Here is Chapter 10. Sorry I've been extremely busy but I got this done for you. Hope you like it and PLEASE REVIEW :)
Chapter 10
The inconstant stream of grunts echoed in my ears as my conscience started to awake. I could feel the soiled, cold ground beneath me. I tried opening my eyes but the darkness surrounding me made seeing nearly impossible. I raised my right hand, that was resting beside me, to my eye and tried to rub the sleep out of my eyes, hopefully waking me further. Pain shot through me as I attempted to move and my skin became extra sensitive, causing goosebumps to raise on my arms and back of my neck. I lifted my head slightly to look down at my body. I was naked and covered in blood. Memories of the previous night hit me. The attack, the caves, Dimitri and what that sick son of a bitch strigoi did to me. I felt dirty. I remembered that after all the strigoi had left the area that Dimitri and I were kept in, he promised me he still loved me and that nothing will ever change that but the reaction was instinctual.
Weak. Dirty. Shame. That was all I was. I was a whore, a filthy, dirty, weak whore. Disgust towards myself pulsed in my veins and all I wanted was to end it. I wanted the suffering gone. I felt a pair of arms go around my waist from my lying position, pulling me into a sitting position. As I moved, pain spread through my body, radiating from my lower stomach region. Almost reflex, my legs moved into the fetal position and my arms wrapped around my stomach. It felt like a thousand knifes piercing my skin over and over with no end in sight. A scream erupted from my lips, whether at the pain or the unknown person who's around are around me, I was unsure.
"Roza, it's okay. It's me." Dimitri. Almost instantaneous, my screaming stopped and I cowered closer into his chest from the front. His familiar aftershave filled my senses, calming me even further. Images of last night flash through my mind like a flickering flashbulb. I jerk myself out of Dimitri's arms, ignoring the stabbing pain, and pushed myself further from him.
I didn't deserve to be in his arms. I didn't deserve to be protected by him. And I no way in hell deserved him to love me. Not after last night. He had to basically watch me have sex with someone else. I was supposed to be only his, now I am nothing but a filthy, disgusting unwanted, unloved whore. I was no better than any of the bloodwhores I saw while I was in Baia with Dimitri.
"Roza! What are you doing? Come back over here." Dimitri's voice was nothing above a strained whisper. I knew we had to keep quite incase any strigoi where near us.
Tears rolled down my eyes in torrents. I pulled my legs up to my chest, shielding my bed and wrapped my arms around myself. I buried my head in my legs, trying to block out everything in the cave.
"I'm nothing but a whore. A filthy, disgusting, ugly, fat whore!" My voice was barely a whisper to begin with but as I realized the harsh truth in my words, my voice grew louder, so much that I was breathless from screaming. I faintly heard approaching footsteps but I felt no nausea, so I knew it was Dimitri.
I continued to sob hysterically into my knees, not looking up for the fear of seeing the disgust and hatred in Dimitri's eyes. I didn't want his pity and I didn't want him to comfort me when I knew that if we somehow escaped from here, he would leave me and no doubt tell me that I was weak and nothing but a slut. Images of Dimitri's eyes filled with revolt and shame caused my cries to come louder and more hysterical. A pair of warm arms jerked my up from my sitting position. By the time that I could register my new stance, I was faced with Dimitri's chest, covered in his black dress shirt. Before I could raise my arms to push him away, his arms crushed me to his chest.
I felt his cheek on the top of my head. I tried to jerk myself out of his grasp, wiggling and hitting his back with her hands. I even resolved to trying to kick him, anything just to get out of his arms. I didn't deserve to be hear. I am a whore. Why is he trying to make this worse by holding me? I won't be able to live when he leaves me. I thought. I would rather that he tell me right now that I am not capable of his love because I am a worthless than pretend I am and then leave me when I need him the most. but each time I struggled, his arms would tighten around me, making my escape chances slim to none.
I give up. I stop struggling when I feel the pain in my limbs become excruciating. I felt like my insides where on fire and it was slowly consuming me. I bury my face in his chest and wrap my arms around his shoulders causing my fingertips to touch his collar bone. I cry. I cry for myself, I cry for Dimitri, I cry for Lissa, Christian, Adrain, Eddie my mother, my father and every piece of shit that has ever happened in my life. Never seeing my mother as a child. Having to be brought up by theDragomir's. Losing the Dragomir's in the car crash that I also lost my life. Victor and his fucked up plan for Lissa. Losing Mason. The attack and most importantly, for what just happened. I felt as if I had finally reached my breaking point. That everything I had bottled up has exploded like a volcano; erupting and freeing itself of everything bad inside. It was my time for explosion. It had been building up for years without a release and now I had reached the point where it would become dangerous if I didn't let it out. I cried for what seemed hours, all the while Dimitri was holding me, not saying anything. When I finally calmed, I briefly allowed myself to steal a quick glance at Dimitri. I was expecting to see his hatred and disgust but all I saw was love and sadness.
"I'm not going anywhere. I promise you. I love you my Roza." His tone was soft and showed me just how much love he really felt for me. An undertone of sadness laced his voice, unrecognizable to them who did not know him. "Nothing can and will ever change the way I feel about you Roza. Nothing. I love you."
Before I could reply, a too familiar nausea builds up in my stomach. Strigoi were near. The strange feeling I get whenever strigoi were near only gave me a second warning before I heard the distant footsteps getting closer. Dimitri must of heard them aswell as he pushed my body behind his, protecting me from the oncoming visitor.
The strigoi came into view only a second later. Even with my enhanced dhampir sight, I could hardly see what he looked like however his red ringed eyes seemed to glow even in the darkness.
"Our leader wants to see you now Rosemarie." He sneered. A smirk pulled at the edges of his lips, but I could see the cold malice in his eyes.
"No. I'm not going anywhere with you. Tell your leader to fuck off." I yelled at him. I knew I probably should of stayed quite and not provoke the strigoi anymore but me being Rose Hathaway, well that was not going to happen. I physically saw Dimitri stiffen and clench his fists until his knuckles were white.
"We'll see about that." Before I could even comprehend his words, he was behind and yanking my arm away from where it rested on Dimitri's bicep. A scream built in my throat but was cut short by a hand clamping itself over my mouth. The skin of the hand was cold and large. I knew it was the strigoi before my eyes could register the scene in front of me.
I could hear Dimitri yelling, like he did when the other strigoi who used me was here. But before he could come even take one step in my direction, the strigoi was forcing me to walk in front of me. One of my arms held against my back and the other trying to pry the one on my mouth away. I tried to root myself in place, trying to somehow stop the strigoi from pushing me forward. I don't know how long we walked, it felt like hours to me but in reality it was probably two minutes.
I was taken to a new part of the cave, I could vaguely see the darkened shapes in the air of the strigoi but I could see not further detail. The nausea in my stomach was starting to become unbearable and I knew that if I didn't escape them soon, I was going to vomit. The sheer thought of having to have Dimitri hold my hair while I was bent over the toilet was enough to make me cringe. I did not want him to see me like that. Then again, he was forced to watch someone rape me.
"We meet again Rosemarie." A familiar voice broke through my thought. I turned towards the voice that sounded from behind me. The strigoi that was holding me, let me go but with a slight push so that I nearly ended un on all fours. I quickly pushed myself up into a standing position and faced the person who I guessed as their leader. A mass of blonde hair, striking in the darkness. My eye's widened with realization. I remembered this strigoi well. Too well.
He was the same strigoi who threatened Lissa during the original attack and the one that almost killed Dimitri in the rescue mission. I tried hard to block out that day, knowing how easily Dimitri could have died if I had not forced myself out of Stan's arms and tackled Nathan. Images of the attack floated through my mind; I remembered tackling Nathan and then trying to stake him but missed when I heard my name called.
I heard behind me. Dimitri, how the hell could I have forgotten him. Must of been in m rage to kill the son of a bitch strigoi who almost took him for me. In my moment of hesitation, the strigoi was no longer lying on the ground. He was standing and retreating further into the cave.
I stayed looking at his retreating figure for a moment longer, just as I was about to turn away he turned to face me.
"I will come back for you Rosemarie Hathaway, and when I do you will make sure that every single one person you care for will never forget the name Nathan."
With that, he turned and ran into the darkness of the cave. After making sure that there was no more strigoi, I rushed to Dimitri's side. His eyelids were dropping and I could see that blood was running down the side of his neck due to the strigoi bite. I helped him stand and placed my arms around him, slowly helping him walk out of the cave into the fading sun.
My mother as well as Alberta were waiting outside the cave, pacing frantically. I still remember the relief when they saw me supporting a weak Dimitri and then the scolding I got from all three of them when we got back to the Academy.
"Well, I can't say that I particularly happy that I get the see you again but this time it's for someone else." I confused by his reason for begin here. Who would send a strigoi to look for me?
"You see Rosemarie, someone wants you dead. You took something from them and they want it back and you...disposed of." His voice was anything but comforting. I somehow knew that the person who wanted me dead was the same person who has been after me these past few weeks. That scared me.
"Who?" My voice was hoarse. I tried unsuccessfully to clear my throat. "Who wants me dead?"
A slow, sick smile spread across his face."Now why would I tell you that?" He let a humorless chuckle fill the tense silence.
My patience was coming to an end. I could feel the darkness rising in me as my control started to slip.
"Tell me who the fuck wants me dead or so help me God I will make you wish for death." I hardly recognized my voice. I sounded so cold and murderous, butI couldn't bring myself to be guilty or shocked. Not while my life was on the line. I could see that my words sparked something inside of Nathan. His control was slipping as well. Before I could comprehend, he was in my face. So close that I could feel his breathe on me. I could tell from his build that he was most likely moroi before begin turned as he was a few inches taller than me.
He cupped my face hard. My jaw and cheek bone both protested against his strength and the pain that surged through me. He leaned down until he could stare directly in my eyes. The red ring around his previously blue eyes bored directly and unflinching into mine.
"Don't tell em what to do child. They doesn't wish to be known so I will not tell you who she is." He voice calm and cool with and underlying threat of malice.
Something registered in my mind from the words he said. He did tell me who the person that wanted me dead was, well kind of. At least I can narrow it down to about 3 billion instead of 6. The person who wanted be dead was female; but who wanted me dead. Questions still burned in my mind from the slight mistake that Nathan had made.
I tuned back into the conversation that was going on around me, hoping to hear any more clues.
" - I don't care what you do what you have to do, just make it happen. And take dear Rosemaries back to her lover. I have a felling they will need all the time they can get to be together, because it won't be long before she is dead." A shiver ran through my body as I realized the very real possibility that I could never see Dimitri again.
A strigoi from somewhere behind me, again forced my arms around my back and pushed my from the cave. The last image I saw before darkness from the lack of light int he cave was the smirking face of Nathan.
Anger and rage burned within me and I knew that I had to get of this cave with Dimitri. After our very long or short trip , however you look at it, back to Dimitri I still had no ideas on how we were supposed to escape. When I rounded the corner, Dimitri was pacing the small area.
"Roza." He yelled as soon as he saw me. He came running over to me, yanking me out of the strigoi's arms and pulling me to his strong body. I could feel the nausea that the strigoi cause me, slowly leaving.
"Are you okay? Did they do anything to you?" His pulled away from the hug but still kept me in his arms. I could feel his eyes rake over my still naked body and I couldn't help but shiver at how he made me feel.
"No I fine Dimitri. They didn't do anything. But we have to get out of here." I tried to keep my voice quite so that if any strigoi near wouldn't hear of the plans that we would have made. Just as I finished speaking he pulled me into his arms and covered his face in my hair that was down. I heard him breathe in my smell just as I was doing from where my head rested in the crook of his neck and shoulder.
"Oh Thank god. When they took you away, I was so scared Roza. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know if the hurt you or where going to kill you. I was so scared." He whispered to me. I have only seen Dimitri like this a couple of times. And every time that I experienced it, I felt as if I could cry along with him. His silent tears fell onto my bare back and my hold on him tightened as did his around me.
"Im fine now Dimitri. They didn't hurt me but we do need to get out of here." I whispered into his ear whilst stroking the hair with one of my hands while the other moved up and down his spine.
"The guardians are coming Roza. They will be here at dawn." He shock of hearing him say that the guardians were coming, let alone him knowing made me pull out of his grasp.
"What? The guardians? Dawn?" My mind still had trouble comprehending this. How the fuck would Dimitri know?
"Yes Roza. The guardians are coming at dawn. While you were...gone, I must of fallen asleep because Adrain visited my dreams and told me." Oh. That's how. I placed myself back in his arms before I spoke.
"Thank god cause I had no clue on how to get out of here." I felt his chuckle rumble through his chest.
A couple of minutes later, we placed our selves on the floor and Dimitri gave me his black shirt so I could cover myself. I was glad because in no way did I want others to see me like this. Dimitri was bad enough. The shame and disgust from earlier still clouded my mind but the way Dimitri caressed my skin and whispered sweet nothings in my ear, made me feel slightly better.
I don't know how long we sat like that, me in Dimitri's lap with our arms around each other. It could have been days for all I know. Only the sound of our breathing and the occasional words made me feel better but the shame was to hard to ignore. I couldn't even begin to imagine what Dimitri was going through watching be raped. What he must think of me now? I needed to tell someone. I needed to let it out. The shame and disgust was becoming to much.
"Yes, my love?"
"I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough. I'm sorry that I let the strigoi rape me. I'm so sorry." I tried to hid my tears that where building in my eyes.
"Roza, look at me." I couldn't. I continued to bury my face in my chest."Look at me Rose." his voice was stronger this time.
"Roza, look at me." I couldn't ignore his this time. I slowly raised my head to look at him. The love in his eyes shocked me, like they did every time. "None of this is your fault Roza. Believe me. I hated having to watch you go trough that and I couldn't do anything. If anything, I'm sorry. I should've protected you but I couldn't. Absolutely none of this was your fault. I love you and nothing will ever change that." I felt as if something was lifted of my shoulders. He still loved me even if I had been raped. "I love you. Always have and always will."
His eyes bored into mine, daring me to prove him wrong. I knew that he loved me. I knew this and why was I still telling myself that he didn't. It wasn't my fault that the strigoi did this to me. It was the strigoi's fault, no one else's. and I did the only thing I could.
I kissed him.
He kissed me back with the same amount of passion. He continued like this for what seemed forever. I was just about to deeper the kiss when a blood-curling scream sounded int he distance.
Good? Bad? Please tell me!
Tara xx