Author's Note: You may be wondering, why does this exist? Tumblr told me to do it.

Actually I just saw a gif of Quinn with fangs and I had to make this happen. But it was on Tumblr, so.

This is probably a one-shot, but if you guys actually like the idea I might go on with it. If it continues, it'd probably be Faberry-heavy, though. For now it's kind of Quinntana.

Enjoy, and if you like it leave a comment, cause there may be more if enough people actually like it.

Her leg was shaking. She couldn't help it, whenever she reached this level of hunger she had to do anything to keep her mind occupied. The bouncing wasn't intentional or conscious, but it always happened after a few days. The rattling it caused against the seat in front of her was distracting the others in the room.

"Quinn," Santana's voice caught her ear, bringing the blonde back from her staring off. She immediately caught her nerves, removing her foot from the back of Santana's seat and crossing her arms in the same movement. The Latina looked up at the blonde a moment longer than necessary before turning away, crossing her own arms as well.

They were seated in the choir room, along with the rest of the Glee club. They had just finished with today's lesson, but Mr. Schuster was droning on about how prepared they would be for sectionals or regionals or nationals or something equally inane. Quinn wasn't paying attention; she was just concerned with the dull ache resonating from her stomach. She clenched her hands closed once, twice, three times, trying desperately to keep her mind otherwise occupied. Focus on anything else other than the last time she ate… It must have been over a week ago, Finn had been back to school for a few days now. As much as she hated going to him for help, she had to admit that he was a big guy, and could stand losing a few drops of – don't think about it, she snapped mentally, knowing that thinking about it would only make the craving more intense. She would be out of here in no time, and then –

"Mister Schuster, if I may?"

Mentally she cursed, knowing exactly who was about to take the floor. Mr. Schuster nodded and stepped aside, and the ever-peppy Rachel Berry took his place. Quinn closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, then deciding it was best if she got out of there while she was ahead. She didn't want to lose her cool and lunge at anyone. She stood and briskly walked out into the hallway, leaving a surprised Glee club behind. Everyone looked from one to another, unsure of what the problem might be.

"Did I do something wrong?" Rachel asked the group. "I didn't even start to say anything yet."

"I'll check on her," Santana offered.

Out in the deserted hallway, Quinn was leaning against a bulletin board, her eyes closed and her breathing shallow. She had to get away from all of them, even if just for a moment. She could apologize to Rachel later; make up an excuse of some kind. She was good at making up excuses.

"Quinn," The same voice that had snapped her name a moment earlier repeated it in a hushed whisper. The sound of footsteps stopped a few feet away, and even without opening her eyes, the blonde knew who had come to check on her.

"Santana, I just—" She began, but she was cut off.

"Open your eyes," Santana demanded. Quinn hesitated, and then slowly opened her eyes. Instead of their normal hazel, her eyes shone a bright yellow, her pupils shrinking into small black spheres. Santana took another step closer, but she already knew what this was. The brunette looked displeased.

"You know you can come to me for help, Quinn," Santana began, reaching for the snaps on the collar of her jacket.

"No!" Quinn stepped back and covered her mouth, her outburst echoing through the halls. She took a moment to recompose herself. "I don't want your—your help, Santana," she hesitated.

"Why are you still so dead-set to hide it?" Santana snapped, her own voice rising in volume. "Everyone knows you go to the jocks to get your fix, isn't that why you hung around with Finn so long? It wasn't ever about prom queen, all you wanted was to use him for his—"

"Don't! Don't say that word," Quinn's voice shook as she took another step back from her friend. Santana stopped advancing, sucking on her teeth in thought. Finally she turned away, looking as if she was going back to join the rest of the glee club. Before she got too far away, she reached into her jacket and produced a small vial. The liquid within was a startling red color; the vial was just the right size to would be allowed through airport security. Santana glanced back at Quinn, whose hand had gone to cover her mouth. Their eyes caught in between Quinn's glances at the vial, Then Santana shrugged.

"Suit yourself. More for me," She flashed a smile, lengthened canines sliding down into place inside of her mouth at the same time as her eyes flashed golden. She brought the vial to her mouth and pierced the cap with a single fang, and the smell of blood filled the hallway.

Suddenly Santana had been slammed backwards to the floor, a clawed hand tightly clenched on her wrist, keeping the vial from spilling. Quinn was on top of her, fangs now visible and bared, a guttural roar emerging from deep inside her. Hard lines etched Quinn's formerly flawless face, her gaze unbroken as she stared her teammate down.

"Oh, so you do want it? You could have just said so," Santana smiled coyly, her own fangs retracting. "Or were you just looking for a chance to jump on me, too?" She flicked her wrist and the vial flew across the hallway. The weight on her chest was relieved as Quinn dashed after the vial and caught it, lapping up the contents eagerly. There was hardly a mouthful inside, but it would quell the cravings for a few days. There would be more than enough time for finding more blood later on.

"I swear, Quinn, every time I see you drink you'd think you just killed a puppy," Santana commented from the floor, shifting to a sitting position.

"It's not right," Quinn looked down at the now empty vial, crushing it in her hand.

"Not right? Blood is the most natural substance around, Fabray. Think of it like… reverse-veganism," Santana said as Quinn brushed shards of glass from her hand into a garbage can. The cuts these shards caused quickly closed up without spilling a drop of the blonde's blood.

"Are you coming back inside or what, Quinn? The sun's not going to be down for another hour," Santana reminded her, disappearing back into the choir room.

Quinn stood in the once again empty hallway, her hunger satiated for the time being. She tilted her head back and could feel her fangs sliding back into their hiding place, and watched in her reflection as her eyes slowly returned to their natural hazel. And then, as if nothing at all had been wrong, she turned back to the choir room.