Thank you for still keeping up with my stories after so many years. I would like to leave this message to let you know how grateful I am to all of you. It really brings back memories here, and just to let you know I still have my handwritten stories with me, especially Freezing Fire and Four Leaf Clover. All raw and unedited.

Stories I based off some novels I read would surely go a different path now that I have my own stories to tell. TBH I felt guilty, I really appreciate all your reviews.

I have re-read all my stories and cannot help but cringe at my writing style before. like-WTF! haha

(Sorry my 18 year old self)

I never had the time to back and write after 2013 and life just got more and more difficult for me. REALLY. I now have a 2 year old kid whom I named Ryan (I wanted to name him Kenji soo bad) but my in-laws and my own mother would not let me. So yes, I am still a hardcore Kenshin fan and I'm also proud to say I already have the RK merchs I've coveted from 10 years ago.

I know this sounds silly but is a very important part of my life. It's like my time capsule. It may sound silly but I feel I can get in touch with my younger self here more than anything else after all those years.

I posted this update to all of my stories to let you know I'll do my best to publish at least one chapter of those 2 stories within this week. Besides, all I need to do was to type them and have them copy-read. I know this is too much to ask but I need all your help. Please help me get my enthusiasm back to writing again.

Again, Happy Valentines and I guess I'll see you again this week?
