Disclaimer: If you don't know by now that JKR owns the world that includes Harry Potter, well then I'm saddened because it is pure awesomeness. I just own the plot of this story.

Here you go. I meant to have this out sooner, but I'm in the middle of studying for some certification exams and it's taking quite a bit of time from me. This is a free month though, so I'm hoping to squeeze in another update before it's back to studying. This is a bit of a filler chapter, but next chapter is when things get a bit more exciting.

Quick Recap for those who asked: Harry's in Slytherin and Head Boy. Hermione's in Gryffindor and Head Girl. Harry is currently working for Voldemort's side, but he's plotting to still take Voldemort out. He's not Dumbledore's boy. He is currently training Hermione (at her request) and Neville (as a backup). He also knows that he's a Horcrux and is working out how to fix this.

Chapter 11

Harry stood at his window and stared down at the snow-covered grounds. The castle was currently in chaos as students were hurriedly grabbing their things before it was time to catch the train. The few students that chose to stay were outside, enjoying the snow and avoiding their frantic classmates as Harry was doing. He had opted to skip breakfast, not wanting to deal with the noise and the lost first years. It wasn't what was expected of a Head Boy, but Harry wasn't the typical Head Boy.

Hermione was down there though, fulfilling her duties as expected. He imagined she was in her element, guiding students and directing the prefects. He did notice how all the prefects listened to her now without protest. Though, he didn't miss the disgruntled looks of the Slytherins as they spoke with her.

Things between the two of them had returned to normal... or as normal as it could. Harry was far more aware of Hermione than he was before. On more than one occasion, he had caught himself watching her as they studied or while they were at their respective tables in the Great Hall. His dreams hadn't stopped, but he welcomed them at this point. He realized, with the frequency of the dreams, his nightmares were pushed away. For the first time in years, he was sleeping peacefully.

If Hermione noticed or was bothered by the extra attention, she didn't show it. She was more focused on getting him through the holidays. She had taken to talking about things that wouldn't occur until after the holidays were over. He took this as her way of being optimistic about his ability to come back after he'd essentially been killed. He played along, but he knew better. He had come to terms with his inevitable end over the last couple of years. He didn't expect her to accept it in such a short time.

Neville was improving faster than Harry thought possible. His progress gave Harry hope that the Gryffindor would be able to complete the task he had designated for him. After making their plans for Christmas, Harry had not hesitated to share his expectations with his "student." Voldemort's snake, Nagini, was the last barrier to Voldemort's demise. Then, anyone could take the Dark Lord down, though Harry had emphasized that Neville should take care of it himself if it was possible. Harry had shared secrets and weaknesses of the Dark Lord that he had learned during the last few years. With the knowledge that he would possibly have to face the Dark Lord on his own, Neville had risen to the task and doubled his efforts in his training.

Harry's only worry was whether Neville would survive the battle. He had observed how close Luna had become to him and would prefer that he be around to take care of her. He knew Draco would watch over her, but he also knew his friend would often be distracted by his own agenda, as he had noticed recently. Maybe it was because they were no longer sharing the same dorm, but they didn't see each other as often as they used to. Some days he'd actually see Luna and Neville more than Draco. He hoped they would see each other more before Christmas.

His thoughts often drifted toward Voldemort's plans too. He had yet to pick up on any clues of the Dark Lord's final decision for when and where he would attack. In the interim, Voldemort had been anything but quiet. With the pending holidays, Voldemort had decided to take the time to remind the Wizarding world that he was still a threat. The last five nights had been filled with news of several wizarding towns going up in flames with a Dark Mark left hovering in the air above the smoking rubble. Several students were taken aside to receive news of their families. Since the attacks started, many of the students had become restless and eager to return home for the holidays. Classes had been canceled the last few days due to the lack of focus. Dumbledore had actually ordered the Hogwarts Express to run two days ahead of schedule to appease those that were eager to return to their families.

Harry figured out part of Goyle's task as he observed the aftermath of Voldemort's tirade. A few students had reported two of their housemates missing: Anthony Stanton and Madeline Barrow. After their absence had been brought to the staff's attention, the staff had been frantic over the two students being missing for the remainder of the day. Curious, Harry had taken out his map, hoping to find out where they may be in the castle. They were missing from the map as well, but reappeared shortly after midnight. He had only been slightly surprised to find Goyle leading them through the halls. Harry supposed they were targeted for their connections with the Ministry of Magic. Anthony's grandfather worked in the Department of Mysteries and Madeline's older brother worked as an Auror and was moving up through the ranks at an impressive rate. Finding out the purpose of their temporary disappearance was troubling but not a priority yet.

"Why aren't you downstairs helping Hermione?"

"Do you really expect me to?" Harry answered his friend as he watched a small group of students having a snowball fight on the grounds.

He heard Draco flop onto his bed. "You two have been spending so much time together, I just figured you would be. Usually, when anyone needs to find one of you, the other is nearby. You two are almost inseparable."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Harry snapped as he turned to face Draco.

Draco held up his hands in surrender. "It doesn't mean anything. It's just an observation."

"Well, find something else to observe." He turned back to the window. "We're around each other so much because we're forced to be. You know that."

"Sure, sure."

The room became silent. Harry continued to stare out the window, lost in his thoughts, while Draco watched his friend. Neither felt much like talking since most of their conversations were on Voldemort and Harry's plans to end the war. Happy topics had been rare and both wanted to take their minds off the troubling events ahead.

As the students wrapped up their snowball fight and headed back for the castle, Harry heard Draco shift behind him. Apparently, quiet time was over. "So, there's something I need to tell you."

Harry turned back to his friend, immediately suspicious. "What is it?"

Draco was standing up now, close to the door as if he was ready to bolt. "Hermione and I decided that we could all use a little fun, so we're throwing a Christmas party," he answered in a bit of a rush.

Harry paused for a moment and took a deep breath. "Where?"

Draco stepped a little closer to the door. "In your common room."

Harry gritted his teeth and felt his eyebrow twitch. "When?"

"Tonight." They both snapped their heads toward the new voice. Hermione stepped into view and leaned against the doorway. "And you're not allowed to skip it." She turned to Draco with a disapproving look. "I thought we agreed to keep this quiet until the party."

"No, you decided that. My experience has shown it is best not to surprise him with bad news."

Hermione pursed her lips. "Fine. Then I think you should tell him everything."

Harry glanced between the two of them. "What are you two talking about?"

Draco glared at Hermione. "Fine." He took a deep breath. "I'm dating Ginny."

Harry frowned in confusion. "Ginny? Weasley?" Draco nodded. "How in bloody hell did that happen?"

"Don't start. Ginny isn't an idiot like her brother. We actually have a lot in common. We kept running into each other whenever we were trying to find one of you, and we started talking and hanging out."

Feeling a headache forming, Harry leaned back against the window and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Whatever. I'm not your master, so you can do what you want. Just don't expect me to hang around when she is."

"She'll be at the party tonight."

"Well, it's a good thing I won't be."

"Yes, you will," Hermione stated. "There's no getting out of this. Besides, your best friend is dating Ginny. You will have to get over yourself and at least be civil to each other."

"Granger, you can't make me do anything I don't want to."

"Potter, I have put too much effort into planning this, so you will be there," Hermione demanded, raising her voice.

"I will not-"

"I told her already!" Draco shouted over the two of them.

Harry's gaze snapped to Draco, anger brimming beneath the surface. "What?"

"I told her a few days ago. She has agreed to be civil, considering the circumstances."

Hermione stared at both of them in confusion. "You told who what?"

"It's nothing," Harry tried brushing it off as he glared at Draco.

"It's obviously something. What's going on?"

"Let it go, Granger," Harry growled out.

Hermione rolled her eyes and turned to Draco. "What's this about?"

Draco shook his head. "One of them will have to tell you. I've said what I needed to."

Hermione looked at each of them. "You're both being ridiculous!" Her gaze shifted between the two of them, realizing that both were remaining tight-lipped. "Fine. That's not important right now. Draco and I will be setting up in the common room. You," she pointed at Harry, "will stay in here. You are not going to leave. I do not want to have to hunt you down and drag you back here."

"Who the bloody hell do you think you are? You can't tell me what to do, Granger."

"You're right. I can't. But I think this will be good for you, so I suggest you stay here." She grabbed Draco's sleeve and pulled him out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Harry stared at the door, dumfounded. He couldn't remember anyone speaking to him the way Hermione did. Luna was far less aggressive when it came to talking him into things and Draco, though more outspoken, would back off without too much protest.

Her unexpected bossiness and concern caused a whirlwind of emotions to stir within him. He supposed he should be used to the unfamiliar emotions he was consumed with around her, but it still took him by surprise at times. Unsure of what to do, he focused on the one emotion that made sense and ran with it. After all, anger was an emotion he was quite familiar with.

He spent time pacing around his room, wondering how anyone would have the nerve to try to tell him what to do. He punched the air and grumbled to himself, occasionally running his hands through his hair in frustration. Sick of pacing his room, he flopped onto his bed, scowling up at the ceiling. His mind raced with ways to torture his friends for wanting to put him in unwanted and awkward situations. His day was absolutely ruined by the two of them and their stupid Christmas party.

Realizing he was doing exactly what she wanted him to do, he jumped out of bed and grabbed his jacket. He slipped on a pair of shoes and marched to his door. Hermione and Draco were busy decorating a small tree when he opened his door. They had moved the furniture a bit to make room for the tree, so there was less space to move around. They whipped their heads around toward him when he entered the room. He stared at them for a moment before heading for the common room door. He didn't miss the look of disappointment on either of their faces as he made his exit, but he chose to ignore it.

He didn't really have a destination in mind and chose to walk the grounds for the next few hours. He spent time trudging through the snow, walking the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest. He made a couple of laps around the Quidditch Pitch, the stands towering above him. When he couldn't stand the cold any longer despite his warming charm, he returned indoors.

He chose to wander the halls. He didn't run into anyone-a testament to how many students returned home. His mind drifted, shifting between the hundreds of thoughts that plagued his mind. At some point, he found an empty classroom and took up post on top of one of the desks. He absentmindedly cast a few spells, even conjuring a Snitch at one point. He finally decided to check the time when his stomach started to growl.

It was well after supper when he left the classroom. He went to the kitchens, intent on getting food and wanting to stall a bit to avoid the party. The house elves were eager to keep his plate overloaded as he ate his fill at the small table that was set up. After finishing his third plate of food and a rather delicious treacle tart, he decided it was time to move along.

He checked his watch again as he stepped into the corridor once more. He was sure the party was well underway. He toyed with his options, but he was tired of wandering around and he, dare he say it, missed the company of his friends. Though, that feeling was being countered by his strong dislike of parties. He followed the familiar path to the Head dorms, only stopping when he came face-to-face with the portrait that hid its entrance.

Harry was greeted by a scowling Phineas, who only seemed to be further irritated with the knowledge that he'd have to let Harry in momentarily. Harry didn't even get the chance to open his mouth before the old headmaster went off.

"I don't recall any parties being authorized by Dumbledore or the headmistress. I don't appreciate being interrupted by a bunch of teenagers trying to get in to do Merlin knows what. You can expect me to report this clear violation of the rules the first chance I get!"

"I don't care. Just shut up and let me in. Cornish pixie."

The portrait swung open while Phineas continued to grumble. Harry marched forward, wanting nothing more than to disappear into his room. Music drifted toward him and he could hear the chatter coming from the common room. He contemplated turning around before taking the first steps toward the common room.

The others were seated around a food-covered table. The furniture had been rearranged to allow a little room for dancing and the well-decorated Christmas tree stood in the corner next to the bookshelf. Decorations hung from the ceiling and walls, including various bits of mistletoe scattered around the room.

As the others set eyes on him, the conversation came to a stop. Draco had taken an armchair for himself and looked surprised to see Harry. Neville and Luna were sharing the other armchair. Harry tried to ignore the knowing way Luna was smiling at him. Hermione and Ginny were on the couch. He chose to avoid eye contact with both women on the couch.

"Harry! So glad you finally joined us," Luna said her grin expanding a little. "I knew you would make it."

Harry nodded and crossed the room, taking the only seat available: the space on the couch next to Hermione. The silence continued a moment as the others glanced at each other. Finally, Luna started up her conversation with Neville and the others followed her cue while Harry stared at the floor.

Harry felt very out of place. The only time he attended a party outside of school was during the Malfoys' annual Christmas party. Even during those, he and Draco were able to slip away or hide in a corner while the guests somehow became unfazed by his presence-a little spell he had learned by the end of his second year. For some reason, he didn't feel compelled to use that same spell in his current situation...mostly because he didn't think it would work.

He tuned out the conversations around him and focused on the music. He was surprised to hear a Muggle Christmas song playing, one that he was very familiar with as it was a favorite of the Dursleys. He had grown used to the Wizard songs over the years, as he had spent every Christmas since second year with the Malfoys. Those few days he spent hanging out with Draco at his home were some of the happiest days of his childhood. Part of him wished he could have gone back one last time.

He was startled out of his thoughts when someone tapped him on his shoulder. He looked up into the silver eyes of his best friend, who nodded toward the punch table situated off to the side of the room. Though it wasn't far away from the rest of the group, it was far enough for the two to have a whispered conversation.

"I didn't expect you to come," Draco remarked as he picked up a cup and began filling it. "I know how much you hate parties."

"Then why did you agree to the bloody thing?" His eyes wandered around the room, wishing he could get rid of a few of the decorations.

"Because Hermione is right: you do need to spend time with friends right now. I had thought to have a little gathering with just you, me, and Luna, but Luna wanted to bring Neville and I wanted to bring Ginny, so it only seemed practical to agree to Hermione's party idea."

Harry focused his gaze on Draco. "Why the Weaslette?"

Draco smirked. "She's really not that bad." Draco paused. "I like her...a lot...and would really appreciate it if you two could get along."

"We'll get along just fine as long as she stays away from me."

Draco shook his head. Harry could see anger flash in his eyes. "You'll have to get used to being in the same room as her. I'm not dropping this any time soon and, considering the company you keep, the animosity you have toward her will not help you in the long run."

"It's not animosity, but a mutual understanding."

"One that is no longer mutual. Ginny is willing to give it a try. I suggest you jump onboard."

Harry watched Draco return to his seat and easily joined in on the girls' conversation. Harry opted to stand in the corner, filling his own cup to drink from. He mulled over how his life had changed in just a few months and realized it had started when he accepted the Head Boy position. Whether he regretted it or not was still up in the air.

"You're not going to enjoy the party standing in the corner."

Harry blinked and turned his eyes toward the blonde girl at his side. "I don't think I'll enjoy the party no matter where I stand."

"I beg to differ. Perhaps if you were closer to the action, you would find something to enjoy." She pointed toward the couch he had vacated minutes before. "That seems like a good spot."

Harry frowned. "I don't know what you're up to, but I suggest you drop it."

Luna sighed. "I'm trying to help my friend find a little happiness, which seems to be a rare thing in his life. But, I see there's no point until you decide to crawl from underneath your rock and see what's right in front of you."

His frown deepened as he watched Luna spin around and return to Neville only to pull him over to a small empty part of the room and begin to dance. His hate for the party grew more and more as the seconds passed. His friends seemed inexplicably pissed at him. Perhaps he should have stuck to roaming the halls until the night was over. He toyed with the idea of escaping to his room, knowing his abrupt exit wouldn't go unnoticed and would only anger his friends further. Despite the obvious repercussions of such a move, he found himself taking a step toward his room.

Of course, his path was blocked by the last person he wanted to talk to at the moment.

Ginny was standing in front of him, her mane of red hair in soft curls that fell around her face. He looked down at her for a moment before trying to step around her. She immediately blocked his movement. Sighing, he stared at a spot on the wall above her head. "What do you want, Weasley?"

"We need to talk."

Harry felt his eye twitch. "I'm not really feeling up for a talk right now."

"Too bad. We need to talk about this and now seems to be the only time I'll be able to corner you for this conversation."

He glanced out of the corner of his eye to see Draco and Hermione trying their best to look like they weren't eavesdropping and failing miserably. "Fine. Let's get this over with."

Ginny nodded and took a deep breath. "Draco told me what you did in my first year. How you saved me from the diary."

Harry frowned. He hadn't wanted her to know. He wasn't a hero. He didn't want her or her family thinking they owed him anything. It was the thing he dreaded most once he had killed Voldemort. He knew the Wizarding World would call him a savior and put him on a pedestal again. No one would know or understand that it was a personal vendetta that drove him to face off with the Dark Lord. Had the events of that Halloween night not led to the murder of his parents, he would've let the bastard do whatever he wanted.

He let out a frustrated sigh. "Draco went down there with me, and we only went because they were threatening to shut down the school. The fact that you benefited from us getting rid of the problem was just good luck for you."

"You could've left me down there."

"I am not heartless, despite what many may think."

"Exactly. I have spent five years wondering how I ended up alone outside of Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, especially when everyone started telling me they thought I was dead. I didn't know what had happened and could never find out who to thank. So, I just wanted to say: thank you."

Harry nodded. "Don't mention it." He tried to move around her again, but was blocked once more.

"That's not all."

"It's not?" Harry asked impatiently.

"No." She glanced over her shoulder at Draco and Hermione before turning back to him. "We are going to be seeing more of each other and in each other's company far more than either of us anticipated." She took a deep breath. "I think we need to be more civil toward one another."

"I thought I was being quite civil tonight."

Ginny rolled her eyes. "Ignoring me is not being civil and only pisses them both off more."

Harry fought the urge to glance at his friends again. "Fine. What do you propose?"

"Acknowledgement. If this group is going to work, everyone has to be included. We need to greet each other or ask each other about our classes. I'm not asking to know all your dirty little secrets, but we can't keep ignoring each other. I won't do that to Draco or Hermione."

"Fine. Can I go to my room now?"

Ginny shook her head. "No. Draco and Hermione have worked hard to put this party together for you. So, you will sit down and join us for the rest of the night."

His eye twitched again. "Everyone thinks they can boss me around today. No one has any authority over me, including you."

Ginny smiled. "I'm Draco's girlfriend and Hermione's best friend. I may not have authority over you, but the influence I hold right now is far greater than yours." She turned to head back to her seat. "Come on, Snake Boy. It's time to party!"

Harry watched the redhead walk back towards Draco. He let out a low growl before returning to the couch. As soon as he took his seat next to Hermione, Draco pulled Ginny up and led her to a corner for their own dance session. His eyes stayed on them as Draco pulled Ginny close for a slow song. He didn't miss the huge grin his friend was sporting as he held the girl in his arms. He supposed, if Ginny made Draco so happy, he could learn to tolerate her.

He turned his attention to the girl sitting next to him and wasn't surprised to find her gaze fixed on him. He sighed. "I guess it's your turn to have a go at me. Well, go on. What do you have to say?"

Hermione frowned and opened her mouth to say something before thinking better of it. Instead, she took a sip from the cup in her hand before setting the cup on the table. "Nice party, isn't it?"

Harry rolled his eyes. "Somehow, I doubt that's what you wanted to say."

Hermione nodded. "You're right. That's not what I wanted to say, but that's not the point of tonight. The next few days are going to be anything but pleasant and we wanted to give you a chance to relax."

Harry snorted. "I won't be able to relax until either Voldemort is dead or I am."

Hermione pursed her lips. "All the same, we wanted to give you a chance to take your mind off of things and spend time with friends."

Harry paused and looked around the room. Though it wasn't how he wanted to spend his evening, he couldn't deny it was nice seeing his friends smiling for once. He knew they were almost as weighed down by what was to come as he was.

He sighed. "Thanks. They needed this."

Hermione watched him for a moment. "How are you feeling about all of it?"

Harry shrugged. "There's nothing to feel. It needs to be done, so I will do it."

Hermione sighed. "I know that's not all you feel about the situation."

"How do you know what I feel?"

"I know more about you than you think."

Harry looked at her in disbelief. "Whatever you think you know, Granger, forget it. I am not a creature you can study."

Hermione just smiled. They sat in silence after that, watching the two couples as they swayed to the music. Harry briefly wondered if Hermione wished to dance, but immediately squashed the idea. He wasn't much of a dancer, and there was no way he was going to get up and make a fool of himself like he was forced to at that damned Yule Ball.

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