Hey guys, just want to say thank you to all who have reviewed my stories, really appreciate it!

and here we have, you guessed it, another fic revolving around santana! what can i say, she's awesome.

tell me what you think!

(and i do really like the santana/quinn friendship, so that will probably be a major factor in alot of my stuff!)

Get Your Shit Together

It could have been worse. That was all Santana was thinking as she was in the elevator heading up to her room. The tall blonde next to her was tapping her nails on the railings, watching the floor numbers increase. Room assignments for nationals. Santana would have been thrilled if it was a different blonde glee clubber, but as it turned out, Mr Schu really wanted to test them on this trip. Two whole weeks in a room with the girl who sold her out to coach Sylvester at any opportunity she got. Two whole weeks with Quinn 'prom queen' Fabray. Still, at least it wasn't Berry. She could hardly imagine what two weeks of endless Barbra Streisand would do to her brain, at least Quinn had a rough grasp of good music. The elevator made that horrible 'ding' noise signalling that they had arrived at their floor. 'Unlucky for some.' Quinn mumbled, as they stepped out onto the thirteenth floor. Santana followed the blonde down the hall, both dragging their suitcases behind them, searching for room seven hundred and thirty. It was a big hotel. 'Why are all of our rooms so far apart?' Quinn asked as they walked down the hallway.

'The further away we are from Berry, the better.' Santana replied, scanning the rooms along the left side of the hall, her and Quinn being the only pair with a room above the tenth floor.

'You know, I think that's the only thing we can agree on.' Quinn actually smiled at her. 'Poor Brittany though, she got roomed with her.'

'Brit can handle her, Berry will be so confused by the end of this trip she wont know what the hell happened.' Santana informed her, returning the smile with more of an evil smirk.

'That's true. Brit is, odd, to say the least. Here we go.' Quinn stopped abruptly, turning to her right. And in big bold, gold letters was the number; seven hundred and thirty. She slipped her key into the slot and watched the red light above it switch to green, the door making a clicking noise and popping open. The blonde pushed on the door causing it to swing inwards, her suitcase and the Latina following in behind.

'So which bed do you want?' Quinn asked, setting her bags down on the floor in the middle of the room.

'Erm, I'll take the one by the balcony.' Santana said, hauling her bags onto it.

'Okay then, I'm taking a shower.' Quinn grabbed her toiletry bag and went for the en-suite.

'Don't be to long princess, we have to be downstairs in an hour.' She called after her; 'I want a shower too!' the door closed, but she knew Quinn had heard her. She sighed and slumped down on her bed, staring up to the ceiling.

She hoped it wasn't going to happen again, no she prayed it wasn't going to happen again. She had tried to pull some strings and get a room with Brit, she knew already, but not Quinn. Maybe last year was a fluke? It had been two years after all. Maybe she was over it? She pushed herself up from the bed and went out onto the balcony, the cool wind of the evening creeping up her spine. It was a night like this, she remembered, but quickly pushed the thought away. The city reminded her of it more, the police sirens and the never ending screeching of car tires no matter what time of night it was. She shivered, her long dark hair, released from it's usual tight pony tale, was flowing all around her shoulders. She closed her eyes. Letting the city wash over her. 'It's fine now, it's over.' She whispered, and then shot around upon hearing a noise behind her. 'Shit Q.' She clutched her chest.

'What?' the blonde pleaded her innocence as she threw open the top of her suitcase, the loud bang of which had caught Santana off guard. 'Who are you talking to anyway?'

'Oh, no one.' Santana said quietly, Quinn giving her a suspicious look.

'Okay, whatever.' She replied. 'and we have to be down for dinner in like twenty minutes so you might want to hurry in the shower.'

'Damn it Q, what did I say!' She shouted, grabbing her things from her bag and then jogging into the shower, not realising how long she had been lost in her thoughts for.

She let the hot water run down her body. She had finished cleaning a while ago but she needed some time to collect herself. With one hand pressed on the shower wall, she lifted her head into the water. Then came the knocking on the door. 'Santana!' Quinn knocked again, 'come on.'

'Go without me Q, I'll meet you down there.' She called back through the water, running her hand through her hair.

'Whatever,' the blonde called back, and Santana heard the door to the room slam shut. The brunette went back to the water, letting it take her over. She ran her hands down to her stomach and then traced them around her left side and over her back. Still there, she thought, haven't faded. She twisted the taps to the shower, the water trickling slower and slower until it was only a drip. Exhaling, she stepped out of the shower and came face to face with herself in the mirror. 'Calm down Lopez, get your shit together.' She closed her eyes for the third time since she had arrived, and counted to ten. It always seemed to help control her, the counting. She would count to ten and everything would be alright. Her eyes opened, suddenly realising that it was actually quite cold now that she was out of the boiling water, and wrapped one of the towels around her. There was a moment of eerie silence, the kind that only happens in horror films just after the mandatory shower scene. She had that feeling of being watched, of being tormented by something that wasn't real. A chill coursed throughout her body as she whipped her head around, she could have sworn she heard something. 'You're being ridiculous.' She assured herself, and then put on a pair of shorts and a bra to go back out into the room. All of her clothes were still in her suitcase, and rushing into the bathroom as quickly as she did, she forgot to bring clean clothes in with her.

She unlocked the door and stepped out into the seemingly deserted hotel room, shaking the towel through her hair in a poor attempt at drying it, and then she let out a small scream. 'Jesus Christ!' she shouted, heart pounding in her chest as she stared at the blonde laughing at her. 'I though you went already?' Santana finally asked.

'Well I did, but forgot my phone so..' she was still giggling, and then she saw Santana, really saw her, and her face dropped. Santana suddenly realised what she was wearing, or to be more accurate, what she wasn't wearing, and quickly pulled the towel back around her body. 'Santana?' Quinn got up from the bed looking more and more confused. 'What…?' she was lost for words, looking down at the brunette because of a slight height difference as she walked closer to her. But as she reached out a hand to the Latina she swerved out of reaching distance. She grabbed some clothes and went back into the bathroom. A few moments later she was back out, fully clothed but her hair still dripping. 'Come on Q, we're late.' She smiled, walking out of the door with the blonde on her heels.