Disclaimer: I don't own Predator or anything related to its work. I only own my ideas and my OC's!


By: Ulquishinee

~Chapter 10~

It had only been about ten minutes after Lex came round in the dimly lit room, on the soft furs, when an alarm went off. The sound was loud and grated against her eardrums painfully and she covered her ears with her palms, in a desperate attempt to save them from the onslaught of torture. She buried her face in the furs and gritted her teeth. She stayed in that position for what seemed eternity for her, but in reality couldn't have been more than five minutes.

When the alarm finally stopped its shrill cry, she let out a sigh of relief and slumped on the bed. She wasn't sure what that alarm had been about, but she could tell that it hadn't been anything good. An alarm like that just, literally, screamed that something was wrong and that made Lex uneasy. She was trapped in a room, all alone and defenses, with no way out. In that moment, Lex started to feel claustrophobic and she jumped off the bed and started to fumble in the half dark for a wall, or some other hard surface. Her hands touched cool metal and she frantically touched the smooth surface in search for an exit.

Her panic only increased when she couldn't find a doorframe or any other indicator that there might be a door that she could somehow open and get out. She tried to calm herself, telling herself that she was going to be alright and took big breaths. The air around her was warm and strangely moist, like she was in a tropical jungle, and she could feel that breathing was getting a bit hard. She closed her eyes and leaned against the wall and clutched her chest area, willing her heart to slow its frantic beating and pulsing in her chest cavity.

The feeling didn't leave her and she beat her lithe fists against the wall and whimpered from the slight sting the repeated motion caused. Lex wasn't a woman who would lose her cool in extreme situations, but this situation was beyond her expertise. She wasn't afraid to climb high apexes, and snow and ice covered cliffs, but, frankly, she was scared from whatever was to happen to her now. She felt like she was going to go mental, if she didn't get out of the room.

As if someone had heard her silent plea, the wall behind her moved aside so fast, Lex didn't have time to even blink, before she fell backwards and against something hard, but the heat coming from it told her that it wasn't an object, but rather someone. Her upper arms were caught in a tight grip and she heard a clicking sound from behind her. She gulped silently and let herself be steadied on her feet. She was a bit scared to turn around to face whoever had opened the panel, she now suspected had been the door after all, but she was grateful for the distraction it had given her. So, with that thought she slowly, albeit reluctantly, turned around to face whoever had stopped her from almost having a mental break down.

She shouldn't have been so surprised when the old, grayish, and bristle covered face of the old Yaut'ja, who had taken her aboard the ship, was looking back at her with curious amber eyes. He let out series of clicks and Lex cocked her head to the side in confusion. What did he expect her to do now? She wondered. She didn't have to ponder it too long, before he let out a rumble and motioned her to follow. "Cam," he said in a thick voice as he turned with a billow of his red cape and walked off. Lex blinked for two seconds and then the meaning of the word settled in. He wanted her to 'come' with him?

"Cam," she heard him bark loudly from a couple feet away and she didn't hesitate this time and almost broke into a run at the forcefulness of his command; like he was going to walk over and drag her if he had to. Lex followed as fast as her legs could carry her, but still lagged behind couple of paces because she couldn't take so big steps like the Yaut'ja in front of her. She huffed internally and half ran to keep up; the idea of staying behind in the corridors with other Yaut'ja occasionally passing them, fueling her.

The walk was finally over when they reached a black metal door and it opened with a whoosh of air. The old Yaut'ja stepped aside and nodded once with his big head for her to step inside. A little apprehensively, Lex sucked in a big breath and stepped inside it. At first, Lex wasn't sure what she was supposed to see in the dimly lit room, with a giant window overlooking the dark and starry void behind the glass, but when she saw Scar's form laying on a cot she let out a small gasp.

The sound of a door closing could be heard and she turned to see that it had closed behind her. She sighed softly and then turned around to look back at Scar. His chest was rising and falling softly and Lex felt relief wash over her, knowing that he was alive and well. With slow and measured steps, she approached his unconscious form and felt her heart pick up its pace the closer she got. The room was a lot bigger than the one she had been in before, and since she knew where the exit was, it didn't make her feel like she was trapped. Scar's presence, even in his state of unawareness, helped too because she once again felt safe.

She came to a stop at his side and her eyes were immediately drawn to the bandages covering most of his chest area and a part of his abdomen. To a human this injury would have been fatal, but he had been strong enough to make it through, and the thought was making a small smile appear on her lips. Her eyes flashed with worry and her smile was replaced with a frown when she remebered that slimy thing being removed from him. The way that worm thing had squirmed in the tongs, covered in fluorescent blood, small mandibles lining its mouth and a smaller inner mouth with razor sharp teeth releasing a small and innocent cry. The cry of a new born infant, but she knew that it would be anything but innocent when it grew into one of those black things.

She shuddered at the thought of those beastly things, with oval elongated heads and sharp teeth under a quivering lip, covered in saliva. Their bodies black as the night and armed with a tail, more dangerous than any gun. The picture of true despair and pure evil, she wished she would never have to meet ever again. She had never feared anything in life, like she feared those things, and that was putting it mildly.

Her left hand unconsciously touched the spot on his chest and she was content to feel a steady heart beat underneath her hand. It was solid and loud and she took a look at Scar's face. The black around his eyes made them look like two black bottomless pits, but she knew that they were actually a warm amber color. The four appendages lining his face caught her attention and she had the urge to touch them.

Her right hand moved slowly, as if she was scared to make too sudden movements, and she slowly ran her index finger over his left upper mandible, starting from where it jutted out from his face and all the way down to the sharp tusk at the end. She repeated the motion, noting that the skin was scaly, like a reptile's skin, on the outside, but if she touched the inside it was smooth and a little moist. Her touch grew firmer as she gained courage in her exploration, and in some part of her mind, she knew that she was invading his personal space, even if he wasn't aware of it, but couldn't seem to make herself stop.

She was startled when one of his mandibles twitched right beneath her fingers and she gasped and took a step back when she saw his eyes slowly opening. The amber orbs were unfocused and Lex stood stock still, when they landed on her. Scar looked at her for a moment, his eyes still glazed over and the sound that followed surprised Lex and she was taken aback by it. Scar was purring like a cat. She couldn't believe her ears and she was pretty sure that she was going nuts. There was no way that someone like him would make a sound like that.

Lex didn't have time to think about it too long because the door opened again and another Yaut'ja entered. He had a light green coloring with bright green and black stripes over his arms, legs and abdomen, creating these strange markings that looked like tattoos and his eyes were a deep red color, a bit frightening in comparison to Scar's amber eyes.

The only thing he wore was a loin cloth around his hips and a belt with his mask around his hips. He clicked at her and Lex took a step back, not sure if this Yaut'ja was hostile or not. A weak whine came from Scar, but it was cut off with a sharp bark from the other Yaut'ja. Lex just stared like a deer caught in headlights. When the Yaut'ja took a step forward, Lex automatically took a step back. It continued until she was behind Scar's cot, on his other side.

The light green Yaut'ja gave a rumbling purr, the same Scar had produced, she noted. Scar didn't seem to like it because he was growling low in his throat and was trying to sit up on the cot. Lex cringed at his groan of pain and moved forward to help him, so he wouldn't hurt himself. She didn't expect what happened next, but she felt Scar wrap a clawed hand around her waist and pulled her to his side, letting out that purr again, and also managing to growl at the green and black marking covered Yaut'ja.

Lex wasn't sure what to do in that moment because, obviously, Scar was acting like she was his property. She felt a bit of panic at the thought that maybe she was brought on the ship to be a pet or a slave for Scar, but the way Scar was acting, was almost like he…She cut herself off from that thought, trying to banish it from her mind. There was no way that Scar would like her in that sense. Also, she wasn't sure how she felt about that thought herself if it was, indeed, what Scar wanted from her. Her mind was already a confused mess and thinking about it, made it worse.

The other Yaut'ja let out a snorted and chuffed at Scar in a non threatening gesture, and Scar let out a small growl in return, before tightening his arm around her. Lex just sat rigid on the edge of the cot, her back pressed against the side of Scar's chest and she could feel the heat radiating off him through her woolen sweater. She wasn't sure what to do because Scar didn't seem too keen on letting her go any time soon. On the one hand, she could elbow him in the gut; that should be enough to make him release her, but then she would make his injuries worse. On the other hand, she could just wait until he let go, which could be some time.

She was a bit relieved when the door opened again, and in stepped the old Yaut'ja, who had left her there. The light green, marking covered Yaut'ja bowed his big head once and stepped aside when he approached Scar's cot, and looked at the two with strange look, Lex couldn't decipher. She was disheartened when they started conversing in what seemed to be their language, like she wasn't there and she slumped in defeat. Great! Now she just had to wait when Scar let her go.


A/N: I will start by apologizing for the lateness of this chapter and, also, that it's so short! Summer is officially over for me, and today started my last year at high school. For that reason, the updates are going to be more irregular than before because I have to study extra hard this year! Anyway, the next chapter will, hopefully, be longer and more interesting! As usual, tell me what you thought and/or just constructive criticism is always welcomed!
