So… I don't really know how this happened, okay? I went from watching Peter Pan to watching Alice in Wonderland too quickly, and I had this idea of how Alice was a better match for Peter than Wendy was. And I got a little obsessed, and eventually put the idea on my to-do list.

Disclaimer: I do not own Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, or the characters. I make no profit from these stories.

Alice tightened the sail, trying not to let herself block out the roaring screams of the men around her. She'd known there were pirates on the water, and she'd discussed the possibility they'd run into them many times. Discussing a plan and performing a plan through a panic were very different things.

Yet, imagining away the sounds of those horrid cannons firing through the fog wouldn't be beneficial in the least. She knew that much. It was either face these pirates with mind numbing fear, or curl in on herself and wait to be taken. As easy as the second option would have been, the first option would have a much, much better result.

It was her fault they were facing these demons now, anyway. It had been her idea to take this stupid, stupid shortcut route, despite the fog.

"Captain! Captain!" she slid to the lowest point she could reach, and ran across the boat. It struck her that something was off. Hadn't she been surrounded by her desperate boat mates just seconds prior? Now it was like she was the only living creature aboard.

As she searched, she found it wasn't just an odd feeling. There was no one. She was alone. Where had everyone gone?

She ducked, seeking cover as another blast was heard, and then shrieked when the boat rocked violently. She was the only one aboard, and one teenage girl didn't have enough weight to keep the boat from tipping at the next wave. Even if she survived these absurd pirates, the chances she'd make it to shore were slim.

She was almost more irritated than horrified to find that her options had changed. She could give herself up to the pirates, be killed by the pirates, or on the off chance she could get away, she could be rocked off the ship and drowned in freezing cold water, perhaps under the boat, before ever making it home.

She sat curled into the same ball she'd envisioned herself in when her options were much different, until the firing had stopped, and the men of the other ship began making their way over.

A man stooped to a crouch beside her. From the outrageous way he was dressed, she assumed he was the captain. His hair was black, and his eyes were as blue as her own. It seemed he was missing a hand. A weak opponent, should he be brought into a fight. The man gave her a condescending smile, and she gritting her teeth so as not to say anything insulting. If this was a different world, and she'd had her armor, and her sword, she would have taken this man down without taking two breaths. Perhaps taken control of his lesser pirates, and found out where the hell her former companions had disappeared to.

But in this world, she sat unarmed, with a milky white dress billowing around her ankles, because they'd never think a little girl could fight. She wanted to be back in Wonderland so much she was almost sick.

"Ah, yes," the man grinned. "A young lady. Come, Smee! Isn't she such a fairer sight than the Dear Wendy?"

Smee sized her up with what she found a disgustingly sexist expression, and said, "Yes, I do very well agree, Captain!"

"Don't you think, if we bring her back with us, she'll make a much greater Mother than Pan could ever hope to find? Won't he be jealous?"

Alice twitched. Mother? She was sixteen!

"Yes, Sir, I'm sure Pan would be so jealous he couldn't see straight."

"What's your name, young lady?" the captain tilted her chin up with his hook. Alice thought about answering, but then decided she'd do much better if she could convince them she was a mute, weak child.

"She must be a silent one, eh, cap'n?" Smee drew the conclusion she wanted very quickly, without any painful punishment from the captain to say something.

"No matter, Smee. She will be more than nurturing enough as our mother- she will find her voice again doing what girls do best. Caring for any at hand. And then she will tell us stories like the Wendy Lady."

Mentally, Alice had already gone over several successful plans to get her hand on one of these imbecile's weapons and slice that self-satisfied grin off the captain's face.

"Young lady, from now on, your name is Bri," he said, as if that settled things. "and you will serve me. Captain Hook."

Wow… truth be told I had completely lost interest in this idea when I first got to this story but as I wrote it… hmm… guess I have another multichaptered fic started! : - ) Review, please, I must know how other's liked it!