Hey Readers!
This story was an idea that AJ and I had.
We hope you like it!

It was a quiet evening in Quantico – no parties, no fighting, no screaming. Not that it was expected on a marine base. Lieutenant Marcus Parkson calmly headed down the street to his house, where his family would be waiting for him to arrive home.

As he reached his front porch, he sensed something was off. He knocked on his front door as he usually did, not bothering with his keys.

"Honey?" he called out. There was no answer. He knocked again. "Honey!"

After waiting for a few more seconds, he pulled out his keys and unlocked the door. The house was silent… unnaturally silent compared to the usual noise. He pulled out his gun and crept into the living room, where his wife would be. The room was dark. He flicked on the lights.

He was horrified.

The room had turned from its comforting creams to a bloody red, creating an eerie scene like one from a horror movie. There were bloody handprints splattering the walls, and streaks of blood decorated the carpeted floor. The table lamps were smashed, and pieces of glass littered the floor. But that wasn't what caught the Lieutenant's eye.

Right there, in the middle of his living room, lay his wife.


The man quickly ran over to check her pulse, but he wasn't expecting it.

There wasn't one.

As he rose from his crouching position, he heard faint footsteps coming from behind him. He span quickly to come face to face with a masked killer. His wife's masked killer.

"Goodbye," the killer whispered before plunging a knife into his spleen. The lieutenant gasped in pain as he fell to the floor, only registering faint screams as the killer pulled out a gun and embedded a bullet in his skull.
