A/N: Thank you so much for all the favorites and reviews. Thank you. I would also like to apologize for how long this is has taken me to update. I hope you can understand.
He knocked on Hawkeye's apartment door and tried his best to ignore the gaze from the woman that was entering the apartment next to Riza's. Roy really wished that Riza would have moved somewhere more...clean? Yes, clean. The apartment she was currently living in was in no better shape than a cardboard box to be blunt. She had told him though that she couldn't afford better and it was the only place available at the time.
The door open and Riza stared at the man before her in shock. He of all people knew how dangerous and risky it was for them to be seen together like this, especially considering Riza's curious neighbor. She let him inside though without questioning him or rejecting him entry to her "home".
He entered her apartment and heard her locking the door behind her, something that troubled him. She was never this afraid and why now after everything was at peace. No one was trying to hunt them down anymore. He brushed the thought of and turned to face her. She was clad in a white robe that she hugged tighter around herself when he stared at her. He enjoyed making her feel nervous (or so he thought) around him.
"What are you doing here, sir?" She stood still and so did he, both unsure of what they should do or where they should walk or sit. Roy chose to take in his surroundings. He noticed the pale, slightly peeling wallpaper and a few unpacked boxes (still) in the corner. The thought that she wasn't planning to live here forever made him feel more relaxed. This apartment building seemed like the place for a brothel. He chuckled inwardly at thinking that, knowing that even Christmas's place looked nicer than this.
"I need your help," He spoke after the silence.
"Oh?" She walked away from him and into the small kitchen, turning on the kettle and muttered something to him asking if he wanted tea. He merely nodded in response, noticing her mood and demeanor.
"It seems that I've been promoted...to General," He followed her into the kitchen and sat down at the small table in the corner. He watched her back as she hovered over the stove, waiting for the water to boil.
"I'm surprised considering how little paperwork you do," Riza retorted and Roy frowned, by he knew that she was just teasing him.
"Ouch," He chuckled, "Well at least with this promotion the project in Ishbal will be able to start quicker,"
"Is that why you need my help?" She turned around to face him and Roy could have sworn he saw anger on her face, but it was gone as soon as he blinked his eyes. He must have been imagining it.
"Ah, yes actually," He opened the folder he had brought, showing her the files, some of which had a picture of a fresh young face attached, "They want me to find a replacement for Havoc and since you're the pant-wearer in the office," Riza shot him a look, "I thought you should have a say in this,"
"Basically, you can't decide by yourself?" She sighed. He chuckled and confirmed that, "Yes. I'm useless, you know?" Riza sat down across him and skimmed through the papers. All of the men were so young and Riza pitied them for throwing their lives away to become a soldier. There was nothing wrong with a soldier; it was just that she had seen things that should never be seen by anyone and she didn't want these men's' minds corrupted like that, but it was their choice to join the military in the first place.
She handed Roy the profile of the man she thought best fit after she had finished reading most of the others. The man she had picked, Richard Harris, was a Lieutenant under the command of another General in the East. He had a good reputation according to his file. The man had a specialty in firearms. She wasn't sure if the man could ever match up against Havoc, but he seemed the closest fit for the position.
"Let's hope he's not like you are at work," Roy joked as he looked at the man's profile, "You know how firearms specialist are,"
"Yes, and you should watch what you say to people who carry a gun," She smiled back at him, enjoying making jokes like this with him. It's been a while since she had smiled and it felt foreign to her almost. Either way, she could tell Roy was glad that she was happy, or seemed happy. He had that same old smirk on his face.
"I'll be sure to put in a request for him tomorrow then," Roy said, changing the atmosphere back to an all business one again, "Oh and I almost forgot to tell you about the ceremony. You know, the one where we all have to be tortured by boredom until they announce your name. All they give you is another star to pin on your shoulder. I really don't see the point in going, but I suppose we have no choice,"
"I'm quite aware, General, and if my memory serves me right, you usually tend to get drunk at those," She smiled once more at him. He scoffed at her, "Only sometimes! I'm already promoted, so why does it matter? It helps to pass the time anyways," He smiled at her, glad to see that she was doing alright. He had worried about her since her release from the hospital. He often wondered if she was plagued with thoughts of what could have happened to her on that day underneath the city. He thought about it far too often. The water had just begun to boil, but he was already out the door, bidding her a quick farewell. He didn't think he could stay in that apartment any longer without his thoughts taking on a negative tone.
Richard Harris was nervous to say the least. To work under and alongside the newly-famous Roy Mustang was a honor to him. He heard the stories and read about how Roy Mustang had defeated the man called Father and other Homunculi. He knew how highly respected the man truly was and today he was finally going to meet him. He was young, but he was determined to prove his worth to his new General and to his team. He now stood in front of the office door and he wondered how he should go about doing this. He opened it, without knocking and entered.
The General appeared to be napping on his desk while the rest of his subordinates, most of whom had just transferred back under Mustang days before. Harris couldn't believe this! The great General Mustang was sleeping and the only ones who were doing anything, were only doing paperwork. To be honest Harris had expected something a little more exciting than this, but obviously that wasn't the case.
Hawkeye looked up from her paperwork to see the soldier standing at the door, dumbfounded. She frowned thinking that maybe she had picked the wrong guy for the job. The rest of the team looked at Harris now too, noticing that Hawkeye had stopped filing papers.
"Lieutenant Richard Harris, correct?" Hawkeye asked the man, getting out of her chair to walked over to him. The man blushed slightly at the woman's gaze. He was aware that the military had some women in it, but he had expected to be working with one of them. He answered yes to her question, deciding that it would be best to be direct with her. She was already making him feel inferior and he hadn't even been in the office for five minutes.
Hawkeye sighed at the man's nervousness and showed him to his desk. Harris sat down at it, looking at the other men around him as Hawkeye proceeded with introducing them, stating their names and ranks.
"You arrived at a good time. We've got lots of paperwork that needs to be done," Hawkeye said and then put a stack of papers on his desk, telling him that he better be a better worker than some people in the office. Harris had a feeling that "some people" actually just meant one person, the General. Riza went back to her desk now and from it, eyed Harris and his paperwork, wondering whether he was going to start on it or not. He instantly blushed and picked up a pen to begin signing away. Hawkeye just rolled her eyes at him. Men were really a wonder to her, especially this new man in the office. If she wasn't mistaken, she believed that Harris had already developed a so called "crush" on her.
Notes: This is short, but I just wanted to update to let you know that I am alive. xD Sparks shall be flying in the next chapter in which I think I'm going to make the ceremony/ball happen as it seems someone is already in love with Mustang's girl and that never goes well.
I feel like this is needed (Omake):
Harris: "You just let him sleep all day?"
Hawkeye: "Pretty much."
Breda: "We take pictures when he starts to drool."
Hawkeye: "They've come in handy when we need something to blackmail him with."