Mine – my instincts screamed. I caught the deer and easily held him down, while sinking my sharp teeth into his neck. Blood flowed into my mouth and I simply gulped. I didn't want to taste it. Deer was not exactly appealing to me. It was unnecessary the torture of being constantly thinking how disgusting this activity of mine was – hunting. I just needed it to keep my monster in control and I had no wishes to enjoy it.
There was a light smell in the air. A disgusting one – an awful wet dog smell. I guessed I was near the treaty line. There were no werewolves here, but I was sure they were at the beach, which was a little bit far way and that was the reason the smell was not so strong.
The scent turned heavier and heavier. I realized I didn't recognize it. Was there someone new to the pack?
That seemed to be the only explanation.
I didn't move though. Why would I? This was our territory. They had no rights here. Besides, I hadn't done anything wrong.
I could hear a loud heartbeat, but it wasn't strong enough to be a wolf's. Whoever they were, they had to be in human form.
A male. I could smell his arousal.
Well, that is new, I thought.
He was clearly hard because of me. I was the only thing his mind could focus on, as it kept shouting MINE.
Many men have been attracted to me before, but a werewolf? Could that even be? Was it even "legal"?
He was close, which was obvious. He was thinking about me as his prey.
I almost laughed out loud. This man could not know who I was, for sure. Me? A prey?
His thoughts became somewhat poetic. Interesting. I haven't ever seen myself that way. I've always seen my true self. What this man was seeing was a camouflage. Which one, I had no idea, though. My monster was completely free at the moment and that was what he was seeing. Funny thing was that he liked it. Scratch that: he loved it. People can be so stupid sometimes.
So young, his mind said, A terribly sweet child. And so beautiful, so innocent, so graceful and selvage.
Little did he know I was probably old enough to be his grandfather.
So naïve. He doesn't know what the close future holds for him.
Is this guy for real?
I'm sorry, my Edward. But it is for the best. I'd like to promise you it won't hurt too much, but I'm not certain how much control my wolf has. I'm so very sorry, my sweet boy.
I tried to know what he was talking about, but he somehow could block me. He wasn't as young as I thought, certainly. He knew too much for that. No one should know enough to be capable to block my power. Just Alice could do that. And Bella, of course.
I had no idea how he knew my name, but the man was most likely to know me from somewhere.
I didn't have time to react, much less escape, as a too warm and big body made me fall flat on my back.I looked up and it was then that it finally started to kick in.
"Ephraim," I whispered, horrified.
How could it be? Did the pack know about this? Did The Elders? Did they know he was alive?
It had been many years ago since I had last seen him.
The scene played in my head like it was yesterday. The way he looked at me, the way his mind was centered in me. I hadn't paid attention at the time. It had been making me feel uncomfortable, unprotected, self-conscious. I remembered Carlisle noticing it and telling Ephraim (in his own polite way) to back off.
What was he doing here? Hadn't he forgotten me yet? Hadn't he gotten over his little crush? What the hell did he want from me?
Oh, yeah, that's right: me.
He pressed his body on top of me, arms at his sides, holding himself. His hard cock rubbed against my stomach and I cringed in disgust.
What was he up to?
I decided I didn't want to know and tried to push him off me, but found I was unable to.
"…the fuck?" I mumbled.
I never cursed in front of Bella, always being a gentleman, but behind her back, it was kind of another story.
I tried to escape another way, but realized I was trapped.
I attempted to push him off again, but to no avail. I tried with both my arms and legs, but he didn't even move.
How could it be? How could he be stronger than me?
Or maybe it was me who was weak. No. I wasn't weak, I didn't feel so, physically.
"What do you want?" I sneered.
"Isn't it obvious, Anthony?" he said, calmly, too calmly, while tracing the scar on my collarbone with his index finger.
I froze. No one had called me that since I returned from my lonely years of human blood sucking. Anth – it was the name I gave the demon inside me. Not the monster. That one was called Edward and I'd decided I didn't care to keep it inside me. That was what I was and there was nothing I could do to change it. But I could be empty; I could simply not have a soul. But no – there had to be something more. After all, a creature made by the Devil couldn't be like those innocent leeches. I was worse than them. I was the worst of the worst. Carlisle had always said I was an angel – his angel. Had he known what was on my mind, had he known the demon I had in me, he would have swallowed what he had said.
So how did he know about that? No one called me that. No one.
He was pressing himself against me, watching me with intense lust in his eyes.
"Don't touch me," I said, trying to be threatening, but it came out shaky.
"Oh, my beautiful boy, do you think I'm scared of you?" his tone was gentle, but it made me stiff. It was too gentle.
"H-how… are…are you stronger than m-me?" I stammered.
"Of course I am. Did you expect me to be the submissive?"
My eyes widened.
"What…what you're t-talking ab-b-bout?"
He started kissing my face.
"St – stop!" I pleaded, while trying to shove him off.
Once again, it was useless. My fate was in his hands and I didn't believe it would be good.
I was starting to royally freak out.
One second my too expensive jeans were in the right place, untouched, the other second he was ripping them off.
If I would live long enough to be with Alice again, then I was in big trouble.
He did the same with my boxers and I started shaking, realizing what he was going to do.
Somehow my stomach managed to flip and I felt a sudden urge to throw up all the blood I had ingested a while ago, but I couldn't bring it up.
Deciding I couldn't scare him nor fight him, I took the other way: begging.
"Please…don't," I whispered as I hyperventilated, even if I didn't need to breathe.
Reality started to kick in. He wasn't going to stop. There was no way I could avoid this. He wasn't even listening to me. My attempts to thrust him weren't even bothering him. He was completely decided.
Ephraim Black was going to fucking rape me.
Loud tearless sobs escaped from my throat. For once I thought of me as a victim. I didn't even think of me as a monster anymore, I didn't even consider I had a demon inside me. It would have felt right, if it weren't for the circumstances.
He pulled my legs apart, squeezing my ass cheeks.
My mind screamed NO.
He brought my knees up his shoulders and I struggled to break free.
"This is going to hurt a little," he said quietly next to my ear.
Pure agony took my senses away as I arched my back and screamed and he thrust into me again. I gripped my shirt trying to concentrate on something else and tearing it.
"Please," I begged loudly and desperately, "Y-you're h-hurting me. Please, stop!" I cried.
But he didn't. He kept going, faster, harder.
"So tight," he mumbled. "So fucking tight."
"W-w-why are y-y-y-you do-doing this…to me?" I sobbed.
"Because you're mine, " he all but growled. Then a small smile appeared on his lips. "You know," he started, breathlessly. "The first time I saw you, I could not believe such a stunning creature could exist. You looked so beautiful in your own way, so haunted. I can't believe how much you've changed, at least outside. You don't seem to be the same little boy with lost golden eyes I met so many years ago. Oh, but I can see right through you. This adult strong façade you put on so no one can see how fragile you actually are…it does not fool me. There's just too much that time cannot erase."
Did he just quote Evanescence? God!
But he had hit a weak point. He had just put salt on a wound.
Because he was right. He was so fucking right.
He was fucking obsessed as well.
"That blonde bastard, your creator," he continued. "I'll always hate him. He's the cause of our unhappiness. If it wasn't for him we could have been together for a long, long time. But now you're here. And I can finally have you all for myself."
I was horrified.
"You're sick."
I felt a sharp pain on my cheek where he had just slapped me. It started dulling until it was just throbbing, like it was…bruising?
"You are not to speak to me like that, understood? You're the submissive and you'll respect me."
Realization started to kick in.
All of this…
Could it be?
I had read it on Sam's mind. Imprint. The strong love between him and Emily.
So how could it be? In that kind of relationship people had to love back. I certainly did not love this man. He repulsed me. How could he love me and hit me and force me into this at the same time? Could they even imprint on vampires? And males?
Bullshit. This was all just a bunch of bullshit.
He kept thrusting. Each time harder, as his pace quickened. Each time it hurt more and more until I was a sobbing and whimpering mess on the ground and he finally released his milky semen into me.
He lost conscience through his orgasm and I took the opportunity to escape, but he was too fast. The second I was on my feet, he grabbed my ankle and pulled me.
"Please, no more…no more."
He clawed my shirt, leaving me completely nude. He pinned me to the ground, as he sucked, licked and bit the skin on my torso.
Suddenly, he wrinkled his nose.
"Shit," he muttered.
He grabbed my face with his two hands and looked me in the eyes. I tried not to focus on his, but it seemed impossible to do so. His orbs were a dull brown, not chocolate brown like my Bella's. No, his eyes weren't kind and warm like hers. His were cold, unattractive, menacing, even though they held so much adoration in them.
Adoration for me.
I shivered at the thought.
"I'll come back for you, love. I'll come back for you. I promise."
Instantly leaning down, he kissed me on my mouth. I tried to turn my face away, but his hands were still on it. He gripped me tight, signaling for me to open my mouth and give him access. The way he did it hurt…a lot, so I indulged him. His tongue explored my cavern but I stayed still, waiting for him to finish. He finally pulled away and gave me a quick peck on the forehead.
Then he was gone and I released the breaths that I was holding.
It was over. It was finally over.
I didn't care why he left or that he promised he'd come back, which probably meant doing this to me again.
I was safe, for now, at least. I would just go home, lock myself up in my room, I wouldn't even care to get feed.
But that man wasn't going to put his filthy hands on me again. No matter what I would do, no matter what hard decisions I had to take. He wouldn't touch me again.
And no one would know about this. No one needed to, right?
And I would forget all of this. I would just erase from my mind. Perhaps Carlisle had some kind of medicine to make the memories fly away.
And then reality came crashing down. It hurt like a bitch. I hurt like a bitch, physically and emotionally.
It all started to sink in:
I had just been fucking raped by my mortal enemy, who happened to be my girlfriend's best friend's great-grandfather.
He had just taken my virginity. My dreams were all thrown away. I'd always thought about my first time as a romantic scene, between me and a girl who I loved and who loved me back. It was something special to me. It was something I wanted to do the right way and now that was impossible.
I felt ashamed, terribly so. I felt dirty. Bella did not deserve me, not after this.
If my family found out, what would they think? I wouldn't blame them if they judged me. They had all the rights to do so.
I felt vulnerable, weak, pathetic. How could I protect the love of my life when I couldn't even protect myself?
Somewhere in the back of my mind, something was shouting, panicked, that he would come back, that I would have to go through this humiliation again.
No matter what happened, no matter what I tried to think or what people said, nothing would be the same ever again. I was marked. He'd left his mark on me. Forever. I had his semen inside me. No words could describe how much I hated and felt disgusted of myself at that moment.
Pain, hatred, shame, guilt, disappointment, weakness, fear. The last one was the strongest. I couldn't even begin to say how frightened I was.
As if it wasn't enough I still had to endure through the physical agony my body was going through. It felt bruised. And I didn't even wanted to talk about my…God, it felt like I had been stabbed repeatedly there.
That throbbing ache and stiffness was strange and, as I looked down to my body, my suspicions were correct: I had ugly big shapeless purple bruises all over my torso, but principally on my arms, thighs and legs.
This was fucked up and I had no idea what to do.
For once in so many years I panicked. I was afraid for myself.
I leaned against a tree, hugging my knees to my chest and resting my forehead on them. And I sobbed…and sobbed more…and a little more, but it couldn't have been for more than a few minutes.
A too familiar god-awful dog smell reached my nostrils and I started hyperventilating.
I thought about running, but I was somehow frozen on the spot.
When he'd said he would come back, I didn't expect it to be so early.
But I didn't expect to be bitten and become a vampire neither, I didn't expect to fall in love with a human, I didn't expect to be fucking raped. Bad luck was a bitch.
The smell was turning stronger and stronger.
Please, no more, no more.
Hey, Sam, do you smell this?Paul said.
Leech.I concluded. However, I knew this scent too well. Bella's leech. Shit, I was really feeling like ripping some vampire's head off.
Damn it, I was really feeling like ripping Bella's vampire's head off.
But that would just destroy her.
Besides – it's a just a lot of fun to provoke him.
There's one of us, too.Jared informed.
It's none of the pack though. Quil interjected.
We have to help him anyways.Leah said.
What is that damn bloodsucker doing next to the border?I wondered.
It doesn't matter. Let's go.Sam ordered.
We started running towards the smell, when I remembered something.
Wait, Sam! We can't go there in wolf form!
Shit.He cursed. I forgot. Right. Everybody transform back.
We quickly transformed back into humans. Each one getting their shorts dressed.
We started running again, leaving the treaty line behind and continuing our way on the Cullen's land.
"Uh…Sam, the werewolf's scent is sort of starting to fade, y'know," Quil said.
"Yeah, I noticed that. It seems like he ran or something. Probably East. Cullen's still here though."
A loud sob distracted us all from our conversation. It was heartbreaking. Whoever he was (yeah, it was a he) couldn't be too old: the sound he made was almost child-like and scared. There was definitely someone needing our help.
Sam nodded and at that, we started walking towards the direction where the sound came from. The boy kept crying. He was breathing heavily. Shit, he was hyperventilating!
God, what could have happened? Did it have something to do with this unknown werewolf?
The sound was louder now. We were close.
I gasped at what I saw.
There, leaning against a tree was a slim white, yet tall, figure, hugging his knees to his chest, violently shaking and making sobbing and whimpering noises. I didn't fail to notice he was completely naked. I would recognize that mess people called hair every – fucking – where. That one, the one I felt sorry for and free-spirited decided to help was none other than Edward fucking Cullen. Just my luck.
As soon as I took a step, his head shot up. His eyes were red and puffy from crying (what the hell? I was damn sure vampires couldn't produce tears). They widened in fear and he pressed himself against the tree, as he started shaking so hard I was afraid he would explode. He shook his head, as if refusing to do something.
"No," he whimpered. "No more, please, please!"
What the fuck was he talking about?
I approached him, ignoring the way he shook.
I kneeled beside him. I looked around and noticed that my mates were all there, masks of shock covered their faces.
"Dude…" I started, putting a hand on his shoulder.
"No!" he screamed, flinching. "Don't touch me! Leave me alone," he cried. "Just leave me the fuck alone! What do you want anyway, huh?" it was strange to see how we could see that he was in pain and fearful but angry at the same time. "What can you take more away from me? As if I had anything left," he whispered the last part. "Not even my dignity," he covered his face with his hands and started sobbing again.
But I wasn't letting go. I needed to know what had happened.
"Hey," I put my hand on his shoulder again.
"Please, don't hurt me" he cried.
Suddenly I heard a gasp and turned to see Leah covering her mouth with her hands, eyes widened in shock and horror.
"Oh, God," Paul said, his voice strained. "I think I'm going to be sick."
"Shit," Sam swore. "Shit, shit, shit!"
Quil was standing in the same way Leah was and I had no idea where Jared was. Well, at least until I heard the sound of someone throwing up.
What the hell was happening? Did they know something I didn't? I looked at Edward (I had no idea why, but I just decided to start calling him by his name) and I finally saw the ugly bruises that covered most of his body. Two new things about vampires that I learned today: they can cry and holy shit they can bruise. Then what I saw made me feel sick to my stomach. Beneath him was a small pool of blood, coming from…shit! SHIT!
Who the hell could have done this to him? And how the fuck were they stronger than him? Which cruel creature could have done this?
I didn't care that I'd hated him for so long. No one should endure that cruelty. No one.
"Oh, god, man, I'm so sorry…"
"Yeah, that's what he said," he interrupted me, his voice cold.
"Edward, who? Who said that? Who did this to you?" I said, gently.
I noticed now: shape-shifter smell on him.
The same one we smelled was the one who fucking raped him. The fucker!
Edward just looked away.
"Come on, man," I tried. "You have to get out of here. Come on, let's take you home."
Much to my surprise, he got up, only to wince and fall flat on the ground.
"I think he twisted my ankle," he said quietly and emotionlessly.
Oh, they could twist parts of their body as well.
Without even thinking, I picked him up, carrying him bridal style. He didn't even seem to bother.
I considered bringing his clothes, but when I looked at them I realized it wasn't worth it.
Edward didn't say anything the whole way his house. That wasn't a good sign. I wasn't stupid. I knew that when someone stopped showing their pain to the world it meant they had given up, because they were just mentally, emotionally and perhaps even physically drained. It meant they were completely exhausted so they had to succumb to the numbness, to the darkness. It was a safe place, no doubt that, but it was miserable. And I was afraid Edward was starting to shut out. What would be of Bella?
Shit! What would be of him?
For the first time in my life I was worried about someone I thought I hated. Yes, I thought I did, but it was just jealousy speaking even louder than shouts in the silent night. For once, I even thought we could be civilized to each other, if he would let me. No offense to him, but he sometimes could be really annoying. I realized now that maybe if he wasn't Bella's boyfriend in the first place I would actually like him. Yes, he was my mortal enemy, but it's not like he wanted to. Now Bella's words played in my head: "It's not like he signed up to be a vampire. He knew just as much as you did." I didn't know his story, but something told me she was wrong in one thing: he didn't know as much as I did; he knew much less, he knew absolutely nothing. What could I blame him for? Existing?
Edward's head was on my shoulder and only now I noticed how soft his hair was, it felt like velvet on my skin.
He closed his eyes slowly from five seconds to five seconds, like he was…tired? It was a heartbreaking scene, even though it was very simple and it would look adorable if it wasn't for the circumstances. The way he did it, just meant what I had thought earlier: he was drained and he was shutting out. And when he opened his eyes (not much, may I add) they seemed lifeless.
I wondered if he was different from other of his kind or something, because he didn't feel like fucking marble, he wasn't hard as that; he seemed more like…wood. But I'd touched him before, he was hard as stone. Shit! Did what happened to him cause changes in his body as well? Fucked up. This was really fucked up.
"Edward?" I called. "Hey, Cullen?" he had closed his eyes completely and his chest raised and fell repeatedly. It looked like he was sleeping. I kept calling his name and he sometimes stirred. I had my confirmation: he was definitely sleeping.
I noticed his skin wasn't so white either. It was pale, but not a vampire pale, it was a human pale, like…Bella's and he had a little flush to his cheeks.
When we finally reached his home, he had woken up.
"No one's home," he said quietly. "Dad is working, Jasper and Emmett went to visit some friends in Alaska and my sisters and Momma went shopping."
"Sam," I called. "Would you please open the door? My hands are kind of busy right now," I gave a small chuckle and Edward gave me a weak smile in return.
Well, by opening the door I didn't exactly meant civilly, because, for the ones who forgot, the fucking house keys were with his clothes, which weren't here.
"Momma won't be happy," Cullen commented.
I smiled slightly at the way he treated the Cullen woman. She'd always seemed to be a nice person. It was amazing how much love she could carry in her eyes and only now I realized the love this guy had for her. The Cullen's weren't what I thought they were: they weren't a coven, they were a family.
"Momma will understand," I responded.
Sam managed to not damage the door too much and I entered the house. I couldn't help but look around. This place not only was huge, but also seemed perfect, welcoming.
"It's upstairs, the first on the right," Edward informed, referring to the location of his bedroom.
I opened his room's door and stepped inside making my way to his bed where I placed him. However, he got up, grimacing as he did so and limped to his wardrobe, from where he took some boxers, a white T-shirt, a pair of grey cotton pants and white socks. Then, he put the T-shirt back into place and took a red sweatshirt.
"I'll just…" he pointed to the bathroom. "…clean…myself" he finished lowly.
"Don't worry, man. I'll wait right here."
"You don't need to do this."
"I'd like to be here for a little longer…if you don't mind, that is."
He took a deep breath.
"Sure, but…I'll take a while…"
"Take as long as you need, I'll be here."
He nodded and headed for the bathroom. As soon as I heard the sound of the water coming from the shower I started looking around.
His room was big, as was his bed, which looked really comfortable. Since he didn't need to sleep (well, before, at least), I induced it was for Bella or for other things I absolutely didn't want to think about.
It was painted in golden colors. On the opposite side of the bed, there was a huge shelf with the most complete music collection I'd seen in my entire life. Casting a good look at it, I discovered the guy had good taste: Debussy, Queen, Kings of Leon, Florence and the Machine, Ludovico Einaudi, Yiruma, etc. He had lots of unknown artists' albums as well.
He also had books of all the types, but most of them were about crime or mystery.
The right wall was basically covered in glass and I almost gasped at the view. It was beautiful. It was twilight now and the sky was painted in purple, orange, blue and pink and the leaves of the trees were enlightened by the sun as the rest of the forest was covered in darkness. Stunning.
After what seemed like an eternity (wow, he wasn't kidding when he said he'd take a while, but I guess it's normal and he needs time and space), Edward got out of the bathroom.
His hair was wet; the water had made it look dark brown with mahogany reflexes. He was fully dressed now. The warm and soft fabric of his clothes made he look somehow more vulnerable, like he felt cold and needed something warm, specially his thick sweatshirt that made him look so much younger, or better: it made him look his real age. He always wore old-fashioned clothes, I always thought they looked ridiculous on him, because they gave him a heavy look, made him appear much older. But what he was dressed in now just showed his seventeen-self. His face was puffy from crying as well as his emerald green orbs, which were looking slightly red from the production of tears.
Wait, wait, wait, wait...emerald fucking green?
I started making my way towards him, expecting to get a closer look, when he immediately took three steps back, scared shitless.
"Oh my God," I covered my mouth with my right hand. "Oh my God, I'm sorry, I didn't…I didn't…Look, I'm not going to hurt you, ok? Just trust me. I just…your eyes are…"
"I know," he cut me off. "They're my human color."
Does this shit means he's turning human? God, it even made sense!
Suddenly, we heard a phone ringing.
Edward checked the ID, silently telling me to not make any noise.
He picked it up and held it by his ear.
"Hello," he said. "Hi, momma…um…I lost it," he sighed and rolled his eyes. "I mean I lost my cell phone while I was hunting…Yes…Yeah, I'm fine, mom…Yes, I'm sure…um-um…yeah," he hummed. "Ok, don't worry…Yeah, I'll be fine…Love you, too…Bye."
He put the phone back in place and sighed.
"Momma, Alice and Rose are going hunting tonight. They won't be back until tomorrow morning. Dr. Snow called in sick, he and Dad changed shifts so he'll be working all night. Emmett and Jasper decided to stay for a few days at the Denali's. It seems like I'll be on my own tonight."
"Aren't you going to Bella's?"
Yeah, I know that was sort of a stupid question, but whatever.
"No, Charlie took some days out of work. He and Bella are in Seattle. They'll only be back by Monday."
"Do you…do you mind if I stay here with you?"
He sat on the bed, leaning against the headboard, his legs Indian-style.
He picked up the TV remote and turned it on.
The first thing that appeared on the screen was CNN. Some guys had stolen a house and killed-
Edward sighed and changed the channel.
The next thing was some crap series about 18th century romance.
He made a face and changed it again.
Family Guy appeared on the screen.
This went on until he finally tuned the TV off.
He stared at it though. His eyes were empty.
"I'm a horrible company," I blurted out.
He shook his head no.
"Can…can I sit?" I asked, gesturing to the bed.
He nodded, without taking his sight from the black screen. I sat, the same way he was. The tension in the room was so thick; you could cut it with a knife. I looked up, hoping to count the holes in the ceiling, but there weren't any. It was just plain white, flawless.
A sniff and a quiet sob echoed in the room.
I turned my gaze to Edward, who was locking eyes with the hands on his lap, tears streaming down his face as he shook slightly.
He sniffed again and looked at me.
I couldn't begin to describe how marvelous his eyes were. I'd never seen anything like it. His pupils were a little dilated, making them look like a cat's. This time I couldn't help but think it was adorable.
"I-I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice broken, his lip trembling.
"It's ok. Just let it all come out. It's not good to keep it all inside."
He shook his head.
"I just…want to forget it. Just…could you please distract me?"
"Um…sure," I answered, unsure of what to say. "So…what's your favorite color?"
Fuck, idiot! His favorite color? Like…seriously?
He made a strange face and shrugged. Shit, I hadn't really helped at all.
"There's some food in the fridge, downstairs," he offered. "If you're hungry…you're free to go."
Truth was I was starving. I didn't know how to refuse.
"Will you be ok?"
He nodded.
The kitchen wasn't hard to find. You'd think so in a huge place like this, but it was unmistakable.
It was modern and looked like the ones we see on the cover of the best decoration companies' magazines.
I went straight to the fridge and opened it. And holy shit if they hadn't gone buy an entire supermarket. It was so full. Why did they have this all anyway? They don't even eat! Oh, right, Bella. But she doesn't eat all of this, for God sake.
I picked some ham and cheese, along with two loafs of bread and made a sandwich. I drank a glass of coke and put in the counter.
I headed upstairs to Edward's bedroom.
I knocked at the door. I was well-educated. Besides, he could freak out if I just walked in like that.
"Edward?" I knocked again. "Edward, can I come in?"
He didn't answer.
I didn't hear even a sound. Deciding to see if he was alright, I opened the door slowly and stepped in.
Edward was curled up on his bed, his eyes closed.
The position didn't really look comfortable and he was shivering slightly, so I grabbed a pillow and slowly lifted his head, putting it under it. I pulled the covers under him, so I could cover him with them. I took a step to leave, but a weak white slim hand stopped me. I noted it was warm. There was no doubt now: he was turning human.
"Don't go," he muttered, sleepily. "You can lay here."
"Please," a crystal tear rolled down his cheek. "Stay."
How could I say no?
"Hush, don't cry. I'm not going anywhere"
After we were both under the covers I turned to him.
He was beautiful. His lips made an adorable little pout and his dark long thick eyelashes reached his cheeks. Some bronze locks fell on his forehead.
I've been having these thoughts about him for a while now but I hadn't freaked out yet, as I so expected. Truth was: I was starting to feel attached to him. I'd always been sure I wasn't gay. Now, that song from Paramore filled my mind. "…you are the only exception…". I was sure this wasn't an imprint. An imprint was much stronger, but this sure was something special. I didn't feel so in love with Bella anymore. She was just what she was, my best friend. And the fact that I'd hated him for so long…God, it sure was just because of her. I don't know how I haven't noticed this before. Had I hated him because of that? …because I felt something this good for him? I didn't know what to do, I didn't know what to think, but for know I was certain of one thing: I wasn't letting go.
At this, I wrapped my arms around him protectively and he leaned into me almost automatically.
"Jacob," he murmured, as my eyelids became heavy. "Thank you,"he breathed.
I closed my eyes and smiled.
And we both fell asleep.