A/N: And another chapter. Thank you all for your lovely reviews, they make my day! I love hearing from you all. :)

So...you get fluff in this chapter! Yay fluff! It's mainly at the end, and is provided by Wes and David.

Blaine felt weird packing up the room he had lived in for the last fifteen years. He didn't take as much as he thought he would, leaving the room looking like he lived there. Most of his favorite posters were gone, yes, but it still looked like a teenage boy's room. He carried his last suitcase down the stairs to load it into his grandma's car.

"Now Blainey, you call us right when you get to Dalton," his mother said, hugging him.

"Make sure you remember," his dad added, patting him on the back.

"I will," he replied, trying not to cry, "and I'll make sure that I send you pictures of my room so you can see, it'll look great."

"Come on sweetie," said his grandmother gently, "we're supposed to be at Dalton by noon so that we can get everything sorted out."

"Okay," Blaine gave his parents one last hug, "I'll see you guys in two weeks?"

"Yep, buddy, we'll be there! Now get a move on, we want you to make a good first impression."

Blaine climbed into the car and buckled himself in while his grandma said her goodbyes.

"Ready to go, sugar?" She asked as she climbed into the car.

"As ready as I'll ever be," he answered, smiling.

She started the car and Blaine grimaced when the radio came on. Country music, of course.

"Honey," said Nana, "you can change the station if you want."

"But you like this, so we can-"

"Look," she interrupted, pulling out of the driveway, "we have a two hour drive, and I know that you aren't Garth Brooks' biggest fan. Change the station, or put in a cd, I know you have at least fifty with you."

"Is Mika okay?"

"Who's Mika? Does she sing nice?"

"Mika's a boy, Nana, and yes, he sings nice."

Blaine popped in the CD and began singing Grace Kelly along with Mika in a high falsetto.

"Doesn't sound like a boy to me," she laughed, "but your voice is gorgeous. You should join the Warblers."

"The Warblers? Who are they?"

"They're Dalton's a cappella choir. Maybe we could get you an audition when we talk to the headmaster today."

"I don't know," said Blaine hesitantly, "I mean, I was in vocal jazz, but Dalton is such a good-"

"And you have a good voice, honey. I'm sure they'd be happy to have you, seeing as you are a legacy student not only to Dalton, but to the Warblers."

"Uncle Eric was in the Warblers?"

"Uncle Eric and Papa Georgie were both in the Warblers. Your Great-Great Grandpa Edward was a founding member."

"Woah," Blaine breathed.

"Yep, sugar, Dalton's practically in your blood."

Blaine remained silent for a few minutes, listening to the soothing strings of Any Other World as he gazed out the window.

"Something interesting out there?" Nana smiled.

"No," Blaine sighed, "what if no one likes me at Dalton? I know that they can't hurt me, but what if they don't even talk to me? What if-"

"Honey," Nana said, grabbing his hand gently (it was his left arm that had the pins in it), "you can't obsess about the what-ifs. As for people not liking you, I don't see how you could think that-"

"Nobody liked me at Monroe."

"Sweetheart, Dalton Academy is not Monroe Junior-Senior. I honestly don't see why your parents sent you there in the first place. Now, things at Dalton are going to be different, yes. But it will be a good different. You're going to get a great education, and you'll have so many friends that you won't know what to do with yourself."

"You think?"

"I know, honey. You're a smart, wonderful boy, and they'd be silly not to be your friend."

"What if they think I'm only transferring to Dalton because I'm gay and it's an all boy's school?"

"What?" Nana started laughing uncontrollably, "Oh my goodness Blaine, how do you come up with these things?"

"They might! They'll think that I'm just there to find a boyfriend!"

"Honey," she replied, still giggling, "they won't, kids at Dalton are smart enough to know that just talking to you won't make them gay. Your cute little face might though!"

"Nana!" Blaine shouted, turning bright red.

"I was kidding! You are a cutie though. It's nice to see you decided to tame the jungle that is your hair this morning though. But you do know that a little gel goes a long way, right?"

"It wouldn't stay down though! I don't want them to think that I have weird hair."

"You don't have weird hair, Blainey; you have curly hair, just like your dad."

"Dad doesn't have any hair."

"Good point sweetheart, but when he did, he had just as much curly hair as you."

They drove for another hour, sharing jokes, stories, and laughter. They only stopped when Blaine's side started hurting so bad from laughing.

"Well, Blainey, we're here."

Blaine looked out the window at the imposing building. The school even had a front gate that Nana had to stop at and present Blaine and her IDs.

"Thank you, ma'am, and welcome to Dalton, Blaine," the security guard said, smiling.

"Thank you sir," Blaine replied, giving a small smile back as Nana started the car up the long driveway to the school.

"Okay, sweetie, we'll leave your bags out here for right now," she said, getting out of the car, "we need to meet the headmaster first."

"Okay," Blaine nervously got out of the car, "are you sure they let me in?"

"Yes they let you in, now let's go," said Nana, taking his hand and leading him up the steps. She went up to a call box and hit a button and they were buzzed in. A slim Asian boy wearing what must be the Dalton uniform met them behind the huge double doors.

"Hello Mrs. Jackson," the boy began, taking Nana's arm, before turning to Blaine, "welcome to Dalton, Blaine. I'm Wes Montgomery, and I'm an assistant to Headmaster Warner. If you'll both please follow me, we'll head to his office."

Blaine followed Wes and his grandmother, who was still arm and arm with Wesley, talking animatedly about how good it was to be back at Dalton and carrying on the family tradition. Blaine was entranced by the artwork and the practically cavernous hallways.

"Well, here we are," Wes said, leading them into what Blaine assumed was the headmaster's office, but turned out to be the annex. "I'll leave you both here; you'll have some paperwork to fill out to finalize the transfer. I'll check if Headmaster Warner is ready for you."

Wes slipped away and into a side door as Blaine and Nana approached the secretary's desk.

"Hello, Mr. Anderson, Mrs. Jackson," the secretary smiled, "Wes was mistaken about the paperwork, we have that all sorted out. Here is the key to your dorm room, Blaine, guard it with your life!"

"Okay," Blaine laughed, then clutched his side a little bit.

"Broken ribs?" A voice boomed across the annex.

Blaine jumped and turned around to see where the voice was coming from. A tall, slim man wearing a navy blue suit had stepped out of the office, Wes trailing behind. He crossed the room and approached Blaine and Nana.

"Mrs. Jackson, always a pleasure," he said, kissing her hand.

"Oh Jackie Warner, you do know how to make an old woman blush."

Wes had started to giggle when Nana called the headmaster Jackie, but managed to stifle it once the headmaster whipped around with a glare.

"You must be Blaine," said Headmaster Warner, taking Blaine's hand and shaking it, "it's a pleasure to have you here. Why don't we step into my office so we can discuss a few things? Wesley, this is a private matter, so why don't you occupy yourself with some filing."

"Yes sir," Wes responded, and then muttered, "filing would be lovely."

"I heard that Mr. Montgomery," Headmaster Warner called after him, then turned to Blaine and Nana, "why don't you come into my office."

Blaine and Nana entered the room, sitting in the two chairs opposite a large desk. Headmaster Warner closed the door and sat at the seat opposite them.

"So, Blaine, I have a couple of questions for you. First of all, are you healing well?"

"I suppose," he replied, "I mean, I still have pins in my arm, a couple of my ribs are broken and my nose is probably going to be crooked forever, but I'm not too bad off."

"That's the spirit, just like your grandfather, God rest his soul," Headmaster Warner said, "you wouldn't believe the hijinks he and I got into when we were students, why I remember climbing the bell tower with him! And then there was the mashed potatoes inci-"

"Jackie," Nana interrupted, "I don't think we should be giving Blaine any ideas, especially if you like this school in one piece."

"Right you are Susan," he chuckled, "now Blaine, are you ready for the rigors of Dalton? We are one of the most prestigious college preparatory schools in the nation. I know that some public schools are lacking in structure and discipline, so I want you to know what you're getting yourself into."

"I think I'm up to it, as long as no football players decide to stomp on my arm or anything like that. I love to learn."

"Good to hear! And rest assured that you won't have to worry about any of that behavior here. We have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to bullying and violence. Now, why don't we have Wesley show you to your dorm room?"

Twenty minutes later, Blaine had all his things in his room, with some help from Wes and his grandma. Wes had bid them farewell and rushed off to Warblers' rehearsal, and he had promised to get Blaine an audition in exchange for new risers provided by Nana, regardless of whether Blaine got into the Warblers or not.

"Let's unpack this stuff," Nana said, surveying the almost empty dorm room. She walked across the small room and opened the wardrobe. "Oh look Blainey, they already have your uniforms in here," she laughed, taking a uniform out to show him, "you're going to look so handsome!"

"Thanks grandma," he blushed, hanging up a few posters.

"I'll put your clothes away, you just focus on getting those posters up the way you like them."

It only took about an hour to assemble the room. Blaine was smoothing his comforter when he realized that he'd forgotten to call his parents. "Crap! Nana, I forgot to call mom and dad!"

"Just call them now," she replied, putting the last of his clothes away.

"Hey dad, yes I made it to Dalton, no I didn't die. Yes, I know you got me a cell phone for a reason. No! No I do not want one of the little kid ones! Thanks dad, yeah, love you too!"

Blaine ended the call laughing. "At least I know they care," he giggled, plopping down on his bed.

Nana gracefully sat down next to him. "It's a little different from Christmas, isn't it Blainey."

"Yeah," he said, leaning into her side, "it only took a brutal beat down to bring them around."

"Oh sweetheart," she wrapped her arm around him, "you know that they still loved you…they're just interesting folks."

"That's putting it mildly," Blaine snorted.

"Hey, new kid," Wes had appeared at the door, "you've got an audition with the Warblers in twenty minutes. Suit up and meet me in the commons."

"Cool, thanks Wes!"

"It's nothing. By the way, Mrs. Jackson, the council thanks you for your kind donation."

"It's not a problem, Wesley," she replied, smiling, "just let me talk to them so I know which ones you want."

"Thanks again Mrs. Jackson," he said as he left, "and twenty minutes, Blaine."

"So, Blainey, I guess this is goodbye," Nana said, hugging him close.

"What if I don't get in?"

"Blaine Eric Anderson, you will get in," she shook her head, and stood. "Now give Nana a hug."

Blaine stood and wrapped his good arm around Nana. "Love you…I'll see you around, right?"

"Honey, if you need anything, I'm only thirty minutes away. You're always welcome. Now why don't you put that uniform on? You'll look so handsome."

"Okay Nana," he said, giving her one last squeeze, "I'll call you tonight."

"You better! And I love you too." She strode out of the room, closing the door and leaving Blaine alone.

Blaine put on one of the uniforms hanging in his closet, tying his tie carefully with one hand. He quietly left his room, taking care to remember his room key, and was met by Wes and another boy in the commons.

"Hey Blaine, this is David."

"Hey new kid, how the hell are you doing? And what is up with your arm? And your face-holy shit, it looks like you've been hit by a-"

"Excuse him," Wes interrupted, rolling his eyes, "he was born without tact. Or anything even resembling social grace."

"It's okay," Blaine laughed a little too hard and ended up clutching his side.

"Hey, dude, you okay?" David asked, moving to Blaine's side.

"Yeah, I just have a couple of cracked ribs."

"And you're still auditioning for the Warblers?" David looked at him like he was crazy.

"Yes, he is," Wes said, "and we'll be late if we don't get him to the choir room now."

"Sheesh, okay," David replied, "let's go Blaine. By the way, how did you acquire your amazing injuries?"

"He'll tell us at dinner, okay?" Wes responded, definitely irritated.

Wes led Blaine to the choir room, where he stood in front of panel of three boys.

"We're the Warbler's council. That's Ronald, that's Patrick, and I'm William. I understand that you've just moved in, but could you be persuaded to sing us a little something? It can be a cappella, but we need to hear you. Also, you'll need to harmonize with Wesley and David here, just to test blend. What voice part are you anyway?"

"I sang baritone at school," Blaine answered, a little intimidated by the formality, "but I'm really a tenor, they just needed more baritones. What should I sing?"

"Well, do you have any solo repertoire from voice lessons?" William surveyed the rest of the council, who nodded.

"Well, um, I've never taken voice lessons. I was lead soloist in my jazz choir at school though!"

"How…nice," William said, a pained smile crossing his face, "why don't you sing us one of those?"

"Oh, okay…well, we were working on the King's Singers version of And So It Goes, so I guess I'll sing something from that?"

"That would be…satisfactory. Could you perhaps sing the melody part? We could have David and Wesley back you on that then. Just the first two verses will suffice."

"Okay, cool," Blaine replied, forcing a smile and smoothing his Blazer. He started to sing.

In every heart there is a room
A sanctuary safe and strong
To heal the wounds from lovers past
Until a new one comes along
William's mouth fell open, and Wes and David smiled as they joined in on harmony. Blaine felt more confident, and let that shine through in his voice.
I spoke to you in cautious tones
You answered me with no pretense
And still I feel I said too much
My silence is my self defense

When Blaine finished the second verse, David slapped him on the back. "Holy cow, you can really sing!"

"Thanks," Blaine smiled sheepishly, blushing.

"Well, Blaine, after briefly consulting with my fellow council members," William said with a pompous air, "we have decided to offer you a place in the Warblers. Do you accept?"

"Yes, yes, of course!" Blaine was beaming.

"Well, thank you, and you are dismissed," William said, banging his gavel.

"Hey, new warbler, let's go eat," David grabbed his uninjured arm, "it's chicken nugget night!"


"Chicken nugget night! Oh my God…it's like manna from heaven."

"Be careful," Wes warned, trailing behind them, "things get vicious at chicken nugget night."

Vicious was an understatement. Chicken nugget night was tantamount to a battle. There was a huge line of shoving boys, all trying to get to the chicken nuggets.

"They're MINE! Give me back my damn plate!"

"NEVER. You snooze you lose, jackass."

"Um, David," Blaine hissed, "I don't think this is a good idea."

"Just wait," Wes said, "he has his ways."

David approached a cafeteria worker and sidled up to her. "Hello Doris," he smiled at her, "how are we doing tonight?"

"How do you think, David? It's nugget night."

"Oh, yes, that," David giggled, "well, you see my friend over there-the one with the broken arm? Well, he'd really like some nuggets, and it's just so hard for him to deal with the crowd."

"How many do you want, David?" Doris sighed.

"Well, let's go with thirty."

"Your friend wants thirty chicken nuggets?"

"Look at how small he is! He's practically malnourished." David turned on the puppy dog eyes.

"She's not going to do it," Blaine whispered to Wes.

"Just wait."

"Oh David," she said, "I'll get them, but this is the absolute last time! The other boys will think I favor you."

"Oh Doris, you're a doll!" David threw his arm around Doris, who shrugged it off and went to get more chicken nuggets.

David shot Wes and Blaine a thumbs up, and Wes just rolled his eyes. "I told you he'd do it," Wes whispered to Blaine.

David approached them carrying a plate mounded with chicken nuggets. "Shall we proceed to the dining room gentlemen?"

"I suppose we will," Blaine giggled, following David and Wes to the dining room.

Dinner got more interesting. David proceeded to grill Blaine about his injuries, his old school and his family. He summarized it all at the end.

"So, you got beat to shit for going to a dance with a boy, your old school sucked, and your parents were totally homophobic until you got beat to shit at your sucky school."

"That'd be the quick summary of it, yeah," Blaine laughed.

"Well, I guess we're acquainted then. Wes, David, been friends since we were three, ridiculously rich families, never been beat up." David recapped for Blaine.

"Thanks, David," Wes snorted, "I'm sure he needed that."

"Well, gentlemen, shall we adjourn to the commons for the night? We can play a rousing game of Halo, and then hit the hay. Blaine here'll need the sleep to survive his first day at Dalton."

"An astute observation, David, I think we shall. Will you join us Mr. Anderson?"

"Um…I suppose?" Blaine answered, surprised at the sudden formality.

"I like you," David said, "I think we'll keep you."

"Okay," Blaine gulped; setting his tray on the conveyor belt and following Wed and David back to the commons.

A/N: Chicken nugget night is serious business at college, so I figured it would be the same here. Seriously though, if any of you are just starting college, watch out on nugget night. I've seen injuries.