Hey! Thanks for the reviews! I am going on vacation, so I probably won't have an update until sunday night or sometime on monday! Sorry... but anyway, please enjoy!
Also, I have done my research on this type of kidney failure, but I'm sure I don't have my facts completely straight so please understand!
Chapter 5
It was about 2 o'clock when Walker and Trivette walked into Sydney's hospital room. She was sound asleep and Gage was flipping through an old magazine. "Hey," Gage said as stood up.
"How is she doing?" Asked Trivette. "Have they gotten the test results yet?"
"No," Gage sighed. "The nurse said that the tests still haven't come back yet, but they have been giving her fluids which has made her more comfortable."
The three Rangers looked over at Sydney as she began to stir at the sound of their voices. Walker looked over at Gage and asked in a quiet voice, "Does she know?"
Gage nodded his head at Waller and turned back to Sydney who was finally opening her eyes. Walker and Trivette walked over to the other side of her bed and greeted her. "Hey, Sydney," Walker said with a smile and while he patted her shoulder. Trivette bent down and gave a hug. "How are you doing?" He asked.
"A little better since they've been giving me fluids and medicine," She said with a weak smile.
"Hello," All four rangers turned their heads to see the doctor as he came through the door. "I'm Sydney's doctor." He reached out and shook Walker's and Trivette's hands.
"Hi," said Walker. "I'm Ranger Walker and this is my partner, Ranger Trivette." Trivette nodded and smiled at the man as they shook hands.
Dr. Cheney turned to Sydney. "Ranger Cooke, your test results have come back."
Sydney simply nodded her head and bit her lip, anticipating what the doctor was going to say next.
"First thing that you should know is that we found what seems to be a benign tumor in your abdomen on your CT scan. It is obstructing your ureters," The doctor paused and looked over his glasses before going on. "Which has caused kidney failure."
No one in the room knew what to do or what to say for a minute. So many thoughts and memories of the rangers that were close enough to be family. It was Sydney who finally broke the intense silence, "What happens next? How will this effect my life," she paused and looked up at her colleagues, "and job." She looked back over to the doctor.
"The first thing we need to do is get you strong enough for surgery. We are going to do a Ureterovesical junction obstruction. It is where an incision is made in the lower abdomen. The area of tumor is removed and the ureter is sewn into the bladder. Sometimes it is necessary to taper the ureter. Afterwards, a tube is left in the bladder and sometimes a ureteral stent and a kidney drainage tube are also left. These tubes will be removed in the hospital or office."
"...and after that?" Gage asked.
"Well, it's hard to say for sure, but it is very likely that your kidneys are permanently damaged."
"What will I do then?" Sydney asked as she felt tears begin to burn the back of her eyes.
"You will most likely be on dialysis. However, that is looking very far ahead into the future. Right now we just need to focus on the surgery. If that goes well and the blockage hasn't damaged the kidneys as much as I originally thought it has, then you may not need to be on dialysis." The doctor said hopefully. "We are going to take very good care of you," He said as he began to walk out of the door. "It was nice to meet you all."
None of the rangers knew what to say. They all just stared at the floor, until Sydney finally broke the silence, and spoke in a soft voice, "Thanks for coming to see me you guys, I really appreciate it... But I need to be alone right now."
"Okay, Sydney. We understand." Said Walker in his usual kind tone. Everybody said their goodbyes and began to walk out the door.
Gage, walking behind, the two senior rangers turned around before he closed the door and said, "If you need anything call me. I'll come by to see you in the morning." He said as a smile crossed his face. He was trying to be as strong as possible for her.
"Thanks Gage, thanks for what you did for me today." Sydney knew her partner would go to the end of the earth for her.
"You're welcome, Shorty." Gage said as he walked out the door.
Soooooo what do you guys think? Still good?