"How are you feeling Tweek?" Craig asked quietly as he sat next to Tweek, gripping Tweek's hand lightly as he lay in the hospital bed. Tweek smiled lightly.
"I-I feel better C-Craig." Tweek said as he sat slowly. He looked at everyone and smiled. There was Damien, Pip, Wendy, Bebe, Stan, Kyle, Token, Clyde, Butters, and even Kenny alongside Craig. Tweek would have normally started having a meltdown at all the people in a small room at once if he wasn't so touched by them being here. Craig stood up and ruffled Tweek's hair, smiling.
"You know they all got you something Tweek. Little gifts as a way of saying to get well soon. Everyone smiled rather kindly at Tweek, the exception being Damien who just stared at him with some odd curiosity. Damien and Pip stood up. Pip handed Tweek a small little box full of tea, Tweek fought back the urge to throw up at the sight of tea and smiled, and Pip handed him a small black doll that was stitched together rather crudely. "Uh…"
"My nanny says it's a voodoo doll," Damien started, shrugging lightly. ", so you can use it on Eric or someone else you dislike." Damien tried to smile, managing and awkward smirking smile. Pip smiled and took Damien's hand in his and stepped back.
Wendy and Bebe were up next, giggling and smiling.
"Well we didn't know what else to buy you except for coffee so we got this for you." Wendy said as she handed a small piece of plastic that resembled a credit card. "It's a gift card to JCPenny's-"
"Ahem!" Craig said irritated. Tweek giggled. Craig hated JCPenny's above another store in the mall. He often said that they "stole away Hot Topic's customers with their faggoty clothes." Bebe smiled and looked back to Tweek.
"Go buy yourself some clothes, Tweek. Preferably something that you don't have to button up." Bebe giggled and looked to Craig. "Drag Craig along for the ride." She laughed. Craig groaned and pointed at her.
"Listen here you bit-"
"OUR TURN!" Stan exclaimed, moving between Bebe and Craig, laughing awkwardly. Bebe backed up and Craig quickly mouthed something at her that he couldn't read. He plopped a small orange and green bag onto Tweek's lap and Tweek smiled awkwardly. He dug his hands into the bag and pulled out a bottle of glow-in-the-dark lube. Kyle and Stan obviously both paled and Stan grabbed the bag back laughing very loudly and awkwardly as everything else snickered. "S-Sorry Tweek mixed up the bags!" Kyle handed Stan their other bag, blushing as red as his hair, and Stan gave it to Tweek. Tweek smiled and pulled out a few T-Shirts, all made by the "Bleeding Hearts" band. Obviously Stan had bought this. He dug a tad deeper and found a few plain and normal shirts ranging from red to blue. Kyle and Stan both smiled at him and Token and Clyde stepped forward. Token handed him a large bag.
"Because WE love you the most." Clyde said laughing. Tweek opened the bag to find a rather large coffee maker. The large smiled was evident on Tweek's face. "We didn't really know what else to get you Tweek," Token said. ", so Clyde and I thought "What the hell, it's for Tweek isn't it" and we went out to buy you the most expensive coffee maker we could." Butter stepped forward and Kenny nodded at Butters.
"Hiya Tweek!" Butters exclaimed rather happily. "Kenny and I didn't have much money so we got you this," Butter's pulled out a small stuffed bunny with long floppy ears and put it on Tweek's lap. ", sorry we couldn't wrap it though." Butters smiled brightly at Tweek and then hopped back, smiling at Kenny.
"G-Guys-GAH- you s-shouldn't have, I mea-" Craig coughed rather loudly and gripped Tweek's shoulder.
"You forgot MY super awesome special twp part gift, Tweekers." Craig said, smiling.
"O-Oh?" Tweek said. "Go on guys tell him." Craig said, smiling at the others.
"Well Tweek." Bebe said, giggling. Wendy came up and hugged her.
"We've decided to do something for you." Wendy said. Stan walked forward and gripped Wendy's shoulder.
"We know how scared you are about "coming out" to the public about Craig and you so…" Stan said smiling.
"We've all decided to "come out" along with you guys!" Kyle exclaimed, grabbing Stan's hand.
"So you won't feel so pressured about "coming out!" Clyde and Token said in unison.
"Um uh…and Kenny and I will back you up and stuff cause were straight…." Butters said, muttering something afterwards to himself. Kenny nodded and shot him two thumbs up. Damien cleared his throat and stepped forward.
"And if someone trys to make fun of anything one of us then…I'll…set…them…on…" Damien paused for a moment, getting closer. ",FIRE!" Damien cackled making Tweek yell. Damien laughed, tears forming in his eyes. "O-Oh god that was funny. Man you guys are so easy to scare." Damien looked around to see everyone glaring at him. "What?" Pip sighed and slugged him in the arm and stepped forward, mutter a few words under his breath. "HEY I HEARD THAT PIP!" Damien growled.
"You were meant to looooove." Pip said, dragging out the word love. Damien cringed and glared at Pip. "Anyway, Damien's serious Pip. He'll fuck up anyone that'll make fun of you, okay?" Tweek could feel his eyes tearing up.
"Y-You guys –GAH- you don't h-h-have too." Tweek exclaimed. Craig slung his arm around Tweek.
"Ah but because of Eric we have to. Thanks to that all of our parents know about our relationships," Craig paused while Tweek briefly screamed in his ear and then continued. ", so we all decided to just come out. Oh and your parents don't seem to really mind you being gay, but they do need you back to work on Tuesday." Craig said chuckling.
"R-Really?" Tweek yelled.
"Yes really, Tweekers." Craig laughed. "Speaking of Eric," Stan started. Kyle laughed evilly. "We got Damien here to pull a few strings." Damien once again smiled awkwardly and nodded lightly.
"He'll be spending the rest of this year and half of the next year in a fat camp, working off all of his fatty weight." Damien said. "I even managed to convince several counselors to be especially cruel to Eric in his stay at fat camp." Damien smirked and Pip laughed.
"Magical Satanic Powers have their use right?" Pip said, smiling. "We won't even see Eric until senior year and even then he has been transferred to the new higschool their nearly done constructing across town!"
"O-O-Oh-GAH-guys. You didn't h-h-have to do this." Tweek said. Craig kissed him and smiled at the others.
"Oh we know Tweek, but we wanted to." Craig laughed.
(A bit later)
Pip and Damien strolled the streets of South Park, Pip singing a small tune. "Hey Damien?'
"Yea Pip?" Damien asked as he smiled at the younger youth, not an awkward smirk smile mind you but an actual smile, and squeezed Pip's hand.
"I thought Tweek was going to die at first." Pip said quietly.
"Oh he was going to." Damien said bluntly. Pip stopped and stared.
"How did you-"
"Know?" Damien rolled his eyes. "I'm the son of Satan Pip; I pulled more than a few strings." Pip stared at him, mouth agape.
"You didn't!" Pip said in disbelief.
"I did." Damien said, pulling Pip along the cold winter streets of South Park. Pip pulled away and giggled.
"AWWWW DAMIEN! That's so sweeeeeet and kiiiiiiind and loooooooooooooving of you!" Damien Twitched and growled.
"Oh that's it, bedroom now." Damien growled.
"If you can catch me!" Pip screamed in delight as he ran off.
Kenny sighed lightly as he and Butters left the hospital. Pip came running by soon after, Damien chasing after him shouting how he was going to "fuck Pip sevens ways to the seventh circle of hell for calling him sweet and kind, and Butters turned.
"What's wrong Kenny?"
"I don't have any friends now." Kenny said, removing his hood.
"What? Yea you do Kenny-"
"No." Kenny said cutting him off as he began to walk away. "Stan and Kyle aren't really my type of people to hang out with and Eric was the closet person to a friend I had." Butter's impulsively grabbed Kenny's hand and held tight.
"YES YOU DO!" Butter's said. "Me!" He said, flashing Kenny a big smile. Kenny smiled as well after a moment.
"You're a ditz Butter's but your cute." Kenny said.
"Er...what?" Butter's asked lightly. Kenny squeezed Butter's hand and leant in close, brushing a few blonde hairs from from Butter's face.
"I said you're cute," Kenny said lightly kissing Butters. ", and sweet." He pulled back and began to lead Butter's downtown. "Let's get you home; god knows that if you're late or something your parents will ground you and then I can't see my special friend."
Butter's blushed and nodded. "Y-Yea."
(Meanwhile. Again)
"OMG Stan look!" Wendy exclaimed, pointing at Butter's and Kenny across the street.
"Their kissing!" Bebe rolled her eyes and pulled Wendy into the car.
"Come on you yaoi loving fangirl, we gotta get home for dinner." Bebe said. She looked up to Kyle and Stan. "You two are welcome to join us."
"No thanks, going over to Kyle's" Stan said. Bebe and Wendy rolled their eyes and sighed in unison.
"Geez do you two EVER stop fucking each other?" Bebe asked, blaring the car radio. Wendy mouthed "Bye Stan" as Bebe drove off. Stan looked at Kyle and laughed.
"I guess she didn't know I was coming over for dinner tonight then." Stan said. Kyle slung his arm around Stan's neck and Stan did the same to him.
"I guess not." Kyle said. Some called screamed fag at them and Kyle said. "Damien!" He called. The guy set on fire for a few seconds and Kyle smiled.
"Holy shit he was serious?" Stan said.
"Let's get home. I'm starving." Kyle said bluntly, pulling Stan away from the now burning man.
(Meanwhile. Again. Again.)
Tweek watched as Craig played "Chinpokoman" on his D.S. He snuggled and little closer and Craig held him tighter. "So anyway I was liked "Dude WTF" and then he just shoot me again!" Clyde yelled. Token smiled.
"Calm down it's just a game Clyde." Token laughed.
"Hey Halo is not just a game-"
"No it's just a game Clyde." Token said as he stood up. "Now come on, my parents want to meet the guy I'm banging to see if he's "good enough" for me and shit." Clyde paled a bit and Token laughed. "Don't worry, they'll like you and if not I'll just throw around money until they do." Craig smiled as Token led him out the front door; he smiled nervously to Craig and Tweek.
"Bye guys."
"Bye Clyde." Craig said. Craig gently wrapped his arms around Tweek even tighter and the twitchy blonde smiled. "I love you, you annoying, spazzy, coffee addicted, ADHD blonde." Craig said. Tweek laughed.
"I-I love you to you-GAH- badass, monotone, JCPenny hating, hat wear black h-hair dude." Tweek said lightly. Craig smiled and kissed Tweek again and again. "I'm just glad are parents are okay with this."
"Well mine aren't exactly okay with it." Craig mumbled awkwardly. Neither are a few of the other parents although I don't think anyone really cares. What matters is being happy with the one's we love." Craig said kissing Tweek's forehead.
"Oh…" Tweek said. "We d-don't have to-GAH- g-go to any g-gay pride parades and s-stuff right?" Tweek asked. Craig laughed. "T-That would be too much pressure."
"I'm sure Wendy will drag us to one eventually but I don't care. Wanna know why Tweekers?"
"Cause I have you and that's all I really fucking care about." Craig said. Tweek smiled, twitching a bit.
"G-Good enough for me."