who can cook and have it come out perfect. All of us sit down at the dinner table and eat. Again as much as sweets cheer me up my thoughts drift back to Hun and the fear in my heart of facing him again. What if he finds me before I'm ready?

"Do not be afraid Donatello," said Master Splinter. How does he do that?

"I'm trying not to be. But I just don't know if I'll be ready in time,"

"You will. I know you can conquer your blindness. When you do you will not need any help from anyone. It will be as if you never lost your sight,"

I sigh. I do not doubt Master Splinter's words, but I'm still scared.

"Maybe we should have another training session when we are finished here," Master Splinter places his hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you, Sensei,"

Weeks pass, and I've been training very hard everyday. Each day I feel that I need to train more, so I do. I feel so safe when I train. I don't know why. I've been training for hours now. I trained with Master Splinter for a while. Now I've been at the obstacle course for…I don't know how long. I can't really keep track of time that well now. I'm trying to keep my mind clear and dodge the pendulums and use my bo staff to block other objects coming at me. I was getting hit a lot at first but now I'm doing better. I feel something coming at me, no, not something, someone. I spin around and block two katana's.

"Good," says Leo, "you're getting a lot better,"

"Have you been watching me?" I ask.

"Yeah. Just to make sure that you don't hurt yourself,"

I knew that wasn't the real reason but I went with it for now. Leo and I sparred in the obstacle course for a while. Finally we both became exhausted. We went into the living room and talked for a while.

"Hey remember when we were kids and Mikey pretended to be sick to get out of training?" I say.

"Yeah," Leo laughed, "He had no idea how to act sick. He was all overdramatic and everything. I think Master Splinter was trying not to laugh at him,"

"I know I was, and not doing a very good job at it," I laugh. There is silence for a moment, "So what's the real reason you were watching me train?"

Leo is silent for a moment, as if thinking about his answer, "I didn't want you to get carried away with it,"

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't want you to become like me. I became obsessed with training and being perfect when I was in the brooding phase. I didn't want you to become like that,"

"I know my limits Leo. I'm not brooding about what happen to me. The only reason why I'm training so much is because I need to be ready when I face Hun again. I'm not trying to be perfect, I'm just trying to be ready,"

"I know. But I still worry about you. For some reason I keep getting this fear that you could start becoming obsessed with 'being ready' like I was obsessed with being perfect,"

"I won't become obsessed Leo. As Master Splinter says 'those who become obsessed are often their own worst enemies.' Me becoming my worst enemy scares me more than anything,"

"Sometimes you can become your worst enemy and not even realize it,"

I'm starting to get annoyed with Leo pushing at the subject. "I'll be fine Leo," I say a little more forcefully. Leo seems to take the hint. We start talking about random things for a while.

"We should probably go to bed," said Leo, "It's almost midnight,"

"Yeah, good night Leo,"

"Good night. You gonna need help?"

"No I need to get use to getting around on my own," I slowly make my way to the stairs and climb them. I lean my bo staff against my bed and climb under the covers. I close my eyes and soon I start drifting off to deep sleep.

"All to easy," says Hun as he smashes me against the wall. He is beating me senseless. I thought I was ready, but I'm not. I feel my family standing near me. I try to get up but I'm forced back to the ground by a huge foot. I can't move. I very painfully squeeze away from Hun and run for my family. Hun grabs my ankles and starts pulling me back. I reach for my family and they reach back both of us are desperate to reach each other. I suddenly am in reach of them I try to grab Master Splinter's hand but my hand just moves through it like I'm a ghost. Hun drags me back; he's holding a knife. I scream as he slits my throat.

"NO! SENSEI!" I tumble out of bed and hit the floor.

"My son!" I feel Master Splinter kneel down next to me. I feel cold sweat drip down my face. I start shacking. I feel Master Splinter slowly wipe a damp cloth against my face.

"I can't do it Sensei," I start crying, "I can't fight him. He's going to kill me,"

"Shhh. My son, it will be fine. I know you can defeat him. Nightmares are just your internal fears showing themselves. Fears can be conquered."

"But Sensei…"

"No 'buts'. I will not let Hun have a chance of finding you until you are ready. I promise." I continue to cry, I try to hide it. I don't like crying in front of my family. But Master Splinter just continues to hold me. I feel safe and I don't want this feeling to go away.