Kaiulae: The Island Princess

Chapter 1

Princess Kaiulae paced back and forth across the room in which she was "imprisoned." Her island country of Ohanu was overrun by King Galbatorix's soldiers. Ohanu Island lied a good 730 miles southwest of the island Illium near Surda. The island was rich with fertile soil that could grow tropical fruits, sugar cane, and coffee beans. Many tropical fish lived among the coral reefs and the locals would swim with them when they did not eat them. It was a very beautiful and remote island that has always been peaceful to its northerly neighbor, Alagaesia.

For generations, Princess Kaiulae's family have been ruling the island country, trading with Alagaesia for other resources. The trades have been fair until recently when Alagaesia became desperate for supplies. Alagaesia was at war with Surda and the rebel group known as The Varden. Kaiulae was aware of the war, but knew little about it until the King of Alagaesia decided to take over her small country.

She had led an effort to rid herself of the intruders, but only a massacre ensued. After, the people began to lose hope of ever gaining back their freedom. The people were forced to work in mines and grow food for Alagaesia, allowing to keep only the bare minimum for themselves. Ohanu had become a poor country within several months. Princess Kaiulae was forced to sign a document annexing her country to Alagaesia, abdicating her right as heir.

Now, the Princess (so called by her people only) was watched by the King's soldiers in her own palace; she could go where she pleased for the most part, but she had to watch what she said and what she did among the men. One wrong move and King Galbatorix would incarcerate her or worse, execute her. Fortunately, there were secret passages in the palace that allowed her, on rare occasions, to hold meetings with her fellow countrymen.

This night was once such occasion as the princess waited for the Captain of her military to visit with her. Nervously, she paced the room hoping that the man would hurry up. A faint knock could be heard before a hidden passage in the wall opened up revealing the Captain. "Your Highness." he bowed.

"Please, no need for that." Kaiulae said, ushering him to enter and sit down.

"Now, what is it that you would like to speak to me about?" He asked, barely above a whisper.

"You know of Surda-correct?"

The man cocked his head in confusion. "I have, your highness, but what does Surda have to do with anything?"

Kaiulae's eyes became huge. "Everything! Surda, along with a rebel group, have been taking arms against Alagaesia for quite some time. Thus far, they have been successful, and I want to ask for their help. We have never had any trades with the country, but that can easily change if they help us rid our land of the King's hold."

The Captain, whose name was Lebaiu, shook his head. "Your Highness-"

"Please call me Kaiulae." she interrupted.

"Kaiulae, this is madness. How can we possibly send word for their help? Also, what if they do not want to help us? It is too dangerous and the outcome is unpredictable."

"Lebaiu, you have served my family and your country honorably for many years. This is our last chance to help our country, and I would rather die trying than to sit idly and watch my country fall into further ruin. Are you going to help me or not?"

The Captain thought for a few minutes. With a heavy sigh he said, "Your Highness, Princess Kaiulae, Cheifess of Ohanu Island, I will help you on this quest."

Kaiulae let a warm smile cross her lips. "Thank you, Captain Lebaiu. When do you think we can set sail?"

"If you allow me at least three days, I can gather a crew and some supplies."

"Very well. Three days it is. Now, you should leave; I pray that we did not linger here too long to be overheard."

Lebaiu bowed and left the room the way he entered ready to embark on the most dangerous mission of his life.