Oki: Hello ppl~ CNY here is coming soon! :)
Yama: Haiz, it's a busy year but all the best everyone!
Oki:We don't own KHR...:D
Yama: Do enjoy and R&R! XDD
Frowning at Natsu's sarcastic tone, Reborn finally stepped out of the bushes he was hiding behind, his senses fully alert. The brunette obviously knew that he was there and since Natsu's words managed to perk Reborn's interest, the taller man decided to show himself.
Reborn was indeed planning to search for –Nashi-, but why had Natsu linked 72 with Tsuna, who seemingly had no connection with the former at all. Somehow, -Nashi- and Tsuna ended up in a same sentence.
Something was definitely fishy.
"Oh, so you decided to come out, Mr Reborn." Natsu mused, still lying comfortably on the ground, his hands under his head like a pillow.
Still eyeing Natsu warily, Reborn stepped towards Natsu cautiously.
"You have seen –Nashi- before?" Reborn asked as he sat down on a dry patch of grass, his arms crossed over his chest.
From far, their position could easily cause people to misunderstand Reborn and Natsu to be friends resting together for the night.
Whether they were friendly to each other was another matter.
Natsu did seem relaxed, but Reborn knew better. Such a cunning person was one that Reborn needed to guard against.
Yet, Reborn was curious, and he had a feeling that Natsu knew things that Reborn wanted to find out.
Natsu was different from Tsuna. That was something that Natsu new and was very sure of. While Natsu was manipulative and slippery usually, Tsuna was rather straightforward and open about his thoughts.
It was precisely why Tsuna could be a brilliant assassin, a perfect killer.
All the innocence was the perfect cover and disguise for Tsuna's cruel and cunning side.
Tsuna was much more similar to Natsu than the treasure hunter himself had thought.
"Ah, is that what you think?" Natsu yawned, as he turned to lie on his side. The brown-haired man could tell, from Reborn's doubtful look and guarded posture, that the taller man had regarded Natsu as the more dangerous one out of the two Sawada brothers.
How naive and wrong Reborn was. Harmless and open was something he would never use to describe Tsuna.
Glancing down coldly at the man screaming in pain in front of him, Tsuna frowned as he stepped harder into the man's broken leg.
-Nashi- was bored and displeased by the lack of skills those participants had. As he moved swiftly through the dark forest, he had left fainted men and unconscious creatures behind his wake. Every one of them had disappointed him.
He wanted a worthy opponent, someone to help him kill time and let him have some fun.
Staring blankly at the small knife he held in his right hand Tsuna instantly threw the knife towards the newcomer when he heard twigs break.
Yamamoto barely managed to dodge the sudden lightning-like knife, his sword still behind his back and was not drawn in time.
The black-haired man had decided to enter Namimori forest, in order to confront Tsuna regarding the brunette's true identity.
He had to confirm his suspicions.
He had just spotted Tsuna sitting lazily on a flat rock, a few feet away from him when a sharp knife was suddenly aimed at Yamamoto, catching him off-guard.
"Tsuna, can we talk?" Yamamoto called out, standing at his current spot, not moving further away or closer to Tsuna. His senses were ringing at him to stay put. Any careless movement could cause him to end up dead.
That was how dangerous the current Tsuna was.
Tsuna tilted his head to get a look at the newcomer, a sly smile stretching across his face when he recognized who was talking to him.
Was it not the one who had managed to 'kill' him once?
Finally, someone interesting and strong enough to give him some entertainment has arrived.
Staring coolly at Yamamoto Tsuna just shrugged, his orange orbs locked onto Yamamoto's black ones.
Yamamoto was concentrating on Tsuna, his attention caught by the brunette's glowing eyes when Tsuna unexpectedly appeared right in front of him, a small knife pressed against Yamamoto's neck.
One moment Tsuna was a few feet away from Yamamoto, the next moment the brown-haired treasure hunter was breathing down his neck.
It sent chills down Yamamoto's spine.
"Say, why use words when we can use our fists and swords?" Tsuna sighed and shook his head, as if he has agreed to Yamamoto's request.
They both knew that Tsuna had no intention of having a calm discussion, much less settle down to talk.
"I just want to confirm something with you." Yamamoto managed out, ignoring the cold knife eating into his neck and looking straight at Tsuna, who grinned in reply.
"Not bad, you are the second one who dared to bargain with me with a knife pressed to your neck." Tsuna smirked and flicked his knife back into his sleeve.
"I don't mind answering your question, provided if you can defeat me." Tsuna crooked a finger at Yamamoto, beckoning him to start attacking.
"As I say before, why use words when we can use our fists?"
When Yamamoto had first 'killed' Tsuna, the swordsman had hid all his killing intention, all for the last stabbed into Tsuna's stomach.
This time, it was much harder. Tsuna was dodging almost every single attack that Yamamoto had launched at him, the brunette blocking the heavy sword strokes with the tiny knife of his every now and then.
In terms of dodging skills, Tsuna was obviously a master at it.
Throughout their exchange of strokes, not one time had the orange-eyed man attacked. However, that was what seriously unsettled Yamamoto. It was as if Tsuna was playing with him, waiting patiently for the perfect timing to strike.
The brunette was waiting patiently, like a skilled hunter, waiting for the right moment to deal the single lethal blow.
Keeping his sword close to him as he continued his fierce attacks, Yamamoto narrowed his eyes in concentration; sure that something was going to come his way soon.
Tsuna whistled in appreciation as he gracefully ducked down, a narrow cut missing him just barely. Fighting head-on with his opponent was not his usual style, especially when his bell was removed.
However, the fight would be over the moment he merged with the shadows. Silently and accurately, one quick strike from the shadows would instantly end the match between him and Yamamoto.
He would not end the battle between them to end just like that; his burning blood would not allow it.
Flipping over Yamamoto's head, Tsuna smirked as Yamamoto whipped his head to follow Tsuna's movement. The swordsman was not bad at all, his expression at sharp and his moves clean and powerful.
Tapping a finger on his chin, Tsuna narrowed his eyes at Yamamoto, a thought running through his head.
It would be a waste to just end it like that…
Blocking Yamamoto's sword with a small knife right at the hilt, Tsuna closed the distance between him and the swordsman in a blink of eye and held the latter's gaze.
"You lose," Tsuna drawled, his knife sliding straight up to Yamamoto's neck, stopping right before it cuts the skin, at the exact spot when the brunette had pressed the knife before.
Yamamoto froze, his sword still up, still for a minute below he lowered his sword and stepped back, a resigned look on his face.
Sighing, Yamamoto laughed dryly as he sheathed his sword, knowing that he had lost. Seeing how Tsuna had dodged and blocked his swings and how easily the brunette had broken through his guard had long allowed him to realize the difference in strength between them.
"Ha, it's my loss. You are that good, so why did you let me stab you that time?" Yamamoto asked as Tsuna raised an eyebrow, his arms crossed.
"Why indeed?" Tsuna shrugged, answering with a question.
Yamamoto chuckled helplessly, knowing that Tsuna was not planning on answering his question.
"I admit I'm not your match." The black-haired man nodded as he backed away, preparing to leave. He doubted that he would be able to get any answers from Tsuna. Nonetheless, one thing was certain.
He had to get away from Tsuna fast.
The brunette was way too dangerous. After their brief exchange, Yamamoto was starting to regret approaching Tsuna all by himself.
One wrong move would sure cause heavy damages…
"Say, I didn't say that you can leave, did I?" Tsuna's soft voice broke Yamamoto's thoughts and the taller man stopped in his tracks, the hair on his neck standing.
What more did Tsuna want?
"I've already admit my loss, what more do you want?" Yamamoto shook his head.
"I can easily just take your life, but I didn't, so now your life is in my hands." Tsuna said matter-of-factly, as if everything he said was natural. The boiling blood within him had slowly cooled down, -Nashi- satisfied for a short while after the heated battle.
Not looking at Yamamoto, Tsuna played with the small knife in his hand, waiting for the latter to response.
"I understand your point, but I do not comprehend your real intentions." Yamamoto felt calm as he responded. He knew he lost, fair and square.
For an assassin like him, defeat meant death.
He would not be too surprised if Tsuna wanted him dead.
Tsuna saw the hard look on Yamamoto's face and laughed loudly, clearly amused.
"Relax, I don't want you dead. What's the use of a cold body when I can have a moving and competent sparring partner (sandbag)?"
With a lightning-fast kick, Tsuna pinned Yamamoto face-first to the muddy forest floor, squatting in front of the fallen assassin.
Lifting Yamamoto's head to face him, Tsuna casually shot out a sentence that Yamamoto totally did not expect.
"I want you to be mine."
Yamamoto blinked, once and then twice before the words managed to sink in.
Noticing Yamamoto's confusion, Tsuna snorted half-heartedly and rolled his eyes.
"You will be loyal to me, only to me and no one else. Got it?" Tsuna eyes glowed orange and the brunette's grip on Yamamoto tightened, demanding Yamamoto's obedience.
"As I say, your life is mine and you have no say in it. The moment you challenged me, you have decided your fate." Tsuna grinned wildly and released Yamamoto's chin, dropping it hard into the ground.
Yamamoto coughed as he got back up, unable to decide whether to be happy or confused about his current situation.
Happy that Tsuna, in the brunette's own strange way, acknowledged his strength.
Confused because he had no idea what he was actually getting into.
Yamamoto has always been an assassin for hire, changing employers here and there. With this, Tsuna would be his last and only boss.
Well, he had no way of defeating Tsuna for now and Yamamoto had to admit that he was curious. Everything the brown-haired treasure hunter did was unpredictable and it perked Yamamoto's interest.
Including the forceful way that Tsuna just used, to get Yamamoto under his wing.
After all, it seemed fun hanging around Tsuna and Yamamoto would not mind serving under Tsuna.
Brushing dirt off his clothes, Yamamoto walked slowly to Tsuna and bowed his mind made up.
"Ha, so Tsuna, when do I get my salary?" Do I even have salary?
This time, it was the shorter brunette's turn to blink.
Ignoring Yamamoto's teasing grin, Tsuna's form shimmered before Yamamoto and the treasure hunter disappeared into the shadows, leaving all but two curt words.
"You wish."
Oki: Treasure hunter running away from money problems? Haha... ;P
Yama: Hope you all enjoyed and see yall soon (I hope) ! :DD