I do not own the Teen Titans. If I did, it would never have been cancelled (: and Raven might just go 3D. Haha.

AN: This is for Raven fans. Evil Raven's fans rather. xD hehe. First few chapters takes place in Azarath, and transitions between Earth too. xD

Chapter One: Juvenile Delinquents

Being shoved into a room resembling a prison cell was one thing. Being shoved and being forced into taking daily therapy lessons was another thing.

Because being Raven, she doesn't like to share about her so-called feelings at all. Not one bit.

And the worse part?

The Home's therapist is currently her mother's "very close friend". Which made no difference since Raven already knew they both were going out together.

And that, made her dread therapy sessions very, very much.

And how did she end up here? In a Home? A place meant for troubled teen girls? Urgh. All she did was to blow up the refrigerator at home. Which started a fire that burned the kitchen but ONLY the kitchen. Ok, maybe serious stuff, but not as serious up till the point where she kills people and commit the crimes that the girls in the Home do. So tentatively speaking, she is currently the most harmless girl in the Home. Raven didn't see a point in calling the place "Home". Because it did NOT feel like a home, not in the slightest sense. Therefore the name, "Prison". The therapist, Terry Jean, shall be "Warden". Raven couldn't help smiling at her list of nicknames for the people at the Prison. Maybe there are a few things to do to kill time. Well, one year and a half to be precise.

She knew why the people of Azarath were so eager to keep her in here. She knew why they would find every single opportune moment to catch her doing something "suspicious", to throw her back here again. Because this was her second time living in the Prison. The first time occurred last year. The people were scared of her. They would never rest knowing that they were 'vulnerable' to her. They wanted her to be kept in a place where she wouldn't affect anybody at all. They wanted their sense of security back, ever since after Azar's death. As long as Raven was allowed to 'roam free', the Azarathians would fear her constantly.

'They view me as a hazard, an unbearable sight. They don't trust me, they suspect every step I take. And I hate it. A lot.' Raven kept the train of thoughts flowing. 'If I wasn't born this way, it would've been better. A hundred times better. Except for the fact I wouldn't exist. And that's another good thing.'

She levitated on her bed, crosslegged.

'Azarath Metrion Zinthos...'

'Their future is futile, no matter what they do to keep you away from them.'

'You. Get out of my head. NOW!'

'You can't make me do that anyway. Dearest daughter, it has been quite a while since our last conversation. How's it going?' The irksome tone of her father was very well infuriating.

'I'm sure you know the answers to your questions. So stop asking me. And stop trying to make use of the situation would you? I'm tired of talking. Leave me alone. I'm as exhausted as it is, after all the court orders and all that crap.'

'They hate you. Why bother suffering? Might as well retaliate.'

'And get into deeper trouble? No thanks. I'm already neck-deep in it. For your information, I have daily therapy sessions from now on. So don't screw up my life more than you've already had.'

'I bet you even had thoughts on killing the social worker. What's his name again? Terry something?'

'Terry Jean. And in case you don't know, he's going out with Arella. But that's none of your business.'

'It IS none of my business, like you said. He's the guy who managed to catch you? The only one who defeated you when you tried to run? Wonderful.'

'Stop rubbing it into my face. I won't deny that I hate everything here. But the only way to survive is to take it lying low. So shut up, and go do your whatever world conquest. I'm sure you're very busy.'

'Suit yourself. I'll be back soon.'

With that, Trigon's voice disappeared. His presence, however, still lingered in Raven's mind. Sighing, Raven stopped meditating.

She needed a break.

Next day.

"You know, Mum, I really don't need therapy sessions."

"It's not my decision, Raven, it's the courts', and Terry's."

"Well, I don't need it! I mean what's the point? Nothing's going to change."

"Have faith, dear." Arella smiled reassuringly at Raven. "Things will get better."

'You don't know. And if only things are like what you said, Mum.'

Her visiting time ended. And now, it's time for therapy session. Hooray. Terry entered the cell.

"Hey Raven. How's your day?"

"As awesome as being hauled to court in a matter of seconds and having to go for therapy sessions. Why?"

"Oh, come on, cut the sarcasm. I know things have been hard for you lately. And don't think that you don't need any help. Because that temper of yours isn't getting any better."

"Why you-"

"Calm down. You know it very well yourself that all these happened because of your temper. So here's a question for you. Why do you lose your temper so easily? Have you ever tried to control it, or pacify it?"

"Yeah, I counted to ten, and I bashed up that twit. That was last year."

"Hah. Is that really true?"

"What do I get if I were to lie? I don't get you."

"Alright. But Raven. You know it yourself, everyone knows it. The demonic presence within you - does it have anything to do when you're angry?"

Raven sighed. He finally got to his point.

"When someone is angry, his or her dark side is bound to be seen. And I'm sure that answers your question. Yes, it controls my anger, my rage, and I know you're wondering right now about how I was being taught to control by Azar and I'm telling you something. My demon within has taken control of my rage ever since she passed away. So how about we stop talking about this, since there's no solution?"

"That's a really long answer. But back to the point. Do you feel your father's presence or influence when you're angry?"

"Isn't that too obvious to ask?"

"Alright, I get it."

"Good, shows that not everyone here is stupid."

"What do you mean, everyone here is stupid?"

"You don't understand, do you? Open up your eyes and observe more. Observe the exaggeration I have to face when I'm not imprisoned here. Observe how free and safe the people feel right now when I'm in here. The fear they display whenever they see me. They're stupid in a sense that they assume everything about me. The rumours going on about me, and whatnot. I get so tired whenever those stupid punks come up to me to taunt at me, they think I don't dare to hurt them. But I do, and I won't even need my demon side to help me with that. And then people like YOU, will start saying that I have no control over my temper. But whose fault is it really, in the first place?"

"Well, Raven, I think that's the answer I'm looking for all the while." Terry smiled at her. "And now that you've shown them you dare to hurt them, none of the teenagers will dare to do the same thing to you again. So why do you still harm the people who didn't do anything at all? I'm sure that's not yourself. That's your demon, right?"


'Shit. Why am I telling him so many things?'

"Well alright, I guess this sums up pretty much for today. Try questioning yourself about stuff. It'll keep you up. See you tomorrow."

Raven simply glared at him.

AN: Well, I guess this sums up chapter 1! :D I know it's kinda short, sorry, but later chapters will get better, I promise. And I know, things are quite boring now, isn't it? Which is why in the next chapter, you'll get to see some action. Here's a spoiler: Raven escapes from the "Prison".

Alright, have a nice time browsing. In the meantime, review please! Or add anything to your favourites. They mean alot to me. (: