If I owned Danny Phantom, would I be writing fanfiction?
"Aaahhh! BEWARE!" cried the box ghost as he was, once again, sucked into the thermos. Danny sighed softly as he capped the lid. He would need to tell Tucker to add another tally to the box ghost's total thermos time.+ What's he up to now- 900? He sighed again, and then turned around to be blinded by the paparazzi's camera flashes and bombarded by questions.
"Mr. Phantom, who was that ghost?"
"Phantom, why were you fighting him?"
"Phantom, why do you protect Amity Park?"
"Invisobill! (Danny scowled at this one) How 'bout a smile?"
"What was your name when you were alive?"
"How did you die?"
"Aargh!" Danny yelled. A hush fell over the crowd and, other than a few camera flashes; the room was silently anticipating what he would say next. "To get one thing straight, my name is Danny Phantom, so please stop calling me Invisobill. It's insulting that I save on a daily basis and you haven't bothered to learn my name post mortem." He punctuated this with a glare at the reporter who called him that. "To answer the questions in order- that was the box ghost I was fighting, an annoying pest who doesn't know how to stay in the ghost zone." He rattled and smiled at the yelp that followed. "I was fighting him to protect Amity because it's what's right and… I was given this power to help and that's what I'm going to use it for. It's not some 'evil scheme' like some ghost hunters believe. Besides, if I wanted to take over this town, wouldn't I have done it already?" Some people in the crowd murmured agreement and nodded their heads. "Thank you. For the rest- no I will not smile because I am not some type of celebrity and I don't want the fame, I can't tell you my real name or how I died because it would endanger the people I love that are still alive, and I currently single." Danny had to cover his ears from the deafening screams that followed that last statement. "If there are any other questions…" practically every hand was raised, "please refrain from asking them. BYE!" With that, he turned invisible and flew away. Even from afar he could hear the groans of the crowd, and chuckled.
The news crews knew from experience that he wouldn't be coming back, so they shut off their cameras and headed to their vans but they were all excited that he actually talked to them today. Suddenly screams filled the air as the Wisconsin ghost appeared in front of them holding what looked like a small black box that glowed with green energy.
"You all wish to learn more about young Daniel, hmm?" They all nodded nervously, then the Wisconsin Ghost smiled wickedly, his fangs gleaming in the sun. "Then I have just the thing you need…"
What do Klemper and that little button down there have in common? They're both lonely and in desperate need of a friend, so click that poor button down there and make it feel loved. FOR KLEMPER!