Here we go again

"Look, it's him…"

"What is he doing here? They should've kicked him out!"

"Is he still here?"

"Stay away from him, you here me? He's bad…"

"Why is he here? He shouldn't be here!"

Draco Malfoy stood in the crowd of students and heard them all whisper. Whisper abort him.

He watched the students jump out of their carriages, taking one look at him and then starting to whisper as they carried their luggage to the castles stairs.

Draco sighted. He felt lonely and it didn't help that Ginny Weasly passed, glowering at him with red, teary eyes.

Probably crying because of her brother, Draco figured, thinking about Fred Weaslys death. It was all horrible, of course. So much death… Draco couldn't believe that the teachers decided to open up Hogwarts only a year after the incident with the dark lord and the death eaters.

Draco didn't wanted to go back, of course, but his mother had been all over him about how important it was for her that he finished his last year at Hogwarts so he didn't really had a choice.

People glowering and staring at him made that thing on his left arm burn of guilt.

No one believed him when he said he didn't wanted to do it and he didn't blame them. He wouldn't believe himself if he had heard it. But it was all true and all so annoying that he could just bang his head into the stonewall.

Draco sighted once more and was just on his way to enter the castle when a hand grabbed his arm.

Pansy Parkinson giggled crow like. "Hello, Cutie! Didn't forget me, did you?"

Draco only threw one glance at Pansy before telling himself that he hated the girl.

"Hello, Pansy", the blonde responded, not cheerful at all.

"Leave him alone already", another one said and came up next to them.

Draco looked gratefully at Blaise who didn't respond his look.

"Shut up, Blaise", Pansy said and walked passed them, following the crowd of students into the castle.

Draco was about to thank Blaise for getting rid of her, but not even Blaise could talk to Draco after what had happened a year earlier.

Draco didn't blame him either, but he thought it would've been nice to have at least someone to talk to.

The blonde Slytherin was about to enter the great hall just like everyone else for the first time that term, when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Mr Malfoy", Professor McGonagall said with her high hat more higher than ever. "Can I have a word?"

Draco followed the new headmistress a little bit away from the crowd.

The teacher turned to him with a grave look at her face.

"How are you?", she asked and seemed a little bit nervous.

Draco nodded. "I'm fine, thanks…"

"Are you sure? And your arm…?"

Draco grabbed his left underarm where the dark mark was hidden under his coat.

McGonagall continued. "Not many first years know about the incident and if they do it's through their parents… Please, for their sake, will you keep it hidden?"

Draco squeezed his arm until it hurt. He nodded. "Of course, Headmistress."

McGonagall smiled, but it was a forced smile. She went away to the great hall, leaving Draco with his sins.

"Thoughts as free as sun today will make the darkness go away. Happy thoughts in heart and soul will help you wake and reach your goal. Just think about it for a while, soon you'll sing and dance and smile…"

Draco turned around and watched Looney Luna Lovegood jump pass him with a merrily smile and her wand put behind her ear. Her coat and long hair danced as she jumped over to the golden trio who grated her with hellos.

That's bullshit, Draco thought for himself, referring to the lyrics she had been singing. There was no way darkness would go away just like that. Not from him, anyway.

He sighted heavy and entered the great hall with the darkness still lumbering his poor shoulders.